TarotTuesday - 5 card general weekly reading March 13 - 20th

in #tarottuesday7 years ago (edited)

I was inspired by the gracious @traciyork to join the #TarotTuesday party! Do you love
tarot, too - feel free to join in! And be sure to check out her latest project @SteemitTarot which
keeps #TarotTuesday going all week long!

I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and
help others with my cards!
I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a
wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.

A Bit About My Deck

My deck The Fairy Ring, (available here: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/fairy-ring-oracle/) is
based in Celtic myths and legends.

As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons.
There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as point to a
specific type of real person. Also there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy
feasts/holidays which have general meanings but can also point to specific times of the year.

As you can tell from the title, it’s a fairy based deck but the unique thing is each card has a real
mythology behind it. Some are so familiar, most of us will recognize them - others I’d never
heard of before opening this book.

Over the years I’ve noticed the book’s interpretational meaning works in conjunction with the
background story of that fairy/being/energy to provide more insight and definition. For example
quite a few cards have to do with material gains however depending on which fairy it is it could
mean money received through hard work, or luck, maybe a family inheritance.

I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding.

Choose one card (or 2 or 3 or all - it’s whatever you want) which you are drawn to.

I forgot to number the photo again this week! Sorry - cards are left to right 1 - 5.

Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!

Please enjoy
This original word art
From my Instagram
while you scroll


1. Three of Summer | Gruagach

Book’s Interpretation

The Gruagach refers to matters concerning roots, traditions, ancestors, inheritance, family money or a family business and establishing a firm foundation in some sense.

My Thoughts

The Gruagach card is all about the family unit and because it appears facing upright this indicates the creation or maintenance of a stable homestead. This card could also be indicating a family get together or reunion of some kind. Are you well connected with your family and even extended family? Maybe ties are tightening or a relationship has been rekindled. Perhaps you have or will be receiving some kind of inheritance? If you feel you’re struggling with disconnection in this area perhaps the cards are letting you know it’s time to reconnect with your roots - whether that means the place you’re from, your ancestors, your extended family.. In some way gaining a connection to your “home” will bring you great purpose.

2. Nine of Summer | Jenny Greenteeth

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

When Jenny Greenteeth appears reversed she indicates a necessary sacrifice, albeit an unwilling one. You will have to give up one thing in order to gain another.

My Thoughts

This card reversed is very much like the old saying, “When one door shuts another opens.” It is a reminder to have faith in what will follow and stop resisting. She is a fairy who hides in the depths of ponds, among the lilies and weeds - she grabs at you and drags you under.. But perhaps in relaxing and giving up the struggle you realize it was only weeds all along and you’re able to wiggle free and swim out. Maybe you have an unpleasant choice in front of you at the moment. Don’t be scared to sacrifice what you’ve been holding so tightly to - the universe will send you something much greater.

3. Four of Spring | Befind

Books Interpretation - Reversed

Reversed Befind is advising you that you are not using the gifts you are blessed with. These gifts have been bestowed for a purpose and fulfillment will come from using them. Rejoice in who and want you truly are, rather than what others wish you to be.

My Thoughts

Each one of us has a unique talent or skill that will drive them towards their purpose. Maybe you are not sure exactly what you purpose is at this time - but the fairies want you to know that your innate skills and natural talents are the pathway to finding that purpose. Currently you may be ignoring or denying those talents which hide in you and the cards want you to go with your gut - if it feels right and you enjoy doing something go with it no matter what fears you have or worries about who may judge you.

4. Four of Winter | Grim

Books Interpretation - Reversed

The Grim reversed denotes an enforced or belated change, which you are resisting. Remember that all things must move and change or they stagnate and die.

My Thoughts

Change can be scary, especially the type of shake up you’re up against. The cards want you to remember that without change things can never improve. When you take a step forward in the right direction the universe will reward you - if you resist - remember you’re only sticking your thumb in the damn here.. Eventually it will burst. It’s better to surrender to the pain of change now rather than risk the inevitable explosion that comes with resistance.

5. Eight of Summer | Tam Lin

Book’s Interpretation

Tam Lin indicates restoration, release from a bad or frightening situation, recovery from illness, relief or a weight lifted from the mind.

My Thoughts

The worst is over and you know it, deep down inside you can feel that energetic weight sliding off. Maybe you have been feeling sick lately but are beginning to feel healthy again. Maybe you finally got away from a negative relationship or a bad job. If you feel like you’re still struggling the cards want you to know the end is near. The light at the end of the tunnel is approaching and they want to give you comfort in knowing recovery is coming.
I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you! stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.


I do not claim to see the future or the past. I'm not a psychic or medium. My cards are a
connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and
understanding to interpret the message.

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time.

If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time. Please feel free to send me an email if you'd like a private reading: [email protected] or find me on discord: amariespeaks#9425


I just got my very first tarot deck over the weekend. I would love to join in on this once I get connected to them.

I chose card number 2 and Jenny Greenteeth really spoke to me, thank you!

Oh I'm so happy you got the first deck! I'll be looking forward to it once you're ready! Glad she spoke to you! That is a strong and comforting card 😊🙏

I should be ready to go next Tuesday :) I work a lot with my Angel Oracle cards and connect really well with them. I love working with the Angels but there is more to be said in Tarot cards, in my opinion. It is a comforting card but I have a lot going on in my life and I am afraid of what it is telling me to give up. I still get surprised by how well tarot cards work even though I work with them lol Card number 2 told me exactly what I have been getting from other cards, they just still leave out the most important piece of which direction I am to go. I just need the slightest bit of hint to know which way.

I see that you do readings on discord. Are you charging for them? I would love a simple reading, I am so lost in life. I have done a few tarot readings online, I never understand them right away and think they don't relate to me and the what do ya know, something will happen and I remember the cards. I would feel better getting a reading from a human though, it feels like more of a connection.

Hey @magicalmoonlight! Now that I 'know' you, I'm seeing you all over the place!!

@amariespeaks is awesome :) I'd love to hear what you get from her reading if you guys do it. It would make a great post ;)

Good luck with your new deck as well!

Same to you @lynncoyle1 but that is a good thing!

You are on to something with a post after the reading :) I have a fun little story about this deck that I will be sharing next tuesday in my Tarot Tuesday post. Hopefully you can stop by and check it out.

Yes, I'll be interested to see what you come up with and hear your story :)

Oh definitely - I never connected with the random online ones myself and that made me think perhaps tarot doesn't work over the internet but I got a reading done via internet and it was super powerful! I have done a few personal readings via the internet and always get great feedback. I did one on discord recently for @charisma777 and she was very pleased with it!

I'm on there as amariespeaks#9425 just shoot me a message and we can chat about what type of spread you'd like to do and all that 😊

Well @amariespeaks, cards 1 and 5 called my name this week. Kind of interesting, don't you think? :)

I'm glad I remembered it was Tuesday...most days I can't seem to remember what I had for breakfast haha

@lynncoyle1 I'm so glad you remembered. 1 and 5 wow! what a comforting message from source :-D They really want you to feel connected with a supportive family around you and Tam Lin by your side :) Tam Lin's story is one of true and fearless love - he is enchanted and forced to marry a fairy queen but one day he meets and falls in love with a beautiful maiden. The maiden agrees to run away with him but the queen finds out and chases them. While the ride on a horse Tam Lin turns into a serpent, then a lion then a red hot bar but the maiden (his true love) holds on through it all, knowing her love would never hurt her. At that he turned back into a human and the Queen knew her spell was over.
This story is so perfect for you and Brian because through all the pain and the struggles you two stick together. :-D You guys are such an inspiration to me <3

That is such a cool story, thank you for sharing it with me. It does fit perfectly for Brian and I ;) I just read the story to him and he smiled and thought so too...thank you for that!

To be perfectly honest, I read last weeks cards before I 'picked' them so to speak, so of course I was biased by then and couldn't really start over. This week I forced myself to choose the cards first and read second haha

I'm glad we inspire you; it's nice to know there's more good coming out of all the pain !!

yay! I'm so happy you both liked the tale 😀 and that you let yourself choose the cards first! It really is so much fun, I'm glad you joined in!

I am too ;) Thanks again!!

Definitely a very helpful reading for this week and it's funny because yesterday I finally picked up a pen and started drawing again, I did one for plushzillla's character for IFC but as an idea, then after that, kept going, I drew a few different things yesterday! I feel the cards were telling me that it's time to get going! {Plus, things with my son are getting better, each day. maybe not 100% yet but in the right direction} :) Thank you!

yay!! @charisma777 I'm so happy you're drawing again :) It really is such a great outlet to channel energy into. I hope you're posting it?? Unless I've missed it and it's up already lol
And I'm so glad to here things with your son are getting better each day - it takes time and he is a teenager so we all know that struggle! Even a little bit of progress is huge!! <3 <3

I used to draw all the time, but haven't really in years, it was pretty awesome to get inspired again. I even used someone elses phone to get it posted, i only posted it in the discord channel, it was mainly just a sketch of an idea for plushzilla's picture! We will see what happens!

That's awesome - I'm gonna try to find it in discord ;-)

Hey @charisma777, I was just reading @amariespeaks comment to me and saw you here ;) I'm so glad to hear things are heading in the right direction with your son!! Focus on the baby steps and not the hurdles, and before you know it, you're over the hump :)

Thank you @lynncoyle1 and yes baby steps! We will get through it for sure! I will not let him down in this time where he needs me the most!

that'a girl!! It's hard I know, but as parents, we really are shaping another human being who is going to grow up and probably do the same one day...It's so damn important...and it makes my heart warm to see you loving, caring, and doing your best every single day. That's all anyone can ask of a parent!! Pat yourself on the back sista ;)

I like it. Very good message. On the whole, pertinent. Thank-you. Now 8'll have to go to see @traciyork too. 😀
Keep on keeping on. 😇
Me 2 too, reply upright¿ please.

ohhh - sorry - I should maybe include both just in case lol but upright jenny greenteeth is a warning to be careful of situations that look too good to be true, there could be a pitfall ahead or perhaps a sheep in wolf's clothing type of person.

As I thought¡ Good read, perhaps I shall think more on a whole difficulty next week and take note of whole cast in order of appearance. 😂😎

Hey @amariespeaks, channel of bright light, I'm buzzing with this week's message for me 🔆 . All the more so as the other three cards which seemed to be candidates, turned out to be messages of bridges not needing to be crossed - byooooteeful! And the one I picked had a rainbow with my name in coloured letters!

Whilst scrolling down, I had also wondered about notions of 'simplicity', eg in childhood nostalgia. But even if it is so (sure), it is without the 'awareness' of complexity (or how seemingly complex things can eventually turn out to be). Whereas an awareness of complexity, combined with an approach of simplicity - that seems quite sensible to me :D ......

hey there @barge ! so happy you received the message for you and happy to hear your interpretation of the other 3 you almost chose! That is a very cool way to think about it "bridges not needing to be crossed" - I like that idea very much.
Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head there - awareness of the complexity combined with an approach of simplicity - that sounds like the best way to take on life :) nostalgic tendencies definitely drove me to write that poem.. Happy Days, the "50's" and that era of the picket fence family seems like a distant memory in today's world. Who knows whether that's a good thing or not.. innovation and evolution are messy creatures lol ;-)
Thanks for checking out my post !

Happy Days, the "50's" and that era of the picket fence family seems like a distant memory in today's world

...you know, I wonder how 'happy' they really were when they were in the present moment of the 50s and standing there talking to each other over that picket fence ! Maybe they looked back to a previous time in equal nostalgic measure, maybe enough was never enough anyway....or maybe there is an element of mythology regarding this era of the great American Dream Realised? Maybe (singing now....) 'we ain't gat nuttin' but da humbul bumbul preeeeeeeeezzzent moooooooooooooooooooo ment and dat iz all we eva evaaa evaaaaaaaa gona get'..........

@barge I definitely think it may have been all a farce.. but at least people could survive on one income LOL and nice singing BTW ;-)

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