
wow sir bengy two hours is too long I would think for almost anyone but I guess ya'll get used to it. Thanks so much for having patience with my questions!

No problem! Two hours is still a very long time to be playing, there was much grumbling from the orchestra for that concert...

sir bengy! yes two hours is nuts I would think, even if you are used to sitting. well they better listen to you guys, I'm sure they don't want to lose anyone.
Where do you go next or where is your next concert?

On the way to Ireland now! Different group, different instrument, different role... everything different!

oh my! well sir bengy you wrote 4 days ago so you are most likely back by now, how was it and what did you play?

I did manage to get back last night! Ireland is beautiful, if a little bit wet and cold! All went well, no casualties... we had a whole bunch of wind instrument concerti, but also one violin concerto for myself to play, music from the court of Dresden (I forget the actual theme and how it related to Ireland... I'm only a musician, not the programmer!)

sir bengy! this is so interesting to be able to get a glimpse into the life of a professional musician like this..did you ever do a solo and make a mistake?
That sounds like a nightmare scenario but it has to have happened to some people occasionally right?

Like in any field there is a range of what you might consider mistakes! From the tiny, barely noticeable to the enormous train wrecks to everything in between! Hopefully, as professional musicians, we tend towards the former... But everything is possible, it also depends on how far you push your envelope of safety. Some people stay very safe, but tend to have less excitement in their playing. This is an trap that I think classical music has fallen into. In the effort to minimise risk, we have taken the safer and less exciting route, and because of that I think we have lost our audience. You only need to think of the words that people in general use to describe our music... Engaging, exciting, thrilling are not words that appear often now, however they used to...

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