Wisata air terjun tansaran bidin takengon

in #tansaranbidin7 years ago

Gayo especially Takengon is a beautiful country. One of the tourist destinations in Aceh will not be bored we go. Lots of beautiful photo spots around Takengon. Nature tourism, culture and much more.
One of his bidin tank waterfalls located in the village wonosari, new pondok district, district bener festive.


This is a waterfall that is still awake to its naturalness. But the road to the waterfall is quite difficult in the way, the course is quite steep.


Gayo khususnya Takengon itu negeri yang indah. Salah satu destinasi wisata di Aceh ini tidak akan bosan kita datangi. Banyak sekali spot foto cantik di seputar Takengon. Wisata alam, budaya dan masih banyak lagi.
Salah satu nya air terjun tansaran bidin yang terletak di desa wonosari,kecamatan pondok baru,kabupaten bener meriah.


Ini merupakan air terjun yang masih terjaga keaslian nya. Tetapi jalan menuju ke air terjun ini lumayan cukup sulit di tempuh, jalannya yang cukup terjal.