Full Moon in Libra Conjunct Retrograde Jupiter in Vedic Astrology - April 29, 2018 - HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS!

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

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According the the sidereal zodiac used in vedic astrology, we will be experiencing a powerful full moon in Libra on April 29th at 7:58 EST. This full moon will be in the nakshatra of Swati, known as the "self-going" star.

At this time, we may feel like we are being called more towards the self, inspired to become quite independent during this lunar phase. The shakti or power this asterism possesses is the power to disburse or to scatter like the wind, so make sure to hang onto your hat!

The winds of change will be sweeping through your life with this lunar energy and it might feel a bit tumultous as Swati is ruled by Rahu. The nature of Rahu is to bring upheaval and chaos into our lives for revolutionary change and transformation - to shake things up. There is definitely going to be some disruption that this full moon brings with it, perhaps causing us to want to do our own thing, to disperse, or scatter like the wind.

The symbol for swati nakshatra is the shoot of a plant or a single blade of grass blowing in the wind, and the presiding deity over this nakshatra is Vayu, the god of wind. Be flexible and bend with the issues that rise to the surface with the help of this full moon so you don't break or feel battered by what this "cosmic windiness" kicks up.

Yoga would be the perfect spiritual practice to remain open and flexible physically, mentally, and emotionally during this time. Since so much air and wind is involved with Swati practicing pranayama breathing techniques would also be a great idea to soothe the spirit. Lavender essential oil would be a perfect choice for use at this time too, as it assists in the dispersal of any nervous energy we might be holding onto.

If you would like to find out which area of your life will be affected by the upcoming Full Moon in Libra, you would need to know which house is being affected in your natal chart. Click on the link below to find out how to get a personalized vedic astrology report that will reveal what area of your life will be impacted:


This full moon happens to be with retrograde Jupiter in Libra, hinting to us that the theme of this lunar phase will be highlighting our relationships and what we are learning about them at this time.

Since Jupiter went retrograde in Libra on March 9th, we have been reviewing, reassessing, and reconsidering our values and higher beliefs when it comes to our dealings with others. We have been trying to find the middle ground, a sense of balance, and reciprocity while revisiting our personal beliefs and philosophy about relationships. Jupiter will station and leave retrograde status on July 11, 2018.

So to get a deeper look at this full moon's energy, I decided to consult with my wild unknown tarot. I asked, "What energy is this full moon bringing to us?"



The 5 of swords is showing us here that something (in this case it looks like an earthworm) has been cut or severed into two. Earthworms have the ability to burrow down and dig deep beneath the surface of things to find what is useful. In this situation, we see the worm no longer has that ability, having been severed in two by a sword, symbolic of thought.

It feels like a disconnect is coming, either from a part of ourselves we don't want to get to the bottom of or from another person whom we consider a part of ourselves. Indications say that some kind of sabotage or unfair tactics are in the air, and this might be what causes the severance to happen.

I also drew a rune for this full moon to see what rock speak I could receive from it. Berkana is the rune that symbolizes the birch tree. Like the young Birch tree, Berkana has the power to be flexible without breaking. In ancient traditions, Birch twigs were used to bring prosperity and to encourage conception. Their branches represent fertility.

However, this rune cast itself in the reversed position, falling upside down into my hand. It looks like the birch wasn't flexible in this case, so something broke apart! This echoes the severance seen in the 5 of swords above. Berkana reversed shows problems and troubles with flexibility, experiencing a lack of growth, expansion, and progress. Fertility is replaced with barrenness. Yep, this moon is going to be a little bit of a downer but if we go with wind instead of against it, we will find peaceful liberation that ultimately is in our best interest. The cards following explain why.




"So what is going on, what is going to happen when this full moon arrives?"



The situation this full moon revolves around has been inactive for a time and it's energy has grown stale. There seems to be a lack of activity and therefore boundaries have been put in place for a buffering, self-protective effect. Since we are looking for change and transformation as the butterfly, we will be deciding to take flight out of this unproductive scenario as the blue butterfly sails away on a gust of wind moving upwards. It appears like we are ascending some situation where no growth can take place presently, rising above it instead of sticking with it.

What is our best course of action during this full moon in Libra conjunct retro Jupiter?"


It appears it is indeed time to ascend, but we might feel like we are taking the stairs instead of the elevator! Take the high road and use the "light" or insight this moon is providing to see the path upwards and go for it. Things can only get better in this situation if you leave the old and stale energies behind and embrace change. Self reliance and independence will be key themes so make sure you keep those boundaries up as you ascend.

Last question. "What is the gift and the challenge of this full moon?"


The card on the left denotes the gift and the card on the right signifies the challenge it brings. This is a very transformational full moon that will bring change, perhaps in the form of an ending. Whatever the root issue is in this situation you face, something has to "die" in order for further progress to be made, so go with what is happening and allow this moon to breakdown and remove the stagnancy. It needs to go!

This transformation will be stressful however and many will be feeling completely overwhelmed by the shift that takes place. So know this ahead of time and be prepared to be your own best friend now as your connections with others will be set aside most likely. Buy yourself some flowers, treat yourself to something special, or simply go within during this full moon to mitigate any emotional discomfort you may experience.
It's really for the best and will bring much needed change to the table!

This will be me, independent like the wise cat - watching the windstorm from inside

If you would like a private reading with me,
click on the link below:

Lord Ganesh - Remover of All Obstacles



Cool reading @whiteheart! The page dances all the while.

Thanks Jakob, happy full moon to you dear! <3

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