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RE: The Tokenized World: Relevant Content, Community Support... or Tag Soup?

in #tagging5 years ago

I really prefer to create content TO specific tribes I'm part of... I don't care for the whole "one size fits all" where someone hopes their out-of-focus photo of bellybutton lint will fit under sports, porn, investing, creativity, beer and a few other things... just because their sense of greed is much stronger than their... actual common sense.

Oh... wait... there is nothing "common" about sense. My bad.


Just throw some shit at the wall and see what sticks, right? I wonder if, eventually, when those folks notice they're not earning much, maybe they'll actually go have a look around? Maybe they'll see a few hundred posts all pointing fingers at them, and laughing? I doubt it though.

Too busy working on the next smorgasbord due to be released within two hours of the previous malarkey.

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