Tarot Tuesdays!! - 5 Card General Reading for the week March 6 - 13th | Better Late Than Never - this week!

in #tarottuesday7 years ago

I was inspired by the gracious @traciyork to join the #TarotTuesday party! Do you love tarot, too - feel free to join in! And be sure to check out her latest project @SteemitTarot which keeps #TarotTuesday going all week long!

I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and help others with my cards!

I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.

A Bit About My Deck

My deck The Fairy Ring, (available here: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/fairy-ring-oracle/) is based in Celtic myths and legends.

As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons. There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as point to a specific type of real person. Also there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy feasts/holidays which have general meanings but can also point to specific times of the year.

As you can tell from the title, it’s a fairy based deck but the unique thing is each card has a real mythology behind it. Some are so familiar, most of us will recognize them - others I’d never heard of before opening this book.

Over the years I’ve noticed the book’s interpretational meaning works in conjunction with the background story of that fairy/being/energy to provide more insight and definition. For example quite a few cards have to do with material gains however depending on which fairy it is it could mean money received through hard work, or luck, maybe a family inheritance.

I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding.

Choose one card (or 2 or 3 or all - it’s whatever you want) which you are drawn to.

I forgot to number my photo this week - I'm sorry - But as usual it's 1 - 5 in order from left to right :)

Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!

Please enjoy
This original word art
From my Instagram
while you scroll

1. Queen of Winter | Queen Mab

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

Queen Mab reversed can indicate barrenness, sterility, cynicism and creative blocks. May indicate a real person: an unfulfilled, bitter woman who is determined to make others suffer for her unhappiness.

My Thoughts

Queen Mab can be a heralding card of pregnancies or fertility problems depending on whether upright or reversed; *Mab* is the Welsh word for baby - however this fairy *midwife* is more commonly known as the birther of dreams not babies. She is the ultimate muse but when the card appears reversed the dreams tend to be dried up - barren. Are you feeling bitter or cynical, lately? Maybe suffering from writer’s block or another kind of creative dam? Her message is to release the worries and dare to dream. If you know a woman who fits the description of this reversed queen the best you can do is realize her pain comes from giving up on her dreams and the venom she spits out is her only mechanism for self-healing. She truly believes by making others suffer along with her she can solve her problems. She is mistaken - please do not stoop down to her level.

2. Eight of Summer | Tam Lin

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

Reversed indicates restrictions, imprisonment of some kind, banishment, loss, guilt, perhaps bad health.

My Thoughts

Tam Lin is a very romantically driven fairy I think of him as the soul mate card. I believe this card reversed points to feeling restriction in a relationship. Are you in a relationship (of any kind) where you feel you can't be yourself? Maybe you're in a relationship where you feel trapped or forced to be a certain way. He is a warning or message to speak freely, break the silence and tell them how you REALLY think/feel - it will turn out okay.

3. Six of Winter | Lhiannan Shee

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

Lhiannan Shee reversed indicates escaping into daydreams, a fantasy life that ignores the real world, lost opportunities, perhaps an alcohol or drug dependence.

My Thoughts

This card reversed signifies some kind of disconnect from the real world. Perhaps you are spending too much time daydreaming and not enough time focusing on what is in front of you.Have you missed a chance to do something in real life because you were too wrapped up in social media? Be careful with your time management - dreaming and visualizations do play an important role in life but remember we were birthed into a 3D world to be a PART of the world - so get out there and be a part of it!

4. Seven of Summer | Will-O-The-Wisp

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

Will-o-the-Wisp reversed points towards faithless friends, false or broken promises and unreliability.

My Thoughts

The Will-o-the-wisp misleads or tricks those is need - lost travellers in the woods may see its lantern light and believe it brings salvation; unknowingly they follow only to be lead into a swamp or pond, or end up far deeper in the woods than they wanted to be. Be mindful of who is leading you and by what light you follow along. Listen to your gut and inner voice - be very aware of where you place your trust and prepare yourself to ‘save yourself’. The reversal of this card is the fairies warning you that perhaps you’re following the wrong path… if you choose to keep trekking on - leave yourself some breadcrumbs so you can get back because chances are your lesson may be the only person you can count on in a pinch is yourself.

5.Six of Autumn | Traymour

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

When Traymour appears she implies a choice of some kind. In this case, you are deciding with your heart, rather than with your head. However, you should consider carefully as all options have far-reaching consequences.

My Thoughts

This card is one of my signature relationship cards, or “love” cards. Traymour means “test of love”. This could mean two things: either your in a romantic relationship and struggling whether to stay or go OR you are torn between the love for two things, (maybe like between a job and a dream or something you love to do versus something you don’t enjoy as much). This card is difficult to read without supporting cards but I will say that in her legend - the love of her life betrayed her but when he was sentenced to death she arrived at the last moment to save him. So perhaps your true answer will arrive right in the nick of time!

I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you! stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.


I do not claim to see the future or the past. I'm not a psychic or medium. My cards are a connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and understanding to interpret the message.

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time.

If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time. Please feel free to send me an email if you'd like a private reading: [email protected] or find me on discord: amariespeaks#9425


Very nice @amariespeaks!

I especially enjoyed your original word art piece. That is lovely!

How you read that last card really resonated with me. I have been getting similar messages this week, as well. It came up a bit like that in my Tarot Tuesday reading today, just like it did for you. I was hearing about "lamentations."

@intuitivejakob thank you so much! I've been making more wordart to go along with my poetry lately and really enjoying it! I'm glad you liked it!
I'm a bit late today but I'm heading over to your post now to see what the cards have in store for me! Got a Queen of Swords over on @traciyork's reading - so I'm very interested in seeing what yours have to say :-D
I'm happy your message resonated with you - it seems this choice is mirrored in many ways for many people right now.

It is always so interesting how closely we all follow the same energies. It's incredible how differently they play out from person to person in our respective lives. I found that @traciyork's reading was on point for me today, too. The QoW literally did show up in my life today. It's crazy how literal these things can be.

Yes, it is comforting - even when the message is a little jarring it's nice to see it across the board lol then you can just say okay let's buckle down and get ready for this :-D it's great having found you awesome people and seeing our energies aligning like this!

I absolutely love this! My card resonated perfectly with the situation I am in. Thanks so much for turning me onto this #tarottuesday and for introducing yourself on my blog <3 Btw, what do you use discord for?
I just recently heard about it and wondered if it could draw more business to me. Namaste!

@whiteheart so glad you received the message :-D discord is a chat/voice chat type of app and it is SUPER useful ! there's @ginabot which runs through discord and she will tell you when you're tagged or when a certain tag is mentioned, along with a whole array of other notifications.
A lot of communities have designated chat rooms for their projects. @steemittatort has one - I've done readings via discord also. I would definitely recommend it

OK, @traciyork nailed it, and now this has raised caution. Hmm, I wouldn't mind card four read upright to envision better cause. 😯

ohh I'm sorry I've raised some caution! Will-o-wisp upright is still a bit of lost card but it reflects more that you yourself are the leader but perhaps disillusioned in some way or having false impressions, maybe wishful type of thinking? I hope that helps you a little!

Good one, -loody -obo-s! 😂 Yes, that is much more how it was yester. I'm keeping on 😉

I was drawn to one of two cards. After feeling about a bit, the one I chose was indeed the one that spoke to me of a situation that I had been considering just last night...it is a very helpful bit of encouragement, thank you for sharing. BTW, the scrolling-down process is a delight :D

@barge thank you ! I'm glad your message got to you :-D also glad you enjoyed the scrolling down <3 <3 I've been working with adding some simple art into my poems to make it a total visual experience.. it's a trial and error kind of learning process but I liked the way this one turned out

It is delightful.....is that AS with red hair and heeled shoes and faceless Matrix clockwork piercing the heart? :D .. "please do not tell me you truly believe the Creator of Worlds Bestowed motion with empty promises?....LOL at the beauty of this, and indeed NO I do not truly or falsely believe that this beautiful creation is random and meaningless; but there was a time when I was confused and quite close to giving up on life in this regard! 🌞 🌞 🌞

@barge thank you!! I'm so happy to hear your compliments :-D yes you got my visual message perfectly! how sad it is when we are consumed with all our problems, woes, life "problems", materialism.. we slump around forgetting we have the priceless gift of life inside our hearts/minds

I'm glad you are no longer feeling like giving up! I have been there as well.. and I'm tipping back towards the edge yet again - this time I know it's not the end but it's a struggle none the less LOL I keep reminding myself of this gift and the beauty in the world. My lesson this time around may be material matters do not hold power over me because I seem to be losing everything and yet I'm still here.. waiting and hoping!

Thanks Amarie, for saying that, it's really beautiful and I'm very pleased it let me read it. I'm glad and relieved too that I feel differently about being alive....about 5 or 6 years now since the start of the process.

On the second half of your second para, perhaps the notions of 'abundance' vs 'scarcity' might help. The struggle involves scarcity and it's perception, and therefore this is also the experience of it. Abundance either is or isn't, that is the question IMO. One is aware that belief/perception drives manifestation. Attention towards understanding why one worries is usually more fruitful than stressing about the apparent evidence of lack......just my thoughts, offered here to you.

ohh yes, I like your point on abundance here - I would add abundance is a frequency all of its own and above simple "front brain" things like beliefs and perceptions.. one can lie to oneself about belief or trick your own perceptions and misinterpret something.. all these thoughts pass through your programming and are tainted.. abundance on the other hand, the feeling of being enough and complete.. of overflowing love is a truth.. you cannot fake it as much as you try and you cannot deny it when it is there.

I agree you with you very much on finding the root of worries versus stressing. I actively struggle with stomping out my what-if worries - I ask myself "why are you choosing right now to live in fear and worry about something in the future? you are forcing yourself to live in fear in the present" the more I stay in the present moment the happier I am :)

Just to clarify a point about 'abundance' IMO. I actually think we are saying pretty much the same thing.

  • there is the perception of abundance, which is subjective and, where perception sees a lack of abundance, it necessarily sees scarcity
  • one of the two is the state of things, it is either abundance (no shortage of anything whatsoever, over and above the appearance of things), or it is scarcity (and we are condemned to struggle). This is independent of one's perception. I don't think that Abundance and Scarcity can be just a function of perception (ie without an existence independent of perception). To my mind, it is here that the question 'is abundance a thing or not' is to be asked. If one discovers (or chooses to believe) that there is indeed adundance (and at the level of energy and the universe, I do think it becomes clearer that there is and always was), then perception (regardless of the appearance of current situation) can be challenged.

I think you are saying that Abundance is indeed a thing: "abundance is a frequency all of its own and above simple "front brain" things like beliefs and perceptions." ....therefore, what you referred to a couple of posts up in this thread "......I seem to be losing everything....." is a bit interesting in light of this scarcity/abundance chat no? (I'm not wanting to delve at all, just throwing thoughts at you in the assumption you won't mind, if you do, please say and I stop).

And just to bring in the other discussion we were having :D: any lie to oneself, IMO, has to be the ENTITY, and not the self as such... If Abundance is a thing, than the lie of scarcity is probably located around here! I think freedom from the entity also comes with the ability to feel what is true without recourse to interpretation (therefore no possible misinterpretation). Indeed, this cannot be faked....we emerge from fake perceptions, and with Truth there is no deep doubt, just bright alignment and knowing....isn't it?

On your 2nd para, I'd also wanna ask myself the questions 'what am I in fear of'...'what exactly is fear (for me)'....'can I understand my experience of fear'...that's what I'd wanna ID. Fear, in my experience, can always be broken down into components. It gets smaller the closer we get to it when we take the direct (and paradoxically, the fearless :) approach. Ultimately it reveals itself for null, a mirage, an illusion. It was served up by the entity and we played with it for a loooooooooong time :D

you make all very good points - I did agree with what you were saying about abundance originally I just wanted to add in those concepts which I have stumbled over and fought with to define for myself. I by no means meant to imply I embody abundance - because I certainly struggle with finding it. I believe it is a real thing though, I strive to get there one day - which brings me back to my comment on losing everything - which I meant losing all material things I used to believe defined me like "stuff", clothes, cars, a house.. I am guessing I'm here to learn that having those things is not what brings abundance - that it comes from within. Maybe? I'm hoping? Or perhaps I'm meant to live in scarcity.. I'm not sure either way but I try to keep a positive view and believe abundance is attainable.

Also, can I ask what is IMO? lol
thank you for such a great response!

I picked 3 and 5, and both were very in line with what's been happening in my life right now, so thank you.

I really like your cover pic for Tarot Tuesdays btw

And thank you @traciyork for shilling this post :) Even though I follow @amariespeaks, it's impossible to catch everything!

@redrica thank you for checking out my post :) I'm happy you received the message today. Those are two strong cards - I wish you the best in your choices <3

And @traciyork you are an angel :) thank you for all your support! <3

Oh, btw I use canva to create all types of cover pics - it's web based and free! very user friendly ;-)

Thank you! And cool! I'll look into Canva :)

Thank you for the reading. I chose card #5, and your interpretation seemed just right for me.

Also, thanks for the link to that tarot site. I found some interesting decks there. I already have a Crowley tarot deck, but I'm not 100% happy about it. I found two others that instantly spoke to me. I'll check them out again more thoroughly, but now it's time to get some sleep. It's 11pm here.

@sindore so glad to hear your card spoke to you - as well as the new decks!! I'm going to be shopping for a new deck myself, soon.. if I can bring myself to LOL I have heard the crowley deck is one of those that's either right or wrong for a reader - no in between and you'll know right away lol I have never personally had one though. Thanks for checking out my reading!

Best, if a friend knows you in need of a new pack and gifts you one along the line of your practice. 😃 I know it's difficult to ask to be gifted, but enough general hints with the right people should bring the right pack. Hang in there. I'm half a world away and would gift you one, no sweat, but it's a bit complicated from here. BTW, I knew lost was wrong word, I had misplaced that notebook on medieval readings, and now have it to hand, so am constructing a post. 😇

@simon62 I'm putting the gifting vibes out there - maybe one will come my way over here ;-) I do live in Salem - the witchcraft capital of the U.S. LOL who knows maybe one will show up!
And I am so happy you found your notebook and I'm looking forward to your post!

OK, this you can buy, a fresh pack of plastic coated playing cards, like Queen Slipper. The top 32 are cut from pack and the cards under 7 are discarded (put away for use as counting in crib or something) Ace thru seven are 'whatever' ritually cleansed and wrapped in a silk, or put in an open ended box made of a brand new envelope folded and decorated and stuck around with transparent sticky paper. I have never used a thirty-third, but as a 'gypsy' traveller showed me is possible to add a trump. That will depend on the style of reading that you do. A joker (or discard 2 of clubs or hearts) is a surprise unexpected, either -good or not so, depending on it's surrounds (hearts being 'romantic'and spades being 'obtrusive'.) Some like clubs for wealth some like diamonds. This too depends on your basic training. But the method as translated from eighteenth century that have is clubs show wealth. The other point in this post to come is that 'marriage' was a 'done' event, so meaning today is agreement/contract/partnership. Again because of changes over the years the reader has to interpret cards to the querent by the general construct of the cast and the situation of the querent. A blonde is not necessarily blonde, as much as fair, and a dark-haired may be a dark-mannered. A red-head might be aggressive or just passionate or angry/frustrated etc. So while some of the short sentences of description might show abruptness or apparent solidness, they are transmutable by passage of time and the context of querent and whole cast. You will see clearer what I mean when you actually cast. 😇

oh wow! this is so cool! I'm bookmarking this page so I can return and read it again ! I want to try learning to read uaing this deck 😀🙏🙏

This you can pull out of pocket at a party if you have a metre of table, without beer all over it. Once you get the cards today. Each has its singular meaning. Then suits make remarks from left and right. I took notes but they are falling apart, so old, but I copied in a small pocket book so I could refer to recall better. I'll try to put it simply, but it only looks complicated, but once you have each card - ie. 7D - Angry; 10D - Change; 7C - Small profit; 8C - Love; 9H - Happiness, harmony. et. c. 😊

ahh I see. okay! I'm excited to try this out. 😀

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