EN-IND [Yummy Traveler #1] Feels Homey At 2ndhome Coffee & Kitchen

in #tasteem6 years ago (edited)



South Jakarta is one of the busiest cities in the Indonesian capital inhabited by residents from other regions and countries. Various food businesses also focus their services on the design of a place that provides an atmosphere that feels like home to the visitors.

Me and most of the other residents here travel more often to meet clients, or sit in comfortable food places to work. For me, a place to eat feels like an office. Work everywhere and at any time. But, I never complained and thought that was a challenge that I had to face every day.

This time in the Food Mood edition, I chose a place to eat called 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen located in Kemang, South Jakarta. Come on, let's see my own guide! Check it out, Steemian!

Features of Pastel Colors

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Color elements are the most important things that affect the value of a vision, which then affects a person's feelings. 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen pay close attention to the color elements in the application of interior design so that it can bring a comfortable feeling for visitors like at home.

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The colors in design 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen are pastel colors that seem soft and bright.

Pastel colors that dominate the room in 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen namely:

  • Blue Bell
  • Island Paradise
  • Celery Green
  • Yellow Iris
  • Primrose Pink
  • Hazelnut
  • Toast
  • Otter

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Pastel Color Brings Joyful and Comfortable Feelings

Decorations that involve pastel colors in a room will give a pleasant, cheerful impression. Pastel colors that look soft and bright will produce a warm feeling so that the person in the room feels comfortable like being at home.

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Color elements that are the mainstay for 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen so that their customers feel comfortable like being at home.

2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen has a motto / tagline: The convenience of enjoying a glass of coffee like at home.

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Incidentally when visiting 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen I wear pastel-colored clothes too. Looks suitable, right? I'm getting excited today.

Seating Concept

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1st Floor

2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen offers several parts for seating, like home style. There is a seat with a sofa type, like being in a family room. Pastel-colored sofas make the atmosphere cheerful and warm.


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There is a seat in the corner of the room, in the front corner of the window. The corner of the seat near the window is near the entrance. This seat is suitable for visitors who like to enjoy the outside view, and pay attention to people who enter and exit the room. Sometimes this activity is really fun for some people, especially for an author who needs a lot of characters to meditate into the characters in their story. Are you the type who likes to sit in a corner near the window?


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There is also room to sit in cross-legged ways. In the culture of Indonesian society, it is called Lesehan. Seats like this also in Japanese culture are called Seiza


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You can also choose a seat like being in a family dining room with lots of chairs and tables. You can feel the togetherness of a table style like this.


If you want to be alone on the balcony, 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen also offers space on the balcony, like you are on the balcony of your own house, staring at the street and thinking of some important plans for your life.

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The Balcony

Balcony in 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen has a green plant that refreshes the view, and also serves to absorb cigarette smoke if there are visitors who smoke on the balcony. Green plants will keep the air around the balcony clean and fresh.

Prayer Space is Available

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Prayer Room in the right position

Like houses, 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen provides prayer rooms so that Muslim visitors can worship without leaving the cafe.


Photographs of the room ** 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen ** looks deserted because I arrived at the beginning of this place so I can take photos more freely. If I arrive in the afternoon until evening, this place is quite crowded so it will be difficult for me to photograph the room decoration.

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Available menu

The menus provided by 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen are typical Indonesian menus with spicy characters. For those of you who don't like spicy, don't forget to remind the waiter not to provide you with a spicy menu.

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Signature Dish:

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  1. Ikan Asin Sambal Ijo Rice Bowl (Dried Salted Fish with Green Chili Sauce and served with warm rice)
  2. Ayam Sambal Julid (Chicken with very spicy chili seasoning)
  3. 2ndhome Fried Platter (Various kinds of snacks served in fried ways)
  4. Donat Kentang Salju (Donuts made from potatoes sprinkled with sugar flour)
  5. Pisang Gapit (Indonesian Typical Fried Banana)
  6. Roti Tiga Lapis (Layered Bread)


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The maincourse menu is available types of rice, noodles. soup, pasta and fried rice.

For snacks, there are Indonesian snacks that are delicious to enjoy with a cup of coffee. There is cassava sprinkled with cheese, tofu with salt pepper spices, and fried bananas.

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Choice of drinks at 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen is quite diverse, ranging from refreshing and healthy juices, coffee and tea.

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My choice

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Shrimp seasoned with Balinese sauce, served with warm rice is a delicious choice that I recommend for those of you who want to eat rice.

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Refreshing spices such as lemongrass, dominate this menu. Spicy flavor adds a sense of taste when I enjoy it. For those of you who have stomach problems, you should hope to warn the cafe not to add chili to this menu.

The combination of spices and sauces in the style of the Balinese region, will make you eat voraciously.


How about the portions? You do not need to worry about Bali Sauce Shrimp does not make you full. Balinese Sauce Shrimp has a portion like in your own home, and the price is reasonable.


After eating spicy food, it will feel good to drink something refreshing. That is why I choose Fruit and Vegetable Juice. I chose a combination of apple, dragon fruit and carrot. It's fresh and healthy.


You can also choose the composition of fruit and vegetables for your healthy juice. According to your taste and refreshing. But if you are confused, there is no harm in ordering juice which ingredients have been formulated by the team ** 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen **

Summary For The Guide:

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Come to 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen means you come to the second home that will make you feel homey. You can choose a spot that matches your personality or who you visit.

Visitors will be pampered with a home-style menu from the Indonesian people or a home-style menu of Western people, combined with the atmosphere of a warm room.

2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen: Enjoy dishes like when you are at home.

Talk about Taste, talk to Tasteem!

Keep Tasteem On!



IND: Terasa Nyaman Seperti Rumah Sendiri Ketika Berada di 2ndhome Coffee & Kitchen

Pembuka Panduan

Jakarta selatan menjadi salah satu kota tersibuk dari Ibukota Indonesia yang dihuni warga dari daerah dan negara lain. Berbagai bisnis makanan pun memusatkan pelayanan mereka pada desain tempat yang memberikan suasana terasa seperti rumah bagi para pengunjung mereka.

Saya dan kebanyakan warga lainnya di sini lebih sering bepergian untuk bertemu dengan klien, atau duduk di tempat makanan yang nyaman untuk bekerja. Bagi saya, tempat untuk makan pun terasa menjadi kantor. Kerjaan di mana-mana dan kapan pun. Tapi, saya tidak pernah mengeluh dan menganggap hal tersebut adalah tantangan yang harus saya hadapi setiap harinya.

Postingan kali ini dalam edisi Food Mood, saya memilih tempat makan bernama 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen yang terletak di daerah Kemang, Jakarta Selatan. Yuk, kita lihat ulasan panduan saya kali ini! Check it out, Steemian!

Keistimewaan Warna Pastel pada Desain Ruangan

Elemen warna merupakan hal terpenting yang mempengaruhi nilai dari sebuah penglihatan, yang kemudian mempengaruhi perasaan seseorang. 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen sangat memperhatikan elemen warna pada pengaplikasin desain interior agar mampu memunculkan perasaan nyaman bagi pengunjung seperti di rumah sendiri.

Warna-warna yang ditegaskan dalam desian 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen yaitu warna-warna pastel yang terkesan lembut dan cerah.

Warna-warna pastel yang mendominasi ruangan di 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen yaitu:

  • Blue Bell
  • Island Paradise
  • Celery Green
  • Yellow Iris
  • Primrose Pink
  • Hazelnut
  • Toast
  • Otter

Warna Pastel Membawa Perasaan Ceria dan Nyaman

Dekorasi yang melibatkan warna-warna pastel dalam sebuah ruangan akan memberikan kesan ceria nyaman. Warna-warna pastel yang terlihat lembut dan cerah akan menghasilkan perasaan hangat sehingga orang yang berada di ruangan tersebut merasa nyaman seperti sedang berada di rumah.

Elemen warna yang menjadi andalan bagi 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen agar kustemer mereka merasa nyaman seperti sedang berada di rumah sendiri.

2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen memiliki motto/tagline: Kenyamanan menikmati segelas kopi seperti di rumah sendiri.

Kebetulan ketika berkunjung ke 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen saya memakai pakaian berwarna pastel juga. Terlihat cocok, kan? Saya semakin bersemangat hari ini.

Konsep Tempat Duduk

2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen menawarkan beberapa bagian untuk tempat duduk, seperti ala rumahan. Ada tempat duduk dengan jenis sofa, seperti sedang berada di ruang keluarga. Sofa-sofa berwarna pastel membuat suasana ceria dan hangat.

Ada tempat duduk di sudut ruangan, di sudut depan jendela. Sudut tempat duduk di dekat jendela ini berada di dekat pintu masuk. Tempat duduk ini cocok untuk pengunjung yang suka menikmati pemandangan luar, dan memperhatikan orang-orang yang masuk-keluar ruangan. Kadang memang kegiatan ini sungguh menyenangkan bagi beberapa orang, terkhusus bagi seorang pengarang yang membutuhkan banyak karakter untuk dimitasi ke dalam karakter di cerita mereka. Apakah Anda termasuk tipe yang suka duduk di sudut dekat jendela?

Ada pula ruang untuk duduk dengan cara bersila. Dalam budaya masyarakat Indonesia, disebut Lesehan. Tempat duduk seperti ini juga dalam budaya Jepang disebut Seiza

Anda juga bisa memilih tempat duduk seperti sedang berada di ruang makan keluarga dengan banyak jajaran kursi dan meja. Anda bisa merasakan kebersamaan dengan gaya meja seperti ini.

Bila Anda ingin sendirian di balkon, 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen juga menawarkan space di balkon, seperti Anda sedang berada di balkon rumah sendiri, menatapi jalanan dan memikirkan beberapa rencana penting untuk hidup Anda.

Balkon di 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen memiliki tanaman hijau yang menyegarkan pandangan, dan berfungsi juga untuk menyerap asap rokok bila ada pengunjung yang merokok di balkon. Tanaman hijau akan menjaga udara di sekitar balkon tetap bersih dan segar.

Tersedia Ruang Shalat

Seperti halnya rumah, 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen menyediakan ruangan ibadah shalalat sehingga para pengunjung yang beragama Islam bisa beribadah tanpa harus meninggalkan kafe.


Foto-foto ruangan 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen terlihat sepi pengunjung karena saya datang di awal tempat ini buka agar saya bisa mengambil foto lebih leluasa. Kalau saya datang siang hingga sore, tempat ini cukup ramai sehingga akan menyulitkan saya untuk memfoto dekorasi ruangan.

Menu yang tersedia

Menu-menu yang disediakan oleh 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen adalah menu lokal khas Indonesia yang berkarakter pedas. Bagi Anda yang tidak menyukai pedas, jangan lupa untuk mengingatkan pelayan agar tidak menyediakan menu pedas bagi Anda.

Signature Dish:

  1. Ikan Asin Sambal Ijo Rice Bowl (Dried Salted Fish With Green Chili Sauce dan disajikan dengan nasi hangat)

  2. Ayam Sambal Julid

  3. 2ndhome Fried Platter

  4. Donat Kentang Salju

  5. Pisang Gapit

  6. Roti Tiga Tumpuk

Menu utamanya tersedia jenis nasi, mie. sup, pasta, dan nasi goreng.

Untuk camilan, tersedia camilan khas Indonesia yang enak untuk dinikmati dengan secangkir kopi. Ada ubi kayu yang ditaburi keju, tahu dengan bumbu cabai garam, dan pisang goreng.

Untuk Minuman

Pilihan minuman di 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen cukup beragam, mulai dari jus yang menyegarkan dan menyehatkan, ada kopi dan teh.

Pilihan Saya

Udang yang dibumbui saus Bali, disajikan dengan nasi hangat menjadi pilihan nikmat yang saya rekomendasikan bagi Anda yang ingin memakan nasi.

Rempah-rempah seperti serai yang menyegarkan, mendominasi menu ini. Rasa pedas menambah sensasi rasa saat saya menikmatinya. Bagi Anda yang memiliki masalah lambung, sebaiknya harap memberi peringatan kepada pihak kafe ini agar tidak menambahkan cabai pada menu ini.

Perpaduan rempah-rempah dan saus ala daerah Bali, akan membuat Anda lahap menyantap makanan ini.

Bagaimana dengan porsinya? Anda tidak perlu khawatir Udang Saus Bali tidak membuat Anda kenyang. Udang Saus Bali memiliki porsi seperti di rumah Anda sendiri, dan harganya masuk akal.

Setelah menyantap makanan pedas, akan terasa nikmat bila meminum sesuatu yang menyegarkan. Itulah sebabnya saya memilih Jus Campuran Buah dan sayuran. Saya memilih kombinasi apel, buah naga, dan wortel. Sungguh segar dan menyehatkan.

Anda juga bisa memilih komposisi buah dan sayuran untuk jus sehat Anda. Sesuai dengan selera Anda dan menyegarkan. Namun bila Anda bingung, tidak ada salahnya memesan jus yang bahan-bahannya telah diracik oleh tim 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen

Ringkasan Panduan:

Datang ke 2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen berarti Anda datang ke rumah kedua yang akan membuat anda feels homey. Anda bisa memilih spot yang cocok dengan kepribadian Anda atau dengan siapa Anda berkunjung.

Pengunjung akan dimanjakan dengan menu ala rumahan dari masyarakat Indonesia ataupun menu ala rumahan masyarakat Barat, dengan dipadukan dengan suasana ruangan yang hangat.

2ndhome Coffee and Kitchen: Nikmati sajian seperti saat Anda berada di rumah sendiri.

Bicara tentang Rasa, bicaralah bersama Tasteem!

Keep Tasteem On!

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Restaurant Information

2ndhome Coffee & Kitchen
Jl. Kemang Raya No.49 D, RT.6/RW.2, Bangka, Mampang Prpt., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12730, Indonesia

EN-IND [Yummy Traveler #1] Feels Homey At 2ndhome Coffee & Kitchen
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Your weekly choice

What is Tasteem?



Hi @anggreklestari,
Firstly, thank you for your time and your post joining Tasteem's contest.
Your post is curated as a good post to receive a higher upvote from Tasteem.
Your review post was written in details with nice format and structure. There are lots of useful information. Moreover, you still made your post look more creative by adding gif format. Really impressive.
We are looking forward to seeing more posts from you in the future.
Thank you and best regards,

{Tasteem - Global Supportr} - Lenancie

I always write according to my abilities, and it feels like something will be lacking if I don't write in a complete format like this. because I'm lucky to get lots of photos about the place and food.

Thank you for appreciating my post, @lenancie


This is an excellent, well-done, informative post, Anggrek!

It should be used as an example of what a good post should attempt to be: IMPRESSIVE!

Yeah, I'm trying to write as best I can so that I can get a better curation.

Thank you for appreciating my post @willymac

you do a detailed job with the photographs and your words illustrate them nicely. You make your posts look very professional.

Nice review of the restaurant. It looks very relaxing with the pastel colors. Your choice of meal looks great but I am curious about the Dried Salted Fish with Green Chili Sauce. I hardly ever see salted fish on a menu - so I am curious.

Dried Salted Fish with Green Chili Sauce is Indonesian menu with the unique taste and smell, but overall, good taste.

Thank you for appreciating my post, @momogrow

Good place, Great food and excellent review 👍

Yeah, we did it @patinya103 always to write good review. Keep it up!

love the restaurant ...very beautiful colors and atmosphere...love your style and presentation my friend anggreklestari.

Yeeep, I love the colors of room. Pastels colors everywhere.

Thank you for appreciating my post @ykdesign

Salam kenal

Posted using Partiko Android

Salam kenal @zein0401

Salam sukses untukmu

I upvoted your post.

Mabuhay, keep steeming.

Posted using https://Steeming.com condenser site.

Sedap pastinya karena pedasnya favorit

tanpa menyebutkan nominal? hehe

Nominal sudah ada lho di buku menunya. Hayo pasti gak lihat

oh iya di gambar menu itu ding..
maklum pakai hape inj baru keliatan.

btw itu potongan video yang dibuat gif (video udang), boleh juga ditiru. hiks

enak ni kayaknya

Posted using Partiko Android

Enak mantep, apalagi bagi yang suka pedes!

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