Tarot Tuesday - 5 card general reading for the Week April 10th to 17th

in #tarottuesday6 years ago

I was inspired by the gracious @traciyork to join the #TarotTuesday party!
Do you love tarot, too - feel free to join in!
And be sure to check out @SteemitTarot which keeps #TarotTuesday going all week long!

I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and
help others with my cards! I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.

I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding of the cards in the dtube video - so be sure to make your choice and then watch the video to get a more in depth explanation of each card. sorry no video this week - I didn't have the time!

A Quick Bit About My Deck

My deck The Fairy Ring is based in Celtic myths and legends.

As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons. There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as point to a specific type of real person. Also there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy feasts/holidays which have general meanings but can also point to specific times of the year.

Choose one card (or 2 or 3 or all - it’s whatever you want)
which you are drawn to.

Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!

Please enjoy
This original word art
From my Instagram
while you scroll

1. Six of Summer | Aine

Book’s Interpretation

Aine upright heralds harmony, new romance, marriage, commitment, friendship, partnerships and cooperation.

My Thoughts

Aine is all about new loves, new relationships that feel great like when you meet a new friend but you feel as if you’ve known them forever or a business connection that just works flawlessly for both partners. This card can hallmark weddings and/or proposals as well. If you’re not feeling the Aine energy right now the cards are telling you it’s time to make some new friends.

2. Fairy Festival Card | Imbolc

Book’s Interpretation - Reversed

Imbolc reversed indicates stagnation, stalemate, lack of progress, boredom, decline, and depression.

My Thoughts

Imbolc is celebrated on/around February 1st. It is the characterization of the end of winter and the stirring of spring. This signifies the start of the cycle again, yet when it appears reversed the cards are revealing that the new beginning has been stalled in some way. If you’re feeling frustrated and impatient this card can be seen as a reminder to look into what is holding up your progress. Sometimes we self-sabotage or procrastinate without realizing how much damage we are causing. This card can also be seen as a message to remember the cycle.. The winter may have been long and difficult, it may seem like an ice age has crept in and spring will never return but have some trust in the natural order of things and remember even though you can’t see it - the trees are waking up, the tiny seedlings are growing under the soil right now - just because you can’t *see* the progression doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

3. Lady of Spring | White Lady

Books Interpretation - Reversed

The White Lady reversed indicates that you are ungrounded and having a feeling of being rootless and adrift, not knowing which direction to take. Could signify a real person: a shallow, superficial young woman who only cares about herself. She may seem to be a friend but she is using you for her own ends.

My Thoughts

This card usually points towards feeling lost or disconnected from family, purpose, or your role within your family or community. This is a card that marks sacred places, ancestral rituals and traditions so when she appears reversed the cards are telling you that these lost or confused feelings will find comfort in connecting with your roots. If you are not feeling a bit lost or ungrounded then source could be sending you a warning about a young, careless woman who could be using you for her own benefits - unless perhaps you are the one who is being a bit shallow or self centered at the moment? Source asks us to look at ourselves and those around us to assess motives.

4. Fairy Festival Card | Lughnasa

Book’s Interpretation - reversed

Lughnasa reversed indicates ingratitude, thanklessness, fruitless efforts and/or lack of recognition

My Thoughts

Lughnasa is on August 1st - it symbolizes the end of summer harvest and a half way point in the entire harvest season. When this festival card is reversed it points towards a lack of recognition for all your hard work which leads to ungrateful feelings but perhaps you have forgotten this is only the half way point and there is more work to be done? Are you looking for undue rewards before you have finished the job? It is always helpful to see your efforts beginning to take shape, but when they don’t do you give up or keep pushing through? These are the types of questions source wants you to ask yourself when you see Lughnasa reversed.

5. Nine of Autumn | Selkie

Book’s Interpretation - reversed

The Selkie reversed signifies dissatisfaction with a situation but the lack of any means to resolve it. All attempts at change will be frustrated and a stalemate ensues.

My Thoughts

The book says it pretty well with this card - but I want to point out the silver lining with the selkie: the selkie is a seal who sheds its coat and turns into a woman, to walk the beach. IF the seal coat is stolen while the selkie is in woman form, she cannot change back. Reversed is a bit like then the woman realizes her seal coat has been stolen - there is no hope for going back to the ocean without it. She cannot just swim in no matter how badly she wants. But if she accepts that her fate may not be in the ocean at all, well then she has a new problem to tackle. The message here is if you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place in some way - perhaps stop trying to push your way out and instead learn to climb.

I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you!
Stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.

I do not claim to see the future or the past. I'm not a psychic or medium. My cards are a connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and understanding to interpret the message.

If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time. Please feel free to send me an email if you'd like a private reading: [email protected] or find me on discord: amariespeaks#942

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Wow, long boring story, but I used the word "disconnected" in a conversation last night, and today I picked card 3. Spot on! Thanks so much, @amariespeaks!

oh wow! signs!! go somewhere special to you! That card is all about reconnecting with a sacred space :) maybe some great message will come through if you visit a place that is tied to you in some way. <3 good vibes being sent your way

Thanks for this! Enjoyed card 5 and found it aligned with a situation in my life. I have been thinking about climbing from out behind the rock and hard place and looking toward a new possibility. Apt 😉😘

So glad the message aligned with you @mountainjewel ! Thank you for stopping by and good luck on your climb!

Between you, @traciyork and you are having me read my own cast every week, to reinforce the two points you each show of same sit'. Thank-you for the reading both ways around. 😇

You're welcome @simon62 :-D glad you get a double dose of tarot !

Triple now, as I usually get to cast my own to expand yours and @traciyork. Thanks @amariespeaks. @tarottuesday seems to be working well. 😊

oohh right! well you can't beat a triple threat! lol ;-)

😂 Not when you and @traciyork both have warning from different direction and then my Celtic Cross gives same overall warning @amariespeaks. Cheers. 😇

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