Introduction to Lenormand Fortunetelling Cards

in #tarot7 years ago

Before Gerard Encausse (Papus)’s bestselling book, Tarot of the Bohemians, came out in 1892, Tarot was considered more of a card game, like it is in Continental Europe today. Although esoteric Tarot existed, it was not popular outside of a small group of occultists including Lenormand herself.


If you went to an everyday psychic during the Civil War era, the reading you would get would be with the Lenormand deck – 36 “trump” cards that are not attributed to the same system as the 36 decanate cards or 22 kabbalistic trumps of esoteric Tarot.

Lenormand’s deck is based on low magic and pure fortune telling, not rosicrucianism. There are no four elements or seven planets here. You could say the same when it comes to I Ching, Nordic runes, or Ifa which have their own kabbalah-like systems attached, versus the low magic of reading tea leaves, playing cards, or coffee grounds.

Lenormand did not actually use her eponymous deck, however. She read both regular playing cards or Ettellia’s esoteric tarot known as the book of Thoth, a 78 card deck with very different names for both the trumps and small cards. This is because Papus had not yet popularized the use of the Marseilles deck – the deck that Rider – Waite, Crowley, and other modern decks are based upon.

For the ‘meanings’ section, I will be listing poems from the Blue Owl deck, the rhyming Lenormand deck in English. These are similar to the Old English rune poems, which are used for rune divination.

1 Rider
Heed well good news from the Cavalier,
Impassioned views promise good cheer.
Sadness that hides veiled in the day,
Once undisguised soon flies away.

2 Clover
Flowers surrounded in cloverleaf,
Mean sorrow surmounted and rift of grief.
Dark clouds appear under misty sky,
Events you should fear will soon make you cry.

3 Ship
A ship with gold sails straight into view,
Lined in its hold are fortunes for you.
If you should travel with a special friend,
Memories unravel for years upon end.

4 House
A stately house beyond the gate
Bestows good fortune upon your fate.
In love and play, your chance to win
Depends on the ways you first begin.

5 Tree
One tree from earth is best to see,
It springs from birth, good health for thee.
And if the tree should reappear,
Close to the Querent, your goal is near.

6 Clouds
Clouds brightly shine strung in precision,
Life will be fine with firm decision.
Beware of clouds misty and obscure.
Life cloaked in shrouds is hard to endure.

7 Snake
Vile is the serpent who lulls with a bite.
Be not indulgent or slow to the fight.
Flee every moment she turns on the charm.
This poised opponent will spring to your harm.

8 Coffin
Illness is known, sickness is near,
Fate has its own ending to fear
You lose your money, all’s hopeless to you.
And what’s not funny, your courage fails too.

9 Bouquet
Happiness anew from the flowers’ scent.
The outlook for you means encouragement.
Days will be filled with pleasures come true,
Fate has so willed the best unto you.

10 Scythe
The scythe looms bare, danger stalks too.
Of strangers beware, they can harm you.
If some nearby cards hold favorable view,
Good are the odds that you’ll overcome, too.

11 Whip
Birchrod brings strife, and what should be bliss
To husband and wife has gone all amiss.
Prepare for sorrows that dampen the day,
Begotten of quarrels that bring much dismay.

12 Birds
The birds mean grief but remain in good cheer,
Woes will be brief when the birds disappear.
If this card is found far distant from you,
A voyage is bound to loom into view.

13 Child
Friends adore you, children even more.
Many new friendships are shortly in store.
Consorts are many, enemies are few;
Kindliness aplenty emanates from you.

14 Fox
The fox is sly, a friend is too.
Someone may try to deceive you.
With wily glances the Renard snaps.
Avoid new chances, beware old traps.

15 Bear
Brawny and bold, here is the bear.
This we are told: Watch and beware!
Words that deceive, spoken with envy,
You will perceive, are quite unfriendly.

16 Stars
One shining star alone in the skies,
Bodes joy from afar where happiness lies.
When clouds obstruct the star from sight,
A chance of luck befalls tonight.

17 Stork
Stork on the roof of your abode
Is certain proof you’ll take to the road.
Stork in her flight, swiftly she wings –
In some distant night, leave with your things.

18 Dog
Man’s best friend, faithful and true,
His soul he’d lend in trust to you.
The mongrel beast away from it all,
Devours a feast that portends your fall.

19 Tower
The high tower means long life, sure,
Hopes that flower from deeds so pure.
When troubles surround, sickness may come,
And problems abound, you must overcome.

20 Garden
The gardens entreat to a party you’ll go.
A new friend you’ll meet romance will outflow.
Faithful your friendship when you’re not far off,
But away on a trip, your love is soon scoffed.

21 Mountain
The mountain retreat holds a formidable foe.
To avoid your defeat, strike hard the first blow.
From a distance is seen the start of despair;
Beyond the ravine hides a beast in his lair.

22 Crossroads
A road in the open reveals the best way
To avoid chagrin and dispel dismay.
If dark clouds surround and the road is dim,
Beware of the ground sinking from within.

23 Mice
The robber mouse takes your treasure;
Inside the house he steals with pleasure.
Hope’s not all forgone if this card is near,
Once the mouse is begone you regain what’s dear.

24 Heart
The heart is a symbol of bonheur and joy.
Romance blooms in full for you to enjoy.
Serenity rests down deep in thy heart,
Granting requests ’til death do thee part.

25 Ring
Ring to the right – the love that you cherish
Will always be bright and continue to flourish.
Ring to the left – and troubles begin:
Your love will be cleft and filled with chagrin.

26 Book
This book lies unopened, secrets hidden therein.
The covers portend that sorrows begin.
It hides many tears and hidden emotions;
It conceals many fears and foolish devotions.

27 Letter
This scented letter from a place remote,
Brings new that is better from a friend who wrote.
But as dark clouds loom in a threatening sky,
Sadness will soon much intensify.

28 Gentleman
This principal card shows a man in full view,
Held high in regard to tell fortunes for you.
And upon your behest if the cards are read well,
The worst and the best the cards will foretell.

29 Lady
This charming woman with bouquet in hand,
As with the gentleman her cards will command.
The fortunes revealed once the cards have been placed,
Unveil the concealed that destiny has traced.

30 Lily
Lilies are white and gold stars surround,
The outlook is bright and joy will abound.
If this card rests higher, means good disposition,
But if signs are lower, it means dubious position.

31 Sun
The warmth of the sun brightens the day,
Good luck has begun to follow your way.
The closer your location you bask in sweet bliss,
The further your position, your outlook’s amiss.

32 Moon
The slumbering moon, when it rises near,
Means great honors are bound to appear.
When moon beams fade, the omens grow ill,
Remorse will invade with an unpleasant chill.

33 Key
Near the person the key means success,
Overcoming oppression you make some progress.
When further away, good luck is weaker,
Plans go astray and courage is meeker.

34 Fish
When fish swim near in an ocean vast,
Prospects are clear for a fortune amassed.
If fish swim away, hopes are battered,
Cheer turns to dismay and dreams are shattered.

35 Anchor
The anchor’s a sign of a happy event;
Basked in sunshine, peaceful and content.
When the anchor’s apart some distance from you,
Good luck will depart and leave life askew.

36 Cross
A cross weaves pain historically sad,
A distance not close means tidings are bad.
But mischance dissolves when the cross is near,
The burden absolves if you persevere.

How To Read

It is apparent from reading the quatrains that people would typically choose a significator. But just like with tarot, you can do typical spreads.

Choosing one card can be significant, as can choosing 3 cards – past, present and future. One thing that people do with Lenormand that they can’t do with tarot is to read the cards as one giant, continuous card. Which way is the man facing? Is he facing the tree? What is he thinking about? Are the man and the rider facing each other? These are all questions that you can think about with Lenormand.

If you are using a significator, think about which card represents the querent. Cards like child, gentleman and lady can represent the querent. Other cards can, as well, such as the bear, which may represent your boss. A loyal friend may be represented by the dog. I would avoid choosing sketchy cards like mouse, or fox, to represent a person however.

Take cards out until you find the significator. You can lay cards out from the deck until you find the significator, or you can do something called a Grand Tableau where you lay out every card in the deck. Look at the cards: which are near, and which are far? Which are facing each other? Many cards’ information sections states meanings for “near” and “far”.

So far I am a newbie in terms of Lenormand, but many people like Rana George’s books. I would not read books written by Lenormand herself, since they are more about reading playing cards. Let me know in the comments section what you think about these cards.

Some decks that people tend to like are the Under the Roses, Blue Owl, Blue Bird, and Regula Fiechter’s Mystical Lenormand. I have the Under the Roses deck which is very modern. The pictures posted on social media tend to be from the Fiechter deck, which is very rich in terms of its imagery.


Very nice post, thanks for sharing!

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