Taste From Heaven (vegetarian restaurant) Chiang Mai - great food but a little pricy

in #tasteem6 years ago

I am not a vegetarian or a vegan. I will try almost anything - I have even eaten bugs that were for sale just to see what it is all about... once. But there is one thing that is almost always on the menu at vegan places that I really love and that is why I go to them.


I am referring to hummus, and like a lot of my vegan and vegetarian (or not) friends, I can't get enough of it. Back when i was in Krabi, this delight was particularly difficult to come by and I really can't understand why. It is awesome and there are a bunch of ways to make it.


The only problem I had was that the portion size was a bit small for 140 Baht (nearly $5) because i wanted around twice as much of it (see my previous paragraph to understand why that might be unreasonable of me.) The staff in this place were extremely friendly and had a very high degree of English-speaking capability. This place certainly isn't a bargain but to be fair I have no idea how expensive it is to make the things they had on their menu.


They had all sorts of infused with herbs super drinks on offer, but I am very skeptical of any of that stuff having any real effect on a human body. Mostly I just think it is a clever way to increase the price of something by 100% with some hocus-pocus nonsense (no offense if you believe in it.)

I will likely return to eat at this place one more time because they had something on the menu that I am very curious about but did not order because I was there strictly for the hummus.


A vegan cheeseburger. I dunno how that can possibly be good but like I said, I'll try anything that doesn't involve needles just to experience something new.

Once again, this is in a heavily tourist area of the city, so the inflated prices are understandable as I am quite certain their rent is sky-high. However, if you are a veggo, or even if you aren't, I found this place to be very worth visiting and you can find their location here


Hummus is very good for you and all it is basically mashed up chick peas some lemon juice and olive oil. I have it often as it helps with cholesterol. I have eaten in a vegan restaurant once by error as I had no idea and didn't want to look ignorant by getting up and leaving. It wasn't that bad once I got over the disappointment.

I always wanted to make hummus at home because its so easy to do, but our little kitchen machine is kind of crap...
But I love hummus and will try to prepare it with different ingredients.

Posted using Partiko Android

i once tried to make hummus and soaked the chickpeas too long and they fermented... it was pretty gross.

Hey, buddy. I love hummus, and I see from your experience that all restaurants serve very little, you always want to eat more. They have left in the comments a kind of recipe to do it, I'll try, @gooddream.

I think the portions are small because garbanzo beans (they are called something else as well even though it is the same product) are not really used in any Thai dishes so they are therefore relatively expensive here.

Congratulations for your decision
You are helping the make the world better

Posted using Partiko Android

if hummus makes the world better. i'm for it!

that's a nice one to try

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