Quick look : Aquarian Tarot

in #tarot7 years ago


Happy Saturday Steemit.
I just picked up a shiny new Aquarian Tarot by David Palladini, so it seems like a good time to do a quick look at the deck.

This deck has an artstyle that reminds me of early 70's fantasy animation,(Lord of the Rings, Heavy Metal, D&D style stuff) and it gives me some sort of warm and fuzzy feeling.

One of my co-workers showed it to me, and somehow I had never seen this deck before.
The depictions are very similar to the Rider-Waite, especially in the minor arcana. I'm pretty sure that if you can read the Rider-Waite, you can read the Aquarian Tarot.

Here are the first 3 Majors.


and the next 2...


The images are simple enough that seeing the detail isn't a problem.

Some of my favorite cards are Major Arcana cards in this deck.

The Lovers and The Wheel of Fortune


Death and The Devil


The Sun and The Star


The minors are pretty basic, but here are some of my faves.

The 3 and 10 of Cups


The 2 and 4 of Rods(wands)


There is some nostalgic thing that happens when I look at the artwork, and I might use this deck to make sense of things from my childhood.

Has anyone else used this deck?

Peace and long life, Steemit.


Do you think we are drawn to certain cards for a reason? The Emperor, Sun, Lovers and 3 of Cups always catch my eyes no matter what.

Those are all great cards!
Control, freedom, commitment, and happiness. Intense love and expression.
It makes sense that you are drawn to those!

I have never seen this deck. I like the Two of Wands card.

It's one of my favorites too. It's the same premise as the Rider-Waite, but so much more beautiful!

Yes I have and I agree it's easy to read if you know your Rider-Waite. But I too like the retro feel of this deck which stimulates a more intuitive reading for me.

I'm looking forward to reading with this deck:)

This is one of my decks! My favorite card of this deck is The Star.

The Star is super cool. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what this deck reminds me of...

This was my first deck! This is the one I use when I do in-depth one on one readings with people. Man, we have had some deep transformations with these cards!

I got them from this cool old hippie lady. I went to her yard sale, and she had a whole bunch of decks she was selling. I asked her which one she thought would be best, and she recommended this one to me. It's the old 1970s version.

I've been a Deviant Moon reader exclusively for 5 years or so, but this deck is speaking to me in a similar fashion. It also translates very well onto a computer screen, since the images are light colored, big, and simple. I am a fan.

I've been a Deviant Moon reader

Never heard of that. It sounds cool. My decks are all what the universe brings to me at yard sales and thrift stores. :)

Haven't read on this one yet, personally, but I think it's one I'd enjoy.

That image of the Lovers reminds me of something...haven't quite placed it yet. Hmmm.

The whole deck is reminding me of something... Someday I'll figure it out.

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