10 Truths And 1 Lie; Are you ready? 😘

in #tanfactsonelie6 years ago (edited)

 Hello Steem people 😀!!! 

Yesterday @ruth-girl nominated me to take part in a 10-truths-1-lie challenge and I accepted with a big smile on my face!!!! 

I really like challenges that have to do with guessing;So let's see how good you can "read" me!

From the 11 facts I will be giving you bellow, 1 of those will have nothing to do with me lol! 😂 

Show me who can spot the False statement 😘!! 

  1.  I started Ballet Dancing when I was 5 years old! 
  2.  Have been doing 100m speed, in my teens.
  3. Also have been writing for the school newspaper at high school.
  4. At the age of 16, I won a national school contest in Chemistry.
  5. I create "niche" perfumes!
  6. I am an amide clubbing lover!
  7. I have been on the top of mount Kilimanjaro.
  8. Have also walked on the Great Wall of China.
  9. I am a professional racing car driver.
  10. I love paragliding!
  11. Have been around the world, twice 😉!

I will reveal the truth in 3 days from today! But in the meantime, if someone finds the false statement; I will use the football  term of "Sudden Death" LOL

By saying football, for my friends in Canada and the US, I mean Soccer !!

So are you ready? Let the show begin!!!

So my nominees for this nifty theme -in alphabetical order- will be.....drums please  😅 !!!




And please allow me to nominate 3 men as well....can I ? Oh thank you  😘 😘 😘  





Until next time,stay tuned and keep smiling my beautiful people 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗


haha, kalimera! 💙
Thank God I actually read your posts, otherwise I would know I was nominated... (you misspelled my name :P)
I actually need to give some thought to your truths + lie but I will come back in a few minutes (hopefully) with my reply 💙

Oh my I did!!!
I am so sorry Κατερινάκι μου 💗
I think it's the side effect I have from the fever!!! I have been boiling since yesterday with 38.6!!

I am looking orward for your answer, bare in mind I have high hopes for you!!!

So sorry to hear that Alinaki .. perastika sou... oli mou i kali energeia konta sou

😘 😘 😘

Wow, most of these facts are incredibly impressive, indicating you have been living an extraordinary life Alina :) My original guess would be the Mount Kilimanjaro but it looks like you visited many places as a flight attendant so my guess is nr. 9 - you are not a professional racing car driver :)

Thank you @phortun, soon enough you're going to find out if you are right or wrong !!!😉

I will dare saying you've never set a foot on the Wall of China, so #8 would be the lie?!?

This is a pretty impressive list, exciting really. Thanks for the challenge, have a wonderful day, keep your smile and namaste :)

@eric-boucher, thank you for your comment!!!
Less than two days left now, your guess is being noted!!

Namaste 😀

i think the last one was lie "have been around world twice 😉😉

Have put down your answer @moharkan 😀

Καλημέρα!!! Είσαι φοβερή!!!!! Σπάνιο για γυναικά να της αρέσουν τα αγωνιστικά αυτοκίνητα και να είναι και οδηγός!! :))

Καλημέρα Νίκο, ναι η αλήθεια είναι ότι είναι σπάνιο 😀!!!

I can't give an answer as I know the lie (Duh!), but I think you should enrich your 11th fact and tell the world what your job was as a student. Now that's impressive AF if you ask me sis 😍

Thanks for the monination btw 😗

@alinak15 what was your student job? flight attendant?
really impressive your achievements

BINGO @alexandraioana26 VERY IMPRESSED!!!!!

But this will be in another post!!!!!

Emirates company or local? Can't wait for it @alinak15!!!! I also want to pursue a career in the aviation

Gulf Air @alexandraioana26

It was Magical years!!!!

hehehehe Do you think I should have to put that too?

Well maybe I will make a post soon saying how I managed to study without getting a penny from our parents :)!

I create "niche" perfumes! this one is false dear:p

Just wait and see @akashhassan :)!!!

oka m waiting!

Good morning and περαστικά!!

I'm glad you accepted this challenge. I must say you gave us a hard time with those facts. I need to think... Think... Think...
Nah! I don't have a clue, I'll say #9 for no reason because I could imagine you doing all the above, although 1+2 or 7+8 are a bit tricky as well :)

Hahahaha Ok I see you question me a lot Empress!

Just wait and see @ruth-girl! The truth will be unveiled soon!!

Σε ευχαριστώ πολλά φιλιά 😘 😘 😘

I would call number 6 a lie?
I think everything else for the brief time I know you could potentially be valid and truth.

My vote didn't register before. so I returned to fix this.

@skapaneas thank you for taking part in this fun challenge.
I thought about nominating you; but brother @tkappa wanted to do it himself!! 😉

Soon you will see if you are right!
Kisses to you 😘 😘 😘

I will go for

6. I am an amide clubbing lover!

You seem to be an extraordinary human being, so I believe everything you say :)

Katerinaki mou I cannot say just yet.

Just wait and see 😀!!!
Many kisses all the way to you!!! 😘 😘 😘

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