Original Story: The Dark Secret of Easter Islands- A Survivor's Tale

in #adsactly6 years ago (edited)

My heart was pounding so fast as I catch my breath. The sweat in my face started to pour as I tried to glanced at the window. I could hear clearly the beating of my heart as I tried to open the door. I was in the midst of a dark area covered with blood. “Help me! Can somebody help me please!” I shouted as the tears in my eyes started to fall. Far from the surface began to show a white flashes and the cold air touched my face. “Oh no, they are coming again, Please help me ! Please!” I shouted as I closed my eyes.


2 Days Earlier

The morning on a cold Tuesday was still gray, my boyfriend Tim had already packed our bags for our mini getaway. It was something that we planned for a long time and finally been realized. We were celebrating our 4th anniversary together and this time we chose to spend it outside Arizona. It took us a while to finally agreed on the destination we want to visit. Finally after a long conversation with Tim, we ended up going to Easter Island in the Pacific. It was something we didn't really considered at first but since Tim is really into outdoor adventure. It was a mutual decision to go there. It was exciting and interesting location to visit since it's a place considered by many as a paradise remote island.

I glanced at my phone, “Oh it's already 6:11 in the morning” I murmured. Tim continued to drive fast as we headed to the airport. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as we entered the plane. “Babe smile!” Tim kissed me on the cheeks as he pressed the camera on his phone. I began to closed my eyes as I sat. I prayed for a safe travel as we departed to Easter Island.

7 hours later

After a long travel of crossing seas and land we finally landed on the beautiful Easter Island. The Cold air rushes directly into my face as I continue to walk. Tim carried our stuffs as we headed to a hotel. It was already sunset as the whole circle of orange had been beaming South.“Babe I can't wait for tomorrow”. I told him closely. “Yes, it will surely be fun”. He responded as he grabbed my waist and we step inside the hotel.

Morning of Day 2

Morning of the second day. As early as 7 in the morning right after our breakfast, we went directly to explore the place. This Chilean territory was one of a kind, the thought that keep on running in my head as we continued to explore. Ranu Rarakuv was just a perfect place for us to have our outdoor adventure. The sea facing us was extraordinary blue, close by the ship in which the foam hue and clouds were formed. The cold air and the sky-tone deepens as the sun ascend. Tim was busy talking to the local as began to take some photos. The Moai was the most impressive I've seen so far. It was a large stone statues that were carved into a human faces whom they believed was made by the Rapa Nui or the early settler in honor for their ancestors.

Tim and I went to the carved stone near the cave, which from our distance we could fully see the deep green jungle. Tim then asked a local whom we believed was a tour guide. “Excuse me , Hola? Te puedo pedir un favor?" Tim asked the old man whom I believed was in his early 50’s. After their long conversation, Tim and I were ready to go to the jungle, the man offered us help and wanted to be our tour guide but of us decided to explore the place on our own. The man gave us some reminders and warning about the risks of going to the Jungle and was so vocal that we might get lost in their. But I knew Tim, he’s quite stubborn. So he assured the local that we can get back before the sunset.

In the Midst of the Jungle


We went through the thick rainforest with our guide map and backpacks. The moment I stepped in the jungle,a sort of semi darkness enveloped the two of us. I couldn't see clearly the sky as it was completely covered by the canopy of leaves high above us. Tim led the way. It was a great moment for both of us. We took some photos together in the jungle and were fully amazed by the beauty of nature. All around us were the sound of birds chirping, insects and animals crawling. I was awestruck by this jungle.


It was nearly 2 hours of exploration when Tim decided to go back since the sun is about to disappear and it's getting darker. We continued to walk and head back to the trail where we began. “Babe, wait, let's take a break for a while, I'm exhausted.” I shouted at him as I catch my breath. He responded “Just sit for a while”. We were both resting under the big Oak tree when suddenly we heard strange noises. “Babe, wait did you hear that?” I asked him with my voice began to cracked. “I know we better get going now.” Tim hold my hands as we began to walked. I felt so strange at that moment and I don't know why. There's something wrong. I heard several footsteps around us. I know there were eyes looking at us at that very moment. We started to walk faster as much as possible because at that point , we were sure something is not right. We were not alone in the midst of the jungle.

I was just about to run when a big net from above falls directly at us. There was a big sound of collision and everything happened so fast. Later we knew we were already hanging from above. I was screaming as I saw Tim’s head full of blood. He was hit by a sharp arrow in his left ear. He was unconscious at the moment. I was shaking as I touch his face “hhh, oh my god…!” My hands were trembling as I continued to breath heavily. “Babe …. Babe are you okay?” I yelled as the tears in my eyes started to fall.

I look down as there was a movement from the thick bushes. Little by little there was a big movement. To my shocked there came out 8 people and started to surround us. 8 indigenous people, primitive, full of tattoo and arrow. “Help…. Oh my God stay away from us!” I screamed upon seeing them. They began to untie and lower the net to the ground. Tim was still unconscious at that point. The two men hold me. They looked at me sharply as if they were ready to eat me. Tim was carried by the other men. “What do you want from us?” I courageously shouted at the big man. All of them stopped and looked directly to my eyes. Without hesitation the big guy get a big piece of tree and hit me directly at my face. The pain ran throughout my whole body. That was the last thing I remembered.
I woke up feeling the excruciating pain in the right side of my face. It was very painful as I touched it. I look around to my surrounding , all I see was I'm in the middle of a dark old room. I looked around and felt horrified. I saw a bunch of blood in the floor. “Tim! Tim! " I shouted. My heart was pounding so fast as I catch my breath. The sweat in my face started to pour as I tried to glanced at the window. I could hear clearly the beating of my heart as I tried to open the door. I was in the midst of a dark area covered with blood. “Help me! Can somebody help me please!” I shouted as the tears in my eyes started to fall. Far from the surface began to show a white flashes and the cold air touched my face. “Oh no, they are coming again, Please help me ! Please!” I shouted as I closed my eyes

I prepared myself thinking this could be my last night. The door open slowly. My heart was pounding so fast as I've heard footsteps moving directly towards me.”shsshhs, shh! Estoy aqui para ti”. He lowered his voice upon saying that. I don't understand what he meant but basing on his body language he's here to help. He was the local tour guide we met earlier. It was a moment of relief for me. We slowly went out to that old abandoned house.”Wait, I'm gonna find my Boyfriend, Tim. Please help me.” He sigh and understand what I've said. I took a deep breath and started to look around. It was so dark and I couldn't see things clearly. I saw the men sleeping in the ground as I tried to focused my vision. It gave me the perfect opportunity to find Tim. I slowly crawled over the grass. I went to face the north side facing the house. There I saw a body lying on the ground. The old man was watching the men sleeping. I slowly crawled into the body whom I believed was Tim.

But once I got there. I was in disbelief and couldn't contain my emotion. “Tim?” I cried slowly silently. I was totally horrified by what I witnessed. I tried to open my mouth but no words came out. Tim stomach was open and the blood was flowing everywhere. I was shaking as I hugged him. I looked around and saw the local old man waving his hand saying we better go now. I nodded at him. I checked Tim’s pocket to look for his phone. There's nothing on the left one so I tried on the right side. I felt something hard. To my surprise it was a wedding ring. “Oh Tim!..” My voice cracked as cried upon seeing the ring. I was shaking and breathing so hard.

Finally I stood up and brought the ring with me. The old man told me to get out now. I began to run and I saw him followed me. I was very frightened that time as we could get caught any moment. I was breathing heavily as I run. “Tugs!”I heard a loud stumble. “Aaaaaah!” I heard the old man cried. I looked back and saw the old man fell down. He was hit by a sharp bamboo stick in his right chest. I cried as I continued to run. I felt horrible for leaving the old man.


I continued to run as fast as possible. I didn't feel tired at that time, all I knew was that I wanted to get out so badly in the jungle. I didn't know how many kilometers I run or how many trees and plants I passed by. The fact that my mind kept telling me to run but my body was about to give up. I saw a light in far distance. I knew I was close in going out in the Jungle. I was closer to the light as I felt its radiance around my face.
Finally , the crisp of cold air lifted my spirit as I came out of the jungle. I sighed and took a deep breath. I saw dark. That's the last thing I remembered.

As I opened my eyes , I was in a white room. My eyes started to adjust to the light as I looked around. There was a nurse and a Doctor. “How are you? Can you still recall what happened to you?” Asked the old man in white uniform. Tears began to fall as I tried to remember what happened. “Tim!” I uttered.
All I know is he is gone. I put my hand in my pocket and grab the ring. I looked at it for a while and closed my eyes.

Thank you so much for reading this fiction story of mine❤️ Drop a comment if you like it,


Imaginative and well thought out, bravo.

However, you did not take the time to read and correct it. Not bravo for that.

For instance, you know it is The Easter Islands, yet in the story, a number of times, you call them The Eastern Islands.

Not caring shows us you do not want to give us your best.

A pity, since you do have talent. I hope you take it more seriously in your future posts.

Okay sir appreciate your comment

I already edit it. Pardon me hehe wrote this for 6 straight hours

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