My hours on the piano and the Joy of Classics (18)

in #spanish7 years ago

Hello Steemians,
Now I'm sure... Steemit is currently the best social network to be truly recognized....
Yes! It is!
These last days some of you asked me how long have I played the piano.
But it's difficult to answer. I don't know exactly...
I just know that I began at 4 or 5. And now I'm 42.
That means that I have played for.. 37 years...?
I'm not sure...
By the way, this is my first piano, my dear Baldwin. Now it's in my Parents'house.

Ok.. let's see...
I suppose that it it is worth counting the years that I dedicated to play the piano. But, otherwise, I think it's better to consider the number of hours that I dedicated to study the secrets of this instrument.
These days , when I posted my videos, I remembered the words by the American/Chinese great cellist Yo-Yo Ma about this:
He estimates that he practices 10,000 hours every five years, which amounts to about 50,000 hours at the cello over the course of his career.
Just now, I ' m calculating the hours through my entire live...

I began to study piano officially in the Conservatory at 9. But I only played between 30 - 45 minutes per day. Not the whole week, maybe 3-4 days= 2-3 hours a week= 8-12 hours per month=96- 144 hours per year.
It's very difficult , but I'm trying to calculate approximately the hours dedicated during my childhood (9-12 years old), also increasing an approximate 10-20 % of time each year:

  • 9 years old: 96-144 hours per year
  • 10 years old: 110- 160 hours " "
  • 11 years old: 140- 200 hours " "
  • 12 years old: 200- 250 hours " "
    Total: 546-754 hours in 4 years!


When I was 13, suddenly I began to practice 3-4 hours almost every day during my whole secondary school time. That means about 1.008-1.344 hours per year= 5.040-6.730 hours during 5 years.
Oh my God! Then maybe Yo-Yo Ma is right!
After that, I began to practice 8 hours per day when I was 18 till I finished my studies in Germany when I was 26, summing up the following years of my professional career.

The more hours you dedicate the better you will play.
So simple.
Talent is not enough.
To play a piece like this "Exuberance", a German Dance from the composer Nikolaus Joseph Hüllmandel (1751-1823), at least 10.000 until 50.000 hours are necessary during 37 years...
It is not as easy as it looks... It's a very hard work...

Hola Steemians,
Ahora estoy seguro...
Steemit es actualmente la mejor red social para ser verdaderamente reconocido
¡Sí! ¡Así es!
Estos últimos días algunos de vosotros me preguntó cuánto tiempo llevo tocando el piano.
Pero es difícil de responder. Exactamente no lo sé...
Sólo sé que empecé a tocar cuando tenía 4 o 5 años. Y ahora tengo 42.
Lo que significa que he tocado durante... 37 años..?
No estoy seguro.
Por cierto este (ver primera foto) es mi primer piano, mi querido Baldwin. Ahora está en casa de mis padres.
Ok.. vamos a ver...
Supongo que merece la pena contar los años que he dedicado a tocar el piano. Pero otra parte creo que es mejor considerar el número de horas que he dedicado a estudiar los secretos de este instrumento.
Estos días , cuando posteé mis vídeos, me acordé de las palabras del gran violonchelista chino/americano Yo-Yo Ma que dice sobre esto:
Él calcula que practica unas 10.000 horas cada 5 años, que suma un total de 50.000 horas al violonchelo durante el transcurso de su carrera.
¡Madre mía!
Justo ahora estoy calculando las horas dedicadas durante toda mi vida.
Empecé a estudiar piano oficialmente en el
Conservatorio a la edad de 9 años. Pero sólo tocaba entre 30-45 minutos cada día, pero no todos los días de la semana, quizás 3 o 4 días =2-3 horas a la semana=8-12 horas al mes=96-144 horas al año.
Es muy difícil, pero estoy intentando calcular aproximadamente las horas dedicadas durante mi infancia (9-12 años) también incremementando un aproximado 10-20% de tiempo cada año:

  • A los 9 años: 96-144 horas al año
  • A los 10 años : 110- 160 horas " "
  • A los 11 años : 140- 200 horas " "
  • A los 12 años : 200- 250 horas " "
    Total: 546-754 horas en 4 años!

A los 13 años de repente empecé a practicar de 3 a 4 horas casi cada día durante toda mi época del
Instituto o Escuela Secundaria. Eso significa unas 1.008-1.344 horas al año que son unas 5.040-6.730 horas durante 5 años.
¡Ahí va! ¡Entonces quizás Yo-Yo Ma tenga razón!
Después cuando cumplí los 18 empecé a practicar 8 horas al día hasta que terminé mis estudios en Alemania a los 26 años, sumando los años siguientes de mi carrera profesional.
Cuantas más horas le dediques mejor tocarás.
Así de simple.
El talento no es suficiente.
Para tocar una pieza como esta "Exuberance", una danza alemana del compositor Nikolaus Joseph Hüllmandel (1751-1823), son necesarias al menos entre 10.000 hasta 50.000 horas durante 37 años...
No es tan fácil como parece ...Es un trabajo muy duro...


I love to see how deticated you are to your Piano's Passion. I really encourage you to keep on posting more content like this, I'm following you for sure for some more piano playing! Cheers from Switzerland.
Feel free to check my Guitar's Artwork, maybe you’ll like it! <3

i am also a guitarist so i followed you

Thank you, I will stay tuned to your content too!

Thank you @troilo! Not only my passion, it is my life !

Excellent post @titin answered my question very well from the other night

That's right @harrynewman. I just thought about your question and I wrote this post. Thank you!

glad to meet you - i followed and upvoted cause i am a musician too - i posted one of my songs today
HAPPY NEIGHBOUR SONG - your welcome to check it out if your interested -David

Unfortunately I do not play any musical instrument. But I love music, and I will definitely agree with what you said: Talent is not enough !!!!

Practise makes perfect :) !!!

Hours, hours , hours, hours....🎼🎼😃😃💪💪

Hi, Thank you for helping to build the classical music ecosystem here on steemit. We have been enjoying your Joy of Classics series, and the photos and descriptive write-up in this particular post added a unique dimension to it.

This post has been shared on our facebook page, Steemit's Best Classical Music and included in our fifth roundup post - Steemit's Best Classical Music Roundup [Issue #5].

Thank you!!

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