Tantra: simple practices for every day.

in #tantra5 years ago

In this article you will learn:
What is tantra and how to apply it in everyday life;
Technique for recovering from stress;
How to diversify the sensations of a couple.

How to find joy in everyday everyday activities - in banal dishwashing, for example? How to paint in bright colors everything that seems gray and boring? Can tantric techniques help here? After all, many people think that tantra is about something completely different ...

Tantric practices, like many others, have appeared to remind the world of energy fields and of incredible forces, dormant in the depths of the unconscious. Every moment of life, every creature deserves special attention, and wise ancient science helps to expand to infinity the levels of our perception - sensual, emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual.

Classes of tantric techniques not only liberate the body and soul - they allow you to release your inner potential, feel deeper, hear your own unique sound. They cure many ailments, return the taste and bright colors of life, facilitate the opening of the chakras in a vertical system that unites the heavens and the earth in your being, helps to find inner freedom and joy, a state of true love, leads along the path to enlightenment, allows you to go beyond.

There is practically no limit to the methods of modern tantra: breathing and gymnastic exercises, techniques, meditations, chanting of mantras, sexual techniques that allow reconciling the most pronounced opposites - man and woman. The basis of tantric methods is the correct breathing mechanism - saturating our body with healing oxygen, accelerating brain processes. However, tantra is not a technique, but a prayer focused on relaxation in the heart - this is the path of surrender, the path of love.

Tantra in everyday life
Tantric methods and techniques are really easily applicable in everyday life, or rather, they become such when our awareness increases, there is a desire to live tasty and high-quality every moment, without rush and fuss. Magic happens, you seem to weave your attention into the canvas of life and enter into a “sensual relationship” with the world, begin to feel its taste, smell, hear its song.

Everything that was gray and boring in your life is painted in bright juicy colors with the help of energy overwhelming you.

And you can start with completely simple actions.

... Walking the streets and just smiling - for yourself, people, the world around us, the sky with a cloud running through it, falling rain or snowflakes.

... Drink coffee, feeling every sip of it, savoring the taste, inhaling deeply the smell.

... Run fingers on the hand of a loved one, feeling every micro-movement and touch.

... to listen to music, plunging into it totally.

... Sometimes just make faces, grimacing and becoming completely insane. Just because you feel like it.

... Learn to praise and give thanks, and vice versa - to receive gratitude and praise.

... Learn to love: for real, without conditions and reservations, to accept and enjoy each other without limit.

... To create more and more every day, even if it is a process of artistic bedding or filigree washing dishes :)

... make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting you is a gift.

... Cry, swear, get angry, offended and sad if you really feel it at the moment. To be natural, to stop the struggle with what is.

Breathing practice
If your life is in crisis or you just got stuck in some situation, relationship, feelings - try to mentally “run through” your body and determine in which part of it there is a block that slows down the living stream of life, the place or place where it has accumulated the most voltage.

If you are familiar with the chakra system, determine the area of ​​which chakra it corresponds to (if not already, then google to help!).

Stand with a flat back, place your legs slightly wider than your shoulders (feet are parallel to each other), soften your knees, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and start breathing through your mouth intensely, as if you are “pumping” your breath, inflating the furs, each of the chakras queues - from the first to the seventh, holding attention only on the breath and the area of ​​the chakra through which you are currently breathing. It is important that all attention and energy merge with active breathing through the mouth and be held in the area of ​​each chakra in turn for 1.5 minutes. Surrender to this process totally, let everything that interferes with the free flow of energy come out with your breath.

Climb higher and let your breathing become more frequent and shallow. You can help yourself with your hands for a more explicit understanding of the area through which you are breathing now. After passing through all seven chakras, go down with calm breath and attention in the reverse order, for 10-15 seconds, as if collecting the energy of the heated chakra. Rest for a few minutes and repeat the cycle twice more. There is special music on the Internet that will help the process of chakra breathing.

Love and meditation

I know that for many, tantra is associated with some unusual sexual experiences. But few people imagine that tantra is not sex, not action, not ritual, not a process, but a state of consciousness in which you perform certain actions, including sexual ones, because sex is part of our device. The essence of tantric sex lies in a real intimate unity of partners - it is not so much physical unity as a spiritual merging of energies. Partners become one, the energy of each of them doubles, and does not weaken, as after ordinary sex, the ability to realize the unity of everything that exists in the Universe appears.

All paths of tantra are based on a feeling of mutual love and full disclosure to each other. With this union, souls merge. This can be felt by any couple who want to combine love and meditation in the practice of tantra. What happens during sex magically captures the whole being, making sex truly sensual and spiritual at all levels.

You can add some simple tricks to your life right now. Use your senses to empower.

Pair practice
Sniff. Take a few items with a characteristic smell (orange, ginger, banana, honey, aromatic oil). Study them with your partner, and then, blindfolding one by one, try to guess what your partner offers to smell. Such a game will help both of you learn to focus on your olfactory sensations.

Touch it. Prepare pieces of fabrics of different textures: wool, silk, cotton, fur. Remember what they feel like. Repeat the game "guessing", but with an erotic bias. Allow the partner to blindfold you and alternately run tissue over any part of your body. Attention only in sensations. Then swap places.

Listen up. Turn on your favorite music, lie on the bed, close your eyes and try to trace the part of any one instrument, as if you were listening to the interlocutor’s voice in a very noisy cafe. If one of you falls asleep during this exercise - it does not matter. A calm sweet dream is also a component of tantra.

Eat it. Cook various foods: vegetables, fruits, sweets. Blindfold the partner’s eyes and carefully feed him, alternating meals, ask to name the product that you feed. Then swap places. Focus on taste, train your receptors.

Watch and breathe. Lie opposite each other, let your views connect. Start breathing deeply, synchronizing breathing with your partner, perceiving yourself and him as a whole. Look deeply into each other, breathing like one living organism. Even the simple regular practice of attuning breathing with the breath of a partner, believe me, is able to give you new unforgettable sensations in a pair.


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What nonsense are you writing. What a spammer. What nonsense. You are out of your mind.

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