Remember when tags were used to describe content?

I do, but since the tribes have arrived that seems to have gone to shit. Is there any hope, or are we set for content tagged like this:


Yep, believe me or not, but those were the tags I saw yesterday relating to a post about......

Steemmonsters / Splinterlands

I wonder if the creator was sad they couldn't also add 'spt', 'steemace', and 'battle', which would perhaps be more appropriate for the Post.

Four out of those 5 tags are fairly legit though, and the creator may even have a solid case to use 'steemleo' as they were also discussing 'investing' in the Orbs you can buy with DEC within the game.

The thing is though, none of the above tags describe the actual content of the post.

Is that an issue for you?

If this account found an interface that allowed more tags (there are some), would they choose to tag the other tribes that had no specific content focus over tags trying to describe what their content was about?

Maybe no-one cares about this and I'm just being a grump.

The 'I've invested in this tribe so I can tag this tribe and steemleo' Post

Is starting to piss me off also.

I'm staked in 9 tribes now and so at least I have my Posts sorted for the next week and a half......

Using Tags in Comments

Seen that one? It's pretty cool. The first tag of the main comment (Post) will seemingly always be included in the comment, but some of the others are missing at times.

If you use a bunch of tags in a comment and someone upvotes with an account that holds stake relating to those tags, you'll get lots more votes.

Not that anyone is upvoting comments much anymore.

Personally, if I see this 'tag fishing' and the tags don't relate to the content, it's a no vote from me.

OK I think I've finished moaning. Don't share this one on Twitter.

Glad to be back!


And now I've come to the point where I enter the tags and risk being a total hypocrite. Oh well, I guess nopal4me, noleo4me, nomarlians4me, noneoxian4me, nosports4me, no spt, no battle, and no game today. Taking my busy vote though.


Selling your tags are the new bidbots.

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There is a json_metadata field included with comment operations on the blockchain which can contain arbitrary data. Ideally the information about the tribes in which a post can be upvoted would be added as a new property there and not by bogarting the existing tags feature (which is also stored in the json_metadata field btw).

The issue is that if a new, custom property was used, then it would only be possible to publish posts that can accept payouts in SE tokens through UIs that support this new feature. So by using tags it's possible to post through any front-end and have the post be eligible for SE token rewards without those front-ends needing to do anything to support it.

FWIW my original design called for the use of a new json_metadata property and not to use tags, but it was implemented using tags initially just because they were easier to use for testing (before there was nitrous or any of that), and it just stayed that way.

Ultimately though, I think front-ends can come up with a lot better ways to group and organize content than the existing tags feature, so maybe the fact that tribes are messing with the use of the tags will encourage some front-ends to start experimenting with other mechanisms.

Thanks for taking the time to explain this Matt.

The ease of implementation with the tags has certainly meant the tribes and tokens have become very popular, but it does sound like a tweak to the json_metadata and the front ends might be a better solution further down the road.

You point out one with 5 tags, noticed one yesterday with 8 tags that were all token related and none about the content.

I've struggled with this concept. We are powering up #palnet and #neoxian tokens and want to further reward the PIFC community, but that means entries now we need to waste 2 tags. They are both general content tags, but to have 2 of 5 eaten up on just earning those tokens kind of sucks.

Not sure that the current system behind the token market is helping Steem as a whole. In time 90% of these tokens will have 0 value anyways so time will likely fix some of the issue, but until then I'd love to see a solution.

yabapmatt posted a reply with the original proposed solution, but that would mean a lot less movement with the tribes - but less tag spamming for 'visibility'. offers lots of tags, but it is only an editor.

The tags you mention are not content specific so i would expect those to appear on many who have powered up their relevant stake. 8 tags just for tokens may seem like few in coming months, it's getting a little out of control though.

I'm sure something will actually happen, otherwise this will get completely out of control. I'm curious to see how many new tokens get issued over the next year...kind of crazy already. Can you picture if we go into a bull market what will happen? New tokens will pop up like crazy.

Yes i was thinking today about how a bull market could effect our SCOT tokenization. Secretly hoping that SMT will arrive just before the bull as i think they could drive the price of STEEM better. Not certain though, will just keep going and see what happens.

Oh the promise of SMTs has been dangled in front of us for so long. Know it's supposed to be next on the list...lets see when it happen. When it was first talked it was a big fat juicy it's just been hanging there for to long. Now feel like that carrot has become covered in mold barely enough to motivate anyone other then the desperate.

I've been downvoting extreme tag abuse a little lately and don't mind ramping up that game some more. You definetely won't get my upvote if you spam tags. I assume it will become dangerous to spam tags if hf21 arrives and there are free downvotes.

Better to focus on decent content in one community and earn 100s of tokens that get dust from 7 or 8 communities and waste people's time. Posters like these aren't making any friends.

So yes, there is hope, one thing I propose for SPS if it happens is make a tag filter so we can hide these spammers from our searches for relevant content.

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I assume it will become dangerous to spam tags if hf21 arrives and there are free downvotes.

Hopefully, although I hope the community accounts get a reasonable amount of work done here too.

Better to focus on decent content in one community and earn 100s of tokens that get dust from 7 or 8 communities and waste people's time.

Agreed, although many don't seem to understand this.

... one thing I propose for SPS if it happens is make a tag filter so we can hide these spammers from our searches for relevant content.

I suspect we'll be told to mute these people. Bugger, I could be doing this across 10 accounts or more :)

hehehe I looked back and knew instantly it was my post ;)

The thing is what I find with tags....if you write about everyday stuff, there is hardly a tag that describes it all except for the #life tag, but reality is...that is so broad that nobody cares really about it. Also when I am searching for tags I come to the conclusion that I actually never search on tags, only when it is something extremely specific, like the #beos one I was looking for back then.

So yes..if there is a specific topic (steemmonsters could have surely done the trick in this one) it will sure contribute on finding it, but when on everyday stuff, I decided to use everyday tags...which in this case I indeed found the steemleo tag legit because there is some finance in there....

I agree with you on that the tags should totally not be mis-used, and that is a reward-rape on this and it deserves a flag...but especially the broad boards...yeah...what is the content then really about

Its.....a new challenge!

No-one else did though ya doofus! 😂😂😂

It is new challenge, and like others have said, if you are a member of those no specific content tribes, then why not use the tags to make use of your staked tokens - you didn't abuse tags, they just didn't help with what the post would describe.

#beos is a good example, I also clicked through my own tag the other week to find out what was going on :)

Anyway, thanks for being my example, carry on as you are I guess!

Exactly..the tags work for a specific hunt, i find the roadtosteemfest one also a good example on that you are really looking for something, or in contest or so, but for general things...nobody scrolls through the travel tag since half of the world sets themselves in a plane these weeks. #doofus might be an excellent one though!

hehehe I dont mind admitting that I am your example, rather put it out in the open right!

...failed at social media due to being unable to write hash-tags

:D :D :D

I dont mind admitting that I am your example, rather put it out in the open right!

As they say in Show Business, any publicity is good publicity!

hahahahahha it turns out that doofus is all of a sudden a direct link to #failinghashtag !hahahahahahah

Shit that is my male alter ego

Well, not even publicity..More the fact that it dont like to do secretative about it. No rewardpool rape intentionally going on here, and I absolutely dont mind to clear that out in the open before Im the #tokenwhore :P

Since it's so out of control, I've been downvoting. And since my account has many different staked tokens, these abusers stand to lose more than they bargained for; and that's their problem.

The brute force approach may teach a few people a lesson. 10 free downvotes a day and rising for me, no wonder I've not filled up many jars this week.

I'm trying to charge up now but I did see some basic family photos being passed off as "creative" in 'creativecoin'. I don't see why people have to be so fucking lazy.

That is a tag I am unlikely to provide any content for, but one that I might like to curate.

Thieves they are!

I'm building up stake, on a hunch. The 'art' tag was always near the top of steemit. I just hope these folks learn the business side of things and realize they only shoot themselves in the foot if they take instead of stake.


Well I have just bought a few and will be introducing my 4356th account all staked up tomorrow :)

I'm shocked to see so many dump, knowing if they would have staked, they could have doubled up.

And in a year those same people will be whining about not being able to earn.

I think it's quite easy to double up in a year with 50% going to the person being entertained.

Time in the market not timing the market should far us well.

I thought the problem of people leaving out the categorization tags would be solved by posting through one of the SCOT-tribes, which allow you to use 10 tags. The first 5 are being picked up by SteemIt and alternative interfaces, so it would be perfect to use the 5 first tags to categorize your content, and use the last 5 tags to add the tribes of your choice. At least, one would be able to reach his targeted audience with his post, right?!

Unfortunately, after doing a couple of experiments myself by posting through palnet, and asking around about the other sites, I found out that the sites mess up the order of your tags. As a result, what I thought could be a solution isn't one, so I went back to using 5 tags and posting through At least, they give me that upvote :0)

The first 5 are being picked up by SteemIt and alternative interfaces, so it would be perfect to use the 5 first tags to categorize your content, and use the last 5 tags to add the tribes of your choice.

I didn't know this and that sounds like a good plan.

I found out that the sites mess up the order of your tags.

Oh, bummer.

Same as me re:busy, but many post way more than once - in that case though, the topic should be more specific and they should be able to get away with 5 - riiiight :)

absolutely agree. After all, 'busy' is only for the vote, right?! 😉😂

Like I replied to the other comment: I have been told that the SCOt sites don't mes with the tags anymore - still didn't have a chance to try it out, tho

I have never used tags to search content as from the start I found them far too poor as there was so much miscategorized crap stuff.

Not sure what the solution is as I would still want to be able to keep my posts fronting in the right places as well as the obvious tokens that come with it.

I am going to start being stricter post HF with it.

Perhaps one day they will increase the usefulness of the actual search feature in the upper right by giving it more advance options. Most seem so stuck in just using tags they might not even know they can search for by “relevance” or “date.” Which is still a little to constricting and not the best.

yep, I think most have turned to google for their search results now :D

yabapmatt's reply details the original solution, not as easy to get the tribes and tokens flowing it seems :)

Remember when content was more than about just crapping something out to get as many upvotes (now across multiple tribes and “tokens”) as you possibly could?

I think I do.. but sometimes I wonder 😜

The tags are insane and there has to be a better was to select what tribes you want your content to show up on, as that is my understanding of the purpose of using them.

It’s hilarious that the one you used as an example didn’t even include anything about the content itself lol... I mean who cares what the point is about... just give me muh tokens!!

All snark aside, I love tribes and what it could mean for Steem... but the UI aftermath is a bit unpleasant currently. But hey, there is a lot of trial and error when experimenting with new things. 🙂

I almost remember those days. Was that pre HF 20? It's been so long.

Back when STEEM was the only thing you could crap for? Yes, there were still people doing plenty of craps a day.

.. who cares what the point is about... just give me muh tokens!!

Yeah, if 5 is the limit then you are literally throwing tokens away not tagging for them.

I'm enjoying the tribes, although the abuse in some is really doing my nut in.

There is definitely abuse, but I think there are plenty of legitimate uses as well.

I tag a lot of stuff with spt, palnet, and steemleo because it's about investment yields in splinterlands and I'm a member of the PAL community.

Ideally, tribes would have a different identification mechanism than tags. Maybe that will come with SMTs in 2024.

There are legitimate uses, and I've seen your stuff with regards to loaning out the cards and think you pass the tag test.

I could easily tag this one with the 'no specific content' tribes and fill my 5 tags up. Do I use another interface and use 15 tags in future - 12 for the tribes and 3 to describe?

2024.... bit eager aren't you? :)

If you were an actual member of those tribes, then I don't see why not.

But it's up to each tribe to police their own members (or not).

I think it's just that tags are a clumsy mechanism. If someone wants to get fancy, you could design a topical LSI analyzer and categorize things that way.

Well I have a bunch of tokens invested and curate manually and automatically across them.

I suspect anything will be scammed/abused, even a'topical LSI analyzer', perhaps even with hidden text.

The pal and leo rollouts have and will fare way better as far as abuse from what i've seen in other tribes. Without steemcleaners to help, the scammers are having a field day (particularly with SPORTS and SPT).

And yes, I figure another Olympics or three :)

“With SMTs In 2024”

.... 🤣

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By then most of the LEO will be burnt and LTH's will be $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

#steemleo #paymecauseIsaidLEO

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