Cards are Up for Tarot Tuesday! "Pick A Card" and have some fun by Sunscape

in #tarottuesday5 years ago

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Sunscapes Card Reading

Pick a card from the following to receive
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

Gilded Tarot & Energy Oracle
Claryifying: Mirror Cards

I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1 - No. 20 Judgement &
No. 22 Yin/Yang

A winged messenger in the heavens heralds liberation with a blazing trumpet and brings resurrection to the men and women rising toward it. The card signifies Judgement Day and represents karma being played out. It is known as the karmic card: "as you sow, so shall your reap." The results of the seeds you have previously planted, and your past efforts, are now being rewarded.

As a card depicting resurrection, it indicates renewal and revival, dormant matters coming back to life. With this card, it is possible to make a new start, but it is important to take stock before positively moving forward again. Judgment is the second to last major arcana card in the deck, next to The World card, which finishes a cycle in your life. This to me says that once you are done balancing out all your past karma or what I like to call unfinished business, you will be ready to begin a new cycle and the world will be at your fingertips.

The Yin/Yang card comes to help you realize that yes, this is a time to balance your energies. That means taking a hard look at your deepest thoughts, emotions, and feelings to see that you have not only forgiven yourself but, have also forgiven all others for things that may have brought you pain in the past. This is what karmic cleansing means for the individual. Taking stock at what triggers your buttons and seeing where you are energetically holding onto that belief in your body where you feel you need to defend your position on a subject. This is just one aspect I am focusing on for this message today. I am sensing that it is the thoughts of many that need to be brought back into balance. Can you feel it too?

The Yin/Yang card shows the earthly realm and the cosmic realm. Do you see how balanced the card is asking you to become? As above, so below. Your thoughts are integral to what you are creating in your reality each moment. These thoughts affect the entire world too. We are a collective of beings that have come to learn how to remember that we are Star Beings. Let us work together to raise not only our vibration but the vibration of the entire planet too.

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Change -Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors

- African proverb

Change is the threshold to the new. You are probably ' ON ALERT'. The familiar is being disturbed as the wind of change blows through your relationship. It may take the form of a strong wind, testing the strength of the roots of whatever you have planted, or of a hurricane, ripping up everything you've built so far.

If we were totally in tune with our natural rhythms, the change would pass us by without distress, in the same way, that we accept the passing of the seasons. But most of us are creatures of habit, preferring to hold on to what we know, even when it is no longer for our own good. We try to stop the wind by blowing back at it. And it is our resistance to change, holding on too tightly, that blocks the flow of things and creates inner stress.

Where this is the case, change may mean discomfort, for it demands that, for a while, we accept the uncertainty, and perhaps chaos, of the unknown. It is the nature of all living things to be either growing or decaying. There is nothing else. And decay is not bad. It's merely a changing of form. Nothing is lost. The decay of one structure always feeds the development of something new.

The change card indicates transformation and growth: a time to let go of control and be open to the new rather than mourning the old. Look for the green shoots of new possibilities. Search in places you have never looked before. The wind of change can uncover what was hidden.

Don't be concerned about what is happening. Rest assured that, as you move into unexplored territory, all is as it should be. There is nothing for you to do but wait and see what will evolve. Wonder at the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Before any birth, there is a period of waiting.

Look at how awesome Spirit is to give you a final clarifying card which is so powerful, "The Ace of Swords." When it appears, it signifies victory and triumphs over the difficulties that surround you. Ind order to do so, you will use great reserves of inner strength and clarity of thought, so your success is well deserved.

The Ace of Swords represents a great force of strength and inner power is yours. You definitely have the ability to overcome any setbacks and adversity you are presently facing. This will come through your careful thoughts and actions moving forward. Be blessed, safe, and secure knowing you are the magician that holds all the victory keys.

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Card 2 - No. 8 Strength &
No. 13 Financial Constraints

A beautiful maiden, her head bedecked in jewels, wears an expression of grace and purpose as she strides forward. She represents a pure expression of our female qualities.

The lion is considered to be the king of the jungle and a potent symbol of male energy, yet the gentle maiden appears to have him tamed, He walks beside here, held merely by a loose chain around his neck, which she handles lightly. It would appear that she has subdued the lion, not with brute force but with gentleness.

The lion is an expression of our inner strength, but controlled and manifested with the more gentle, feminine qualities of our nature. Feminine qualities such as patience and diplomacy (as opposed to aggression), combined with courage, will achieve the required results and bring success. The Strength card also reveals that you have a reserve of inner resolve that provides you with more power than you realize. This can best be expressed through your quiet determination.

The next card: "Financial Restraints." Like many people in the world right now you may also be experiencing money being very tight at this time. So the card is asking you to reign in your spending. This is not a time of indulgence, so be aware of what's really important and consciously choose your expenditures.

There is a big difference between what you need and what you want. This card is telling you to take care of your needs and bide your time. Things will get better, but for now, be willing to live more conservatively; and always value the money and the good things you already have in your life.

As I look at this card, I felt spirit say look at the door on the right. As I did I realize that it says lock co, and right then I could sense what still lies locked up behind the closed door. It is infinite possibilities for you to manifest your desires. You are the one that holds the keys within your heart-space that creates your reality. What is it that you most desire to see come to fruition in your life right now? Well, it is time to meditate upon the feelings of your desires. Feel them, see them happening, and imagine life as if you already had them. This is how you take action to bring the energies from the universe into the earth plane. Also, don't forget to ask your entourage of spirit guides to assist you. The more you practice conscious awareness the quicker your manifestations show up. Have fun creating your reality.

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Humor & Ten of Swords

You may be feeling that your situation is no laughing matter, but consider whether you are too concerned with protecting yourself. There is a strong connection between defensiveness and an absence of humor. Take a step back and look for the humor in your present predicament. This will help you to drop your defenses so that your heart can open up a bit wider to actually enjoy a bit of humor throughout your day. You know, there are many others experiencing difficulties now too. Is there any way you can help to lighten up one's fears and those closest to you. It is time to let your light shine brightly and sharing a little humor is one way to lift up one's spirits.

Allowing humor does not mean that you are not hurting or that you are not experiencing fear at this time. The card is asking you to introduce a new perspective to your situation. Even the most serious situations don't always have to be dealt with in a serious way. Laughter and tears are familiar companions when people become stressed out. Allow those emotions to flow and let them break up the tension and anxiety that is residing in your body right now.

I love pulling clarifying cards to bring greater clarity to your reading. Here the Ten of Swords comes your way to let you know that the struggle is about to be over. You are almost there! This card represents the end of a difficult cycle and the swords are cutting through the air exposing the illusions so that you can see matters as they really are. You need this in order to move forward.

You have probably been experiencing a feeling of loss due to an ending of a difficult situation. Yet within this, you are released and ready for a new beginning, for life moves in cycles. This can also show you that your plans may have been ruined, or matters that don't materialize the way you had hoped, leading to feelings of great disappointment. But take comfort in the fact that perhaps they were just not meant to be. Remember, your actions shape your destiny!

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Card 3 - No. 18 The Moon &
No. 52 Goddess of the Moon

The Moon represents the illusionary situations, possible deceptions, and feelings of uncertainty. When the Moon comes to you it shows that your emotions may be highly charged and fluctuating from day to day. If that is the case take some much needed time to center yourself and ask your Higher Self to assist you with connecting to your inner wisdom. This is not a time to be allowing your "Ego" to run rampant. It is time to stay aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Remember that there is usually far more going on in any given situation than first meets the eye. It would bode you well to be watchful and cautious but, do not act in haste, this is the time to wait and see what the situation will reveal more clearly. Also, the Moon card number 18 equals the number 9 when reduced, this always represents an ending of a cycle happening in your life.

It can't get any clearer than this when another Moon card shows up. I was immediately drawn to the cycle depicted on the card. According to this month's moon cycle, this phase will happen on April 4th. You may want to pay extra special attention to your dreams, wandering thoughts (daydreams), little nudges that cause you to take notice of reoccurring patterns. This includes paying attention to multiple number sequences as Spirit will be very actively guiding you.

This Moon Goddess card is all about connecting with your intuition, the ability to receive insights from your soul's point of view. Know that this card is reminding you that you have the power to get intuitive information on all types of issues, and now is the time to use it!

I am sensing that on the 4th of April you will experience a significant blossoming of your psychic ability and perhaps even mediumship. You never know, maybe this will take you to a professional level. You are indeed blessed with this ability to connect and the card says; get ready for amazing inspiration to come. !

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No. 26 Self Worth &
6 of Cups

Perhaps this self-worth card is an extension of the powerful awareness that you will see and feel around the 4th and all of this month too. I still see you entering into more of your Goddess energy especially now that the self-worth is your Mirror Image card.

To have self-worth is to have moved beyond the belief that valuing ourselves is egotistical. It is a recognition that we are unique and loveable, just as we are. Only when we have come to this point can we really begin to manifest ourselves in the world and take a full part in a relationship.

You are worth a great deal, but you may not seem to see that right now. Others, however, probably do and will be drawn to exploit your good nature with ease. You may see this exploitation as you giving love. But ask yourself whether its more a matter of needing to feel needed or to be worthy through someone else's eyes? A lack of self-worth tends to produce kindness or niceness to everybody except oneself.

It may be that your self-esteem is so low, you rarely put yourself in a position to even have a relationship. And if you do, you're so grateful for someone choosing to be with you that your real self-expression goes out the window for fear of driving the other person away.

Consider this: if you cannot value yourself just as you are, you will continue to attract partners who mirror this self-rejection - for the value you put on yourself is the value others put on you.
It may help to look back at your childhood and question where you received the message you were not good enough - perhaps not loveable. And then consider if you want to go on believing that. As long as you believe it and continue to put yourself down, others will, too. The world, in its cool, impassive fashion, will provide endless ways to prove you right!

In choosing this mirror card guidance today, you are asked to look at the wounded child within, who didn't receive the love he or she needed and is still looking to be validated from outside. You must find the wounded part and see what you can do to hold this child in love. Feel for yourself. Be kind to yourself. Parent yourself as you would have wanted to be parented then. If you try to manipulate your partner into giving you the reassurance or security you feel you lacked, then you will ultimately be disappointed. Your partner is not your parent.

Begin to see how power and control are being played out in your life. The fact is that the manipulations of your victim stance are base on the belief that you can't get power any other way. But in seeking to please and appease, you are just as guilty of trying to control your partner - into staying around or being nice to you - as someone who is blatantly dominating.

It really is time to stop trying to prove yourself and imagining that others are better than you. You are infinitely precious and truly amazing in your uniqueness. The moment you connect with that, your life will begin to change

Now, look at your final confirmation card, how awesome is this to end your reading. The Six of Cups is the card of harmony and balance. All the children on the card represent aspects of your memories from the past. Are they happy memories like the children on the card enjoying life and nature? Of course, you have happy memories, we all do.

However, there are also memories that may be trying to come to the surface to be felt, forgiven, and cleared from your energy body. Past traumas often stay locked away deep within our energy field. This year especially is asking you to recognize when they surface that your soul is looking to release and clear those old energies. This goes well with the self-worth message where it wants you to let go of all the old baggage that is holding you back from your authentic, beautiful, and loving self. Can you work on this? Your soul is asking you to get serious about doing so.

Whatever it may be, a blast from the past could make an entrance now to bring you happiness and satisfaction. This could even mean some relationship surfacing from the past or just an old friend wanting to reconnect with you.

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This weeks Spirit Guidance

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I hope you enjoyed this week's card reading. I will continue to post bi-monthly cards on #tarottuesday using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the current spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Website - Sunscapes Soap Shop


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Yes, but I am still trying to figure everything out as to where I am posting these days. I am starting to get overwhelmed by all the new platforms. I am on appics, voice, hive, steemit, instagram, fB. twitter, and lbry. something has to give. I know some are connected but I am not sure where I want to post the most. lol

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