Tarot Spreads - 5 Really Good Ones For Tarot Reading and Divination (With Reminders About Decks, Card Order, and other Important Reading Details)

in #tarot7 years ago (edited)

Here are five Tarot Spreads that I use a lot and are really good for Tarot Readings. There are more than just these five, but I mention these in my video announcing a future Tarot Reading for Dragon Age 4. This however can be applied for ANYTHING. Therefore I shall share the details of these spreads here with you all, and for those of you who are interested in the game, post the video below my explanations.

The deck you use affects a Tarot Reading. The Rider-Waite deck is excellent for beginners and is often used by more experienced Readers as well. The Thothe deck has a switch for cards 8 and 11, thus changing the astrological order. It is a very powerful deck, but also differently balanced. It is important to keep that in mind. The Rider-Waite has a more original astrological balance. The Green Witch Tarot deck that I own, is more nature based and has a connection to the divine feminine. It is one to which I feel very connected. Everyone has "their" deck. The Dragon Age Inquisition Tarot deck is based on the Rider-Waite order of cards (same for the Green Witch deck), and since it is from that game, it has a direct connection to the game itself. Whichever deck you use will influence the reading, your state of mind also influences a reading, so it is important to clear our mind and to know where the balance shifts a bit more with the deck you are using in order to get the full benefits of a more accurate reading. It truly is about the self, so my goal to create a reading to attempt to predict things regarding Dragon Age 4 is more for fun, as it it is more difficult to predict and understand the future of the game than it is to understanding the present and future and past of one's own life.

To do a reading, you must center yourself, shuffle your deck while thinking about your reading that you are about to do, and then place each card you pick from the top of the deck in the order depicted in the various spreads.

Below are 5 excellent spreads.


Tarot Spread Celtic Cross.jpg

As shown in the image, place all cards Face Up, in the order and shape that is depicted. Use this spread:

  • To shed light on various aspects of your life;
  • To look at a situation, environment, and all the influences.

Once all cards are placed in the depicted order, read them in that same order.

The cards reveal:

  1. Current situation;
  2. Current influences;
  3. The foundation of the situation;
  4. Passing influences;
  5. Upcoming influences, within the next three months approximately;
  6. Future influences, within the next three to six months approximately;
  7. The environment surrounding the situation at hand;
  8. Strengths and advantages;
  9. Thoughts and concerns, things to keep in mind;
  10. The outcome.


Tarot Spread Elemental Cross.jpg

As shown above, place cards 1 to 5 Face Down, and 6 to 10 Face Up, in the order and shape that is depicted. Use this spread:

  • To ask about a matter or choice, and explore the matter and its influences in order to get to the heart of the matter.

Once cards have been placed, Read cards 6 to 10 first, then Reveal and Read one at a time each of the other cards.

The cards reveal:

6 The matter in the physical realm;
7 The matter in the mental realm;
8 The matter on the energetic plane;
9 The matter on an emotional level;
10 The very heart of the matter;

  1. The hidden influences for the matter in the physical realm;
  2. The hidden influences for the matter in the mental realm;
  3. The hidden influences for the matter on the energetic plane;
  4. The hidden influences for the matter on an emotional level;
  5. The hidden heart of the matter.


Tarot Spread Mystic Pyramid.jpg

Place all cards Face Up, in the order and shape that is depicted. Use this spread:

  • To shed light when uncertain about choices or decisions;
  • To look at a various possibilities that may await you.

Once all cards are placed, Read through them all one by one.

The cards reveal:

  1. The past;
  2. The present;
  3. The near future;
  4. Your mindset (part of which you may not yet be consciously aware of);
  5. Other people's attitudes;
  6. Obstacles;
  7. The anticipated outcome.


Tarot Spread Cross & Triangle.jpg

Place all cards Face Up, in the order and shape that is depicted. Use this spread:

  • To explore questions regarding the general direction of your life.

Once all cards are placed, Read through them all one by one.

The cards reveal:

  1. Your Life Force;
  2. Influences on your thoughts;
  3. Influences on your emotions;
  4. Influences on your spirit;
  5. Influences on your physical self;
  6. Opposing forces;
  7. Energies that are necessary to call upon;
  8. The outcome.


Tarot Spread Tree of Life.jpg

Place all cards Face Up, in the order and shape that is depicted. Use this spread:

  • To seek out clarity of thought, and understanding of your current place within the natural energy of life.

Once all cards are placed, Read through them all one by one, 1 through 7 first, then down the stem of the Tree, and the the roots of the Tree. 1 to 7 can be read as pairs, from outer to inner, thus pairing up 1 and 7, 2 and 6, 3 and 5, with 4 being the crown of the tree.

The cards reveal:

1 1 to 7 reveal how others see the querent;
4 How others see the querent;
4 4, 8 and 9 reveal what supports the querent;
10 10 and 14 show upcoming energies;
12 as the taproot, 12 reveals what drawn the strongest energy;
10 10, 11, 13 and 14 reveal secondary energies;
15 The heart of the matter as it is the heart of the tree, and it shows what's most important or vital.

Here's the video where I talk about it in regards to Dragon Age 4, however, this video does not mention how to read each spread, which is why I explain it all above.


Does this thing really work? I don't believe in supernatural things like this. Buh can I try it? And see if it works.

It brings a better understanding of what's going on inside I find. It does not reveal the future per se, since energy is always in movement, it can change and transform. The future cannot be thus predicted in such an accurate manner. However, it can reveal how things can be if nothing changes, or if we work our inner energy to move forward towards a desired outcome.

When Frank and I were looking for a new house, I did a Tarot reading and it revealed when we might find, because I had been worried. So it reassured me. Weather me letting go and being reassured put things in motion or not, the reading helped and we found our house within the time frame the reading had mentioned. Same thing with the new car, I had misgivings and we both did our own reading to better understand feelings we had no words to describe.

Tarot is can be a glimpse into the future, but is more notably the ability to look within and understand that which has no words with which to be described.

This is helpful.
What does it take to learn how to read tarot?

Nothing really, all it takes is to do it and practice. The Rider-Waite deck is excellent for beginners: http://amzn.to/2sPSTAU. I own the Green Witch Tarot deck and book: http://amzn.to/2sQ98hi Another excellent book is the Path of the Fool by Michael Tsarion: http://amzn.to/2su9g36.

The more readings you do, the more fluent you become with your deck and the cards.

Very well and detailed explanation of tarot cards 👍

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