The Haunted House

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

The Haunted House


In the Summer of 2005 I accepted a new position with the Company Ntelos. The new position was located in Northern WV, and required a move to the new area. I was working long hours at that time, and decided to have my Wife find us a house in the new area. She complained to me about not being able to find anything, and as the deadline to move was right around the corner, I began to get concerned about not having a house in time. At the last moment, my wife said she had found and secured a place for us in the Town of Buckhannon, WV. But she also let me know that she did not visit it, or even look at the place before she accepted it. I had a very bad feeling about the move from that point on, and it turned out to be very correct.

The whole move was a rushed and poorly planned out effort. A few items were damaged in the move, and after an 1-1/2 drive, we finally arrived at the new House. From the outside it did not look horrible, but certainly looked old and run down. I remember walking up the front stairs, and looking in the window, and cringing. The inside of the place was in bad shape, and needed completely restored. I was not happy to say the least. As what usually happens to me, the next thing was right out of the "Twilight Zone" I remember looking, for no reason at all at the next door neighbors front door, and at the same moment, a man came stumbling out of the door. It was obvious the man was horribly drunk, and I watched him stagger down his steps, and proceed to meander his way straight to me.

Keep in mind, there were at least 5 other people with me, and no reason at all to assume that I was the one moving in. The drunken man walked straight up to me, and ask "Are you the one moving into this house?" I was stunned, and paused a bit, and answered "Yes, actually I am the one moving in here" At this point the man stared at me, with blood shot eyes, and the smell of alcohol, and politely said, "That house is haunted you know, no shit, for real haunted" I stood there smiling, stunned again, and eventually said "Really? No kidding, its haunted huh?" and he replied "Haunted as Hell, I would get out of there soon, If I was you" and at that point he just turned around, and staggered back home.

All of the people there looked at me, with that look of "What just happened?" I remember we talked about how weird it was, the drunk neighbor walking straight to me, and telling me the house was haunted? What a way to start things off? I also remember the moment I crossed the threshold of the front door, it felt like the presence of something Dark, and Foreboding, so strong that everyone mentioned feeling it, everyone that walked in that house, said they felt something weird, dark, and unnatural. After several hours we were all moved in, and tired, and ready for some rest. As the wife and I were putting the bed sheets on, we suddenly heard the exact, and loud sound of breaking glass upstairs. I immediately went upstairs, and checked every window, and was shocked when I could not find any signs of anything being broken at all. I checked every room twice, and then went downstairs and checked every room, and no signs of damage at all. I then checked the entire house, and could not find anything that would have made the noise.

We all talked that night before going to bed, about the days events. The drunk with the cryptic warning, mysteriously walking up to me first, out of 6 people total. And then the sound of a window being broken that night, with no evidence of any event happening at all, much less anything being broken. First day in the new house, and already 3 strange / paranormal events have happened. The second day was uneventful, no strange activity at all, but the feeling of dread, and despair could be felt at all times if you were inside the house. Stepping across the threshold of the front door, would result in the instant feeling of relief, and a return to a feeling of normal again. Nothing strange happened for the first two weeks, and then I began to experience the feeling of a hand very lightly touching my face, when I was lying in bed one night. Of course I instantly opened my eyes, only to see that there was nothing visible at all in the room.

Every time I would close my eyes, I would eventually feel the exact unmistakable sensation, of fingers lightly touching my face, almost all of the time, it would be the chin, and lip area of my face, and occasionally the eye area's also. I said a prayer, and ask for my Grandmother, and Father, and GOD to protect me. Believe it or not, I refused to be scared to death by whatever this was, and stayed in bed, until I eventually went to sleep. This didn't happen every night, and I was never able to determine any pattern, it was happening on a random basis. I also noticed an escalation in anger among the whole Family, and we all began to slowly argue and fight more among each other as time went on. The next event I remember was coming home, and finding my wife white as a ghost, and visibly shaken. I asked her what was wrong, and she was a bit reluctant to speak about it. Finally she told me all about what had been happening to her, at the house while I was at work.

She began to tell me about seeing what she described as "Shadow Figures" She described seeing what looked like a 3D Shadow of a person, that would walk out of the wall, and across the room, and right into the next wall. She also described seeing 3D Shadow figures of what she said looked like the form of some kind of Dog, and also other Shadow creatures that looked like Shadow Rats crawling across the floor. She said it had been going on for several days, always when she was alone in the house. She was visibly tired, and showing all the signs of sleep deprivation. I believed her of course, and on a positive note, I pointed out that so far, no one has been hurt, and that she should try her best not to give in to fear. We began talking about getting out of this house, at the first chance we get. In retrospect, discussing leaving the house marked the steady increase in activity in the house.

The next event involved me coming home, to find the wife pointing at the place above the doorway where the smoke alarm used to be mounted. I asked her what happened with the smoke alarm, where did it go? She told me she took it off the wall, and that it was now upstairs and stuffed in the bottom of my sons closet. I asked her why she did that? And she began to tell me all about how all day long, every time she started the sweeper, the fire alarm would start going off. She would turn off the sweeper, and start walking toward the alarm, and it would stop. She said that after it did it every single time, 6 times in a row, she got on a chair and took the cover off, only to see that the smoke alarm had no battery in it at all. Its also important to note that, this type of smoke alarm was an old one, and its only source of power was a 9 volt battery.

She continued to tell me that she then decided to take it upstairs and bury it in the bottom of my sons closet, and she said she had piled everything she could find on top of it. I really don't know what made her decide to do that with the smoke alarm, but I left it there. I personally continued to be touched by some unseen hand, when trying to get to sleep, as well as hearing what sounded like a dozen people running around, and knocking everything over, upstairs, but when I would run up the stairs and check every room, nothing was out of place at all, and I was alone in the house. The most bizarre event took place, one morning while I was shaving. That morning I woke up and started brewing a pot of coffee, and shaving. I was about half shaven, when I decided to stop for a moment and go get a cup of coffee. I set the disposable razor on the corner of the sink, and went to pour myself a cup of coffee. As I returned to the bathroom, I was looking right at the razor on the other side of the bathroom doorway, when suddenly it looked like someone smacked the razor and sent it flying through the air, and right into the dirty clothes hamper, that was near full.

I stood there, in a scene reminiscent of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. Stunned, I stood there with shaving cream still covering half my face, and a cup of coffee in hand. I walked into the bathroom, and for some reason decided to get a new razor out and finish, rather than pull the original razor out of the dirty clothes hamper. I finished shaving, and had almost finished my coffee when I decided to get the razor out of the dirty clothes. I had watched the razor tumbling through the air, and knew it would be clearly visible on the top of the clothes. However, I didnt see the razor at all in the clothes, and then I started searching through the clothes. I couldn't find it in the clothes hamper at all. At that point I began looking for it on the floor near the clothes basket, still nothing. I got down on my hands and knees, and searched every inch of the room, no razor in sight. I then grabbed the clothes hamper, and took it into the Kitchen, and proceeded to remove and search each item, one at a time, and place them in the floor after searching them. I did that at least 5 times, and still no sign of the razor.

At that point, I had to leave, I was already late due to the unexpected disappearing razor, I left the clothes on the floor, and left. When I returned home later that evening, my wife approached me and said "If your upset about the laundry, you could just talk to me, rather than throw the clothes all over the Kitchen floor" I then realized, how it must have looked to her. I told her all about what had happened, and could tell that both of us were starting to get concerned about what was going on. I remember talking for hours with my wife, about the incredibly strange events that were taking place. days went by, and the same dirty clothes that the razor disappeared in, had been washed, and re-distributed, worn again, and had ended up back in the dirty clothes basket.

I woke up one day, and started my usual routine. I found myself once again, in the bathroom and waiting for the coffee to brew. I remember looking over and seeing the dirty clothes basket. I could see that the same dirty clothes were in it, from the day the razor vanished. I thought to myself, wouldn't it be crazy to find that razor in the dirty clothes? I then walked into the living room, and told my Wife about the same clothes being in there, and then ask her if she thought it would be nuts, if the razor was in the dirty clothes right now? She said yes, that would be crazy.

I then walked back into the bathroom, and looked into the basket. I didn't see any razors, and decided to pick up one of my shirts, it was the one on the top. When I pulled the shirt out of the basket, I was shocked to see the razor fall out of the shirt, and tumble to the floor. I ran into the living room and showed the wife. She couldn't believe it. She had washed all those clothes, and they had been worn again? How could this even happen? That event impacted me a lot, and I began thinking about getting help from someone, I was starting to think an exorcism or something need to be done on the house. There were several witnesses to strange activities in that house.

One weekend, a friend of my children came to visit. When he arrived, we all sat down in the living room, and began talking all about the strange events happening in the house. My wife starting telling him all about the Fire alarm incident, and as soon as she got to the part about putting it in the bottom of my sons closet, we all were stunned to hear the same Fire alarm going off, from upstairs. Our guest looked at me, and then basically ran up the stairs. Not long after that, the alarms stopped, and he walked back down the stairs, with a bewildered look on his face. He told us, that he had opened the closet in my sons room, and dug out the Fire alarm, and soon as he opened it, it stopped, and still had no battery in it.

Our guest stayed the entire weekend. At some point I remember standing in the bedroom with him, talking about the weird things happening in the house, when I was startled by the feeling of someone placing their hand on my back. I spun around and there was no one there, and then I ran out of the room, and out of the house, with our guest following me asking what was wrong. We stood outside, and I told him that I had felt the obvious feeling of someone placing their hand on my back, and that I had freaked out, and needed to get out of that place. We stood outside the house, and eventually our conversation turned to attempting some kind of cleansing on the house. We decided to research the subject, and attempt to perform some sort of exorcism on the house.

I wont be including all the many different activities that happened in the house, in this blog. I am planning to write a book about my life experiences, and should go into more detail in the book. There was another event that happened involving my wife and I. One evening, I remember standing in the living room, talking to my wife, who was sitting on the couch. We had been talking for about 45 minutes about the house, and moving out as soon as we could. What happened during that conversation, is something I think about a lot since it happened, and I will try to explain it all, the best I can here. We were in the middle of a discussion, I was telling my wife something, and while I was talking to her, I began to notice that we both were slowly turning our heads in the same direction, towards the stairs.

It was something that I had never experienced before. I was standing there, still talking to my wife, and we both were turning our heads towards the stairs. Thing is, I was not in control of myself at that point. I remember thinking, "What is going on here?" I was not doing this, and I couldn't stop, or control myself. It was like I was fully conscious, but not in control of my body. I also remember noticing that both of our heads were moving in perfect sync, at the same speed. I had no choice at this point, but to ride this out, and see what happens. I continued talking, even though I wasn't doing it myself, and when both our heads had turned towards the top of the staircase, there was a 3D Shadow person standing at the top step. The 3D shadow person walked slowly down the stairs, and when the figure stepped off the last step, it simply vanished.

At that point, I remember my head started turning back the other way, and when I could see my wife, she was also turning her head slowly back around, at the same speed as I was turning. I had also continued talking during the whole event. When both our heads returned to the position they originally were in, it was like full control was returned to me, and in mid sentence, I said "Did you see that?" and my wife said "Yes, a shadow person just walked down the stairs, that's what I have been seeing, while you are at work" We talked for hours after that, and finally went to bed, in the early morning. After doing our research, we decided it was time to attempt to cleanse the house.

On the day of cleansing, I had everyone leave the house. Our house guest and I remained, and together we were going to perform the cleansing. Both of us had practiced meditation, and we decided to sit in a dark room, and meditate before we started the cleansing. The room we meditated in was completely dark, I had turned off the lights, and we could not even see each other. We both had our eyes closed, and were sitting in darkness, and meditating. After an hour or so, at random, we both said "We are ready" at the same time, in perfect sync. We took it as a good sign, and we both began covering every inch of the house, and blessing it.
After we had finished the cleansing, we both agreed that it now felt completely normal at the house. I walked in and out through the main doorway of the house, and did not feel the usual heavy dark presence, that was always there, as soon as you set foot inside the house.

We remained living there for a few more weeks, before moving. All the paranormal events stopped happening, and eventually we moved out. I have been back to the house since then, and its been remodeled now, and there has been no more paranormal activity there, since the cleansing. I still have random paranormal activity from time to time, but nothing even close to what happened at that house in Buckhannon. To this day I have no idea what was going on there, and I continue to research, and wonder about it all the time.

Please leave feedback, positive or negative. It helps to know if what I'm doing is making an impact.


Little by little you get to greatness continue to make good post that you manage to be very great. I'm trying to do the same follow me I'll follow you

Thank you so much, I followed you. I will be adding more music and stories, and work toward being a great content maker. Best of luck to you!

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