How I Saved $500 on a Vet Bill - Using A Sigil

in #tarottuesday6 years ago


My dog had a foxtail embedded in her neck for a long time... I finally got it figured out what it was and the $500 estimate from the vet...NO!!!

I tried to get it out and only made it scab over... so

I made this sigil


I also put an epsom salt drawing poultice on it for a few days followed by cbd salve...

Then I got a sharp tweezers and a bright light and a magnifying glass and pulled it out easily...


Sigils are amazing. I used one to quit smoking thirteen years ago, and it was the easiest time I have ever had overcoming addiction. I could sit in a room of smokers (most of my friends were at this point) and it didn't faze me. I was ambivalent toward it. It boggles my mind how powerful the sigil was. 😎

Thank you so much for sharing that story with! And having quit smoking myself I know how hard that is...had I known about Sigils then I might have tried that- instead I used prayer... which also works great!!

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