
From your article, I hope it doesn't dampen the schadenfreude you were feeling about those Americans who lived in an area that the majority voted for Trump in losing their jobs:

Nearly 4,700 American jobs have been created since the steel and aluminum tariffs went into effect as businesses like U.S. Steel restart blast furnaces for in Illinois, and Century Aluminum reopened an aluminum smelter in Kentucky. Many of these positions are union jobs that come with $60,000 salaries and benefits.
"Idled steel and aluminum capacity is being restarted as we sit here," said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross at a Senate hearing last week.


The workers who lost their jobs on June 15 were contract workers paid about $10 an hour,

Seeing as there are now more jobs than unemployed people who can't find a job?

I am sure there are plenty of other low paying jobs without benefits in their area. Maybe a Dollar General or Taco Bell since they have thousands of unfilled openings. Or they could move to kentucky to get a union job(gasp, union) which takes a lot of money and either they lose on house value or the landlord does. Then again they could get that one high paying manufacturing job with specialized skills listed in Savannah! Winning!
Funny how you again missed the part about 40,000+ jobs created by tariffs but 250,000 to 500,000 lost in a sector due to tariffs. Cherry picking for your narrative?

LOL, was I supposed to list all the high paying jobs for you? that was a sample, yet another false assumption/ faulty conclusion.
Funny how you left out how "40,000+ jobs created by tariffs but 250,000 to 500,000 lost in a sector due to tariffs"

is yet another projection and not something that has actually happened!

You didn't read the line after that where it said that the effects of the tariffs are difficult to predict?

mmm more FUD. The oil industry will be fine. did you read that whole article?

Trump appears to be using the tariffs as a bargaining chip, as he's often bemoaned the fact that the U.S. has trade deficits with several of its largest trading partners.
"It’s easy to imagine they’ll be repealed after serving their purpose," Robertson said.

And another winner. These stories are being reported around the country every day now. The Trump trade war is affecting every sector of our economy - even synthesizers.

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