Tarot Tuesday - Moon in Scorpio Reading

in #tarottuesday6 years ago


I have decided to honor the cycles of the moon with this reading, but there are a few components to this moon that I would like to discuss before we dig into this general reading.

A. The Moon rules the emotional realm
B. It is in the sign of Scorpio
C. It is in its Waning Gibbous phase

The Emotional Realm
The Moon represents the internal, hidden, or subconscious self. The Moons placement reveals how we may be predisposed to react to our environment. It can trigger innate dispositions and responses that may be remnant of past lives. When we become aware of the moon, we can prepare for how we may react to change, what will makes us feel secure, and what will make us feel comfortable

Scorpio Energy
This moon craves depth and is alienated by mediocrity. This moon brings a deeper psychic connection, so you may feel uncomfortable socializing outside of your circle (Personally, I don't like to spend this moon time with anyone other than my SO). If you're way out of whack, this moon tends to makes things worse before they get better. However, if you're willing to put in the work, this energy is transformative.

Shadow side work
Exploring rabbit holes
Revealing secrets to a trusted friend
Finding the Healer within

Waning Gibbous Phase
During the waning phases of the moon, it is time for us to start evaluating our patterns and habits. We must figure out if we have outdated patterns that will hold us back from starting something we are meant to do.

The Questions
Card One- What is holding us back from seeing the truth?
Card Two- Where within our lives should we dive deeper?
Card Three- How do we need to heal?



What is holding us back from seeing the truth?

The Star

As a whole, we must accept that our darkest hour serves a purpose for ourselves and the collective. We should always hope, but not let ourselves become disillusioned by pseudo-positive thinking. It is more important at this time to be pragmatic versus idealistic. We should be looked at both sides of all issues to avoid disappointment. Don't miss your big shot because you couldn't take off your rose colored glasses

Where within our lives should we dive deeper?

The Universe

This card represents an ending. However, I believe that "ending" is synonymous with "beginning". Let us define the boundaries of ourselves and push them further.
1. Find time to meditate or reflect on when one moment ends and another begins. Search for that space in between!
2. Challenge yourselves as a creator by exploring your ability to be an agent change.
3. If you have been considering looking into sacred geometry and this resonates with you, Now is the time! Specifically, I urge you to draw the Seed of Life and focus on what the vesica piscis means in terms of creation.

How should we begin healing ourselves?

5 of Disks (Worry)

We need to stop fixating on the concept of having and not having. Do not let the material realm squander your spirit. Just for tonight, let go of your concerns about resources and ponder on what The Star and The Universe have to tell us.

Questions to Consider

Do you think that you are in an unhealthy relationship with money/resources that restricts you from exploring your depths or hinders your connection with others?
Do you have the tendency to banish anything label anything as "negative", "taboo", or "bad"?

Now is the time to address your assumptions & accept all the pieces of this crazy thing we call LIFE

Final Thoughts

Thank you all who took the time to read this and I hope that it may have been useful to you in some way or another. I'm still new to this whole steemit thing, so let me know what you think and feel free to check out my introduction post & previous post Overcoming the Fear to Create Content and the Nature of Communication Discussed Using Archetyes


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