A crypto-centric search for answers through a reading w/ @tarotbyfergus!

in #tarot7 years ago (edited)

Hey, Steemit! It’s snowing here in Minnesota. I made it home before it started falling. I finally brought the box of plastic insulation upstairs to wrap the windows before we enter in to 20º weather overnight. A huge project, but it’s done and our bedroom is pleasantly warm.

I’ve been dealing with technology turmoil over the last two days. Most of which are first world problems. I’ve ordered a few more Amazon Echo Dots during Cyber Monday. I have a couple of UE ROLLS in my living room […they’re able to double up and play the same audio, so kind of like a poor man’s Sonos]. I bought a UE BOOM so adding two more bluetooth devices was a head-beating situation.

The other tech-based dilemma I’ve been faced with lately is crypto. Things have been happening lately. As I mentioned yesterday, I made an impulse buy on IOTA, and shortly there after, it began it’s recent climb nearly reaching $3. STEEM has been going out, EOS is going up. It’s me in a spiraling predicament of what to do with my profits. Sell IOTA to buy more STEEM? Sell STEEM to buy more EOS? I go through these options in the most Vulcan-like methods, struggling to find which is the most “logical”.

Finally, I turned to my Magic: The Gathering arch-nemesis, @tarotbyfergus. For the first time, I hired him for a reading. It was a strange feeling to see him place cards on the table that I didn’t immediately counter or gain control of […okay, I had to fit one in]. He asked me to pose a a question summarizing my need for the reading. The best I could come up with is “…how should I channel my thoughts and energy to avoid temptations and greed?”.

Per @tarotbyfergus, here was a summary my reading.

Knight of Penacles

He is a creature of habit that follows and application of pattern and structure being applied to an area of my life that is chaotic.

The Chariot

@tarotbyfergus points out that the Chariot represents forward motion with a clear direction or goal. My Chariot “entered the battlefield” […last MTG reference, I swear], reversed. Meaning, the opposite.

V. of Wands

This card represented energy, fighting and chaos. Madness and disruption to my focus. Interesting, @tarotbyfergus did mention that the V. of Wands shows up in every crypto-related readings he’s done lately.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands wants to be the center of attention, and reversed, she’s walking in to a room expecting to be adored. @tarotbyfergus’ interpretation is that as she’s ignored because of all the disruption […the V. of Wands] happening around her, she becomes manipulative.

The Tower

Showing up reversed, the tower represents a sense of freedom through devastating loss. Even without those restrictions, there is a lingering sense of self-imprisonment. An inability to move beyond the bars or shackles, metaphorically speaking.

It was a really enlightening reading that shed light on something I think I’ve known. Crypto has been a massive personal revolution in my life. I’m by no means rich, but since discovering Steemit and the varying opportunities in other blockchain/cryptocurrencies, I’ve managed to double my annual income as a freelance photographer. That’s still not much […certainly lower-middle class, if not still hugging the poverty line], but in my day to day life, it’s a massive change in quality of life. I don’t “feel” broke, like I used to. This reading, especially The Tower, made me realize that I’m still living, and thinking, like a broke-ass artist. A prison that has collapsed around me, but I still sit in the rubble unable to leave. 

I’ve been thinking about that with the manic tailspin I’ve been dealing with over the recent gains, and came to the conclusion that I’m obsessing over what I might miss, rather than enjoying what I have. I want more EOS, more IOTA, more BitShares and more STEEM, but currently, I don’t have fiat income […and when I do, it’ll be going to the mortgage for December]. The only way to get more of any of those things is to sell another on an exchange, and I don’t fucking need to do that. All of the above are steadily going up, so just enjoy it, Lars. You asshole.

That’s my take away, at least. It’s weird that for as long as I’ve known @tarotbyfergus, this was the first time I’ve really felt compelled to get a reading. When things are going well. Follow @tarotbyfergus if you aren’t already. He posts insightful readings, original music and the occasion Magic: The Gathering blogs.

I post daily. For more on life, photography, art and illustration, follow me here at @kommienezuspadt.


Wow 😅 it's a very interesting way to get answers that you need 😎

nice post great working

You are very good at playing your magic card. Indeed sometimes we are confused where we have to put our investment. Thank you for sharing the meaning of each magic card. May always be successful for you @kommienezuspadt.

Very cool.

I have been enjoying @tarotbyfergus' readings quite a bit, myself, although I haven't had a personal with him yet.

Interestingly enough, that VoW has been showing up for me too. Lots of agitated energies swirling around.

Congrats on your successes with crypto. Hope it all continues to trend up for you!

Looks like it has start snowing everywhere at the same time @kommienezuspadt :)

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