Weekly Cards are Up. Pick one and have some fun! by Sunscape

in #tarot6 years ago

Maybe it is because it is the end of the year, because so many of the cards lately reflect the need for many changes to be made. Have a wonderful week everyone!

Sunscapes Weekly Cards

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

Spellcasters Tarot

by Melanie Marquis

I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1

5 of Wands Reversed

Surrender, Insecurity, End of Competition

Are you over all the conflicts, turmoil, bickering over trivial affairs? Are you tired of trying to stand your ground and hold onto your opinions? By now the stress of your current situations has brought you to the end of your rope. You may be feeling somewhat defeated and overrun with emotions too.

The 5 of Wands in the reverse suggests that you are breaking through a difficult period of conflict. You may be so tired of the games being played, the manipulations from friends and family, and now you simply choose not to acknowledge their games anymore, all the while hoping to diffuse the situations at hand. This could be someone you have a relationship with or perhaps a child or sibling that is constantly up in your face. Whomever you are dealing with, you are at the point of mental exhaustion.

You may be so tired of all the confrontations that you have turned the turmoil inwards instead of speaking any more about your emotional upsets, your just done repeating yourself to others. The reversal in this card is showing you to be cautious with internalizing and not facing your emotional traumas head on. You do not want to have to repeat this pattern of behavior over and over again, or do you? Take time to access your personal situations where conflict keeps occurring and deal with it in a non-judgemental way. See it for the underlying energy that is flowing in your life right now. Ask yourself, is this working for me? Is it time for you to just release and let it go? This could very well be a Karmic pattern that only you can break, this is something to consider as you contemplate what is the best course of action for you. Only you can choose for yourself the path you will travel down next.

Card 2

Ace of Wands Reversed

Delay, Resistance to Change

This Ace of Wands may be reversed and signal that the time is not now, but all aces reflect a new beginning coming on the horizon. Are you already feeling that change is coming, yet nothing seems to be appearing for you? You are probably anxiously awaiting your desires to manifest but the timing is just not quite right.

On the other hand you can see that the suns rays are streaming down upon the wand illuminating the new leaves on the staff, right? It is all hanging in the air awaiting you. Are you not ready for the new tasks ahead? Maybe you are just to tired or emotionally drained to think about taking on a whole new project right now. Are you focusing your attention too much on the lack of movement forward instead of anticipating your desires with joy and appreciation of what could be? Only you will know the answers to these questions.

Take a bit of time to make sure your intentions are of the utmost, positive thoughts you can muster and see how quickly the universe will answer you. Get yourself in the right state of mind and it will come!

Card 3

The Tower

Change, Removal, Death

Relax and don't panic because you just chose the Tower Card. ;-) It is the card of sudden change, unexpected upheaval and certain death to something in your life. Are you experiencing something falling apart around you? Maybe it's multiple things happening all at once. It could be a loss of income, loss of a job, quarrels among friends and families that turn into volatile situations. It could even be a loss of a home due to a natural disaster too. However often, the tower represents a relationship of some kind falling apart which always creates a feeling of your life tumbling down around you.

On the other hand, it could be you on an emotional level too. Maybe your are at the end of your rope with certain issues in your life, resulting to an energetic outburst or flow of emotions that have been suppressed way too long. Is this you? Are you turning inside out and upside down over something that is out of your control. When you are going through a tower period, your life is being shaken up for a reason. This could be Divine timing to help you to let go of any false sense of security that you have held concerning your current state. It usually comes to show you that you have held on way too long and too tightly to perceived ideas about the way life is supposed to be.

Life is all about going through changes, experiencing new things and letting go of what no longer serves you. You are here because you have outgrown something significant in your life. You will know what it is as you read this cards meaning. Perhaps and image, person or thing popped into your mind to give you a clue. Look for new doors and opportunities knocking in the near future, for where one door closes another always opens. Blessed be!

This weeks Spirit Guidance

I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Sunscape's Soap Shop


this must be a nice mind game to play.

It sure does open up our minds to take a moment and reflect how we are thinking and doing things.

Card 2 ! Emotionally drained & tired indeed !!!! Right on !!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

lol, It was probably my son and his family that put you over the top. just saying.... be well and rest up.

Card 1. Emm.. Yes that's about me now. Good occasion to think about. Thank you!

Well I am so happy you joined us for the weekly card, I am glad it resonated with you.

From your posts, this to my favorites. I hope not to resist more to the change and that all the good comes and catches me. Happy week dear Wanda💚

I hope so too for you dear Denisse. We all are going through major changes right now, some of it is a bit hard too.

The changes are not easy. But we do the best we can dear Wanda. Thank you for your love... Thank you for your support from always for me

You are always in my heart and most welcome my dear, it is my pleasure to assist your dreams in coming through.

Thank you very much, dear Wanda. You're wonderful

The n.2 and reading the meanings I can say it's perfect for me now ^_^

Hello dear Silvia, no. 2 is for many of us, and we are almost there to new beginnings, just a few more kinks to work out. ;-) Happy Holidays my friend.

I also selected the second card. I can truly feel that the sort of changes we want are SO close now @sunscape. And I feel the importance of 'anticipating desires with joy and appreciation of what could be' and all intentions being of the highest vibration possible.

I've been feeling the need to declutter my studio and living space and garden for eons, but it looked daunting and I haven't had the energy ~ Till about a week ago. It's all happening now and I can SEE the changes and the energy is starting to shift and it feels SO supportive for wherever my artwork will take me now. Thanks so much for your reading. Always so spot on.

And I hadn't known your name before. Wanda suits you so much ~ Like being the bearer of a magical wand. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

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