prescribe toothache or toothache medicine

in #tag7 years ago (edited)

Prescription Drugs Dental - How are you bloggers? Looks like my blogger buddy can get to my website page is due to have a problem with dental health and need information about prescription dental pain medication. As we know that the toothache is very painful and can give effect to the disruption of our daily activities. Diseased teeth will make us no appetite, more sensitive to the sounds, and more quickly angered. Therefore toothache needs serious treatment.

Prescription Drugs Dentistry
Tooth decay is a major factor in triggering toothache. Porous teeth will cause inflammation of the tooth nerve. This inflammation is usually characterized by pain during eating or drinking a cold drink, or in the presence of a temperature stimulus. Inflammation of the nerves of this tooth if we do not cope with to the dental care will cause the teeth to be "dead" and the occurrence of bacterial infection in the teeth. Infection of the tooth over time will spread to the tissue around the teeth, can make the gums become swollen, and sometimes there is accumulation of pus around the teeth in question.

Why is it so painful toothache? We know that teeth are hard tissue, and inflammation and bacterial infections occur in the tooth nerve including soft tissue. Well, if this nerve becomes inflamed, it will automatically enlarge this network right? But this nerve tissue is retained by tooth tissue in the form of hard tissue. The analogy can be imagine bloggers imagine like a balloon that we blow in a glass bottle, the more balloons enlarged then the pressure will be directed in all directions. This is what causes toothache is torturous.


Prescription Drugs Dentistry

To overcome toothache, the dentist usually gives some prescriptions of dental illnesses to his patients, and one of them is an antibiotic drug. Antibiotics are drugs commonly used to treat bacterial infections. These antibiotics are divided into several classes, and usually the use of these antibiotics depends on the type of bacteria that it infects.

To overcome toothache, commonly used antibiotics given by the dentist is amoxicillin. Dentists usually give these amoxicillin antibiotics in adults with a dose of 500 mg as much as 10 tablets and drink 3x a day with a span of time every 8 hours. In taking antibiotics we should remove all the medicine according to the recipe even though the toothache has subsided. Why? Because if we do not spend it all will lead to bakery resitensi.

Prescription Drugs Dentistry

Analgesics is a class of drugs commonly used to relieve or relieve a pain without losing consciousness. In the condition of toothache and terrain are very torture us, needed a drug that can overcome the pain.

Analogues that are very familiar in the community to overcome toothache is ponstan. Ponstan itself has a mefenamic acid content of 500mg. Analgesic drugs with mefenamic acid are usually consumed when our teeth are painful, and usually dentists do not give these drugs to patients who have stomach problems such as ulcers. For those of you who have stomach problems you can replace by using paracetamol (analgetiknya effect is smaller) with the same usage.

The above dental pain prescription should be used if you are in a state of urgency. It would be better if you check the condition of your teeth to the dentist, so you will get a more appropriate treatment. For jogja region you can visit the following dentist practice: drg. Adi Pratama


For those of you who want to treat a toothache in the following traditional ways I include some herbal remedies and how to overcome the dental tooth:

  1. Dried Ingu Leaves
    Prescription Drugs Dentistry
    Ingredients: 2-4 grams of dried leaves and 2 cups (medium size) clean water.
    How to treatment: Boil dried leaf into a saucepan filled with 2 cups water to boiling. Filter the water from the leaves, then wait warm and use the ingredients to gargle several times.
  1. Coconut Shell Oil
    prescription toothache medicine
    Material: Coconut shell that has been divided into two and cotton to taste.
    How to treatment: Take one part coconut shell, then burn until the oil out. Take coconut shell oil using cotton, then attach it to a sore tooth. After that you will be surprised because the reaction of this drug is fast enough, the pain in the tooth will disappear in just a few minutes.
  1. Betel Leaves and Cloves
    Ingredients: Betel leaves and cloves to taste.
    How to treatment: Boil both ingredients, then use to rinse several times. If you feel you have not been able to make this herb, mouthwash from a mixture of cloves and betel leaves this you can buy in the market.
  1. Garlic
    Prescribe toothache medicine
    Material: Garlic (1 grain).
    How to treatment: Peel the outer skin of garlic, then mash until smooth. Attach the garlic collision on the outside of the sore tooth.
    How to treatment 2: Wash garlic with warm water. Chew on raw garlic for a few minutes, then discard and the bacteria that cause toothache will die.

thanks for the tips riz! thank you

With love,

harj : ) xoxo
Abstract artist

Followers harj

I agree with the guy above. It seems to me that it is better to consult a specialist and get rid of the pain than to use folk treatment methods. But there is a problem that anyone can encounter. I'm talking about the problem of finding a specialist. It is challenging to find an expert in dentistry because such doctors are in short supply. I work in dentistry, but I understand what it's like for ordinary people. I recently completed an internship at, and I hope I can improve the experience for my clients and show them that good dentists still exist.

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