Note to self: DON'T do this.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I get caught up in TO DO lists. It's damn inevitable, there's always something that needs to be DONE.
Do this, do that, go to the gym, buy milk, read a book, learn a language, go out, sleep early, spend less time on the phone, meditate, etc etc etc etc.
That's why, at times, I try to exercise my right to DON'T. It's basically a list of reminders that is designed to keep me SANE. I see the irony, a TO DO list of DON'Ts. But such is life..

DON'T fucking care so much about what other people think of you!
Yeah, I know this one, what other people think of me it's none of my business yet, I worry. I worry too much, for too little, for too much time, with too little real results. It's running in place, getting nowhere but feeling tired.
Just stop it, dude! You're a cool dude and people like you, or they don't, why do you care so much anyway?

The dude does not care because life's too short to worry about shit

DON'T be so hard on yourself for your day to day failures!
So once again you slacked, spent too much time on, got distracted and didn't live up to my morning goals. Sure,some stuff got accomplished but I don't focus on those. I feel like Dobby, always hitting myself in the head" BAD RAZVANLUL!! ". Does anyone but robots and aliens accomplish everything for the day?
Maybe not but you see, that's just an excuse. I can't go soft.
Sometimes, excuses are exactly that but in this case, they're reality check. I should heed their fucking wisdom!

Dobby, ol' pal...

DON'T compare yourself to others!
As they say, comparison is the thief of joy. Again, a trap so easy to fall into: comparing my shitty life, with the all the shitty details - how FAT I am, how LAZY I am, how much I SUCK!!! - with MY perception of their life. It's really a stupid game I play with myself and, because that's how fun starts, I lose it too! All the time. All the fucking STOP!

Too easy...

DON'T live in fear!
This one is complex and deep-rooted in me. THE FEAR. The fear of everything really, anything can be fearful if you really try hard. And oh, boy, don't I try the hardest? The phone call from the unknown number, the big guy in the bus who seems to look at me, the pain in my shoulder...

* I must not fear, fear it the mind killer*

DON'T punish yourself for trying!
Whatever that is, reaching out, asking for a favor, asking for help, writing something new, re-writing something new, trading sbd like a dumbass at 0.85$, and basically anything that had some reason behind long as it wasn't FEAR[ look above! ]

You and me both...

DON'T forget to love yourself!
I know how this sounds...I read a book a couple years back, "Love yourself like your life depends on it". This dude basically changed his life by repeating this mantra in his hand. Thank God it was a short book because in the middle of it I got the insistent impression the guy needs some time alone with himself. Still, it somehow stayed with me. Love yourself...what even is this? I guess it's all of the above plus much more at a deeper level, a total acceptance of who you are. I have never achieved that, I probably never will.

I'll end this by saying that this list is just tonight's list. I had a...I guess it feels like a long long day and went from: productivity to exuberance to despair to resignation to excitement to...I'll save you the trouble, I felt out of control of my emotions. The idea is that at each bad turn, I wasn't so nice with myself, and I felt like it was time to write these down. Yeah, some are trite, boring, repetitive, cliches even. Don't I know it?
And yet, there is value in those. I repeat them, lest i forget.
Maybe this helps.

I'll find out tomorrow.


Raz, the dude always abides!

fantastic, my friend. That you went to far to read this is the greatest compliment. thank you for making me read tihs again myself :)

Yeah, they may be a bit cliche, but I'll take that over forgetting to care about myself. Great work

i have to agree. cliches are cliches for a reason aren't they?

Dude. My whole life is about don'ting. It's pretty sweet.

One of the best phrases above is the one the image with Bart, 'At least you tried'. Great post man, sometimes you gotta get that shit of your chest!

You can even have my curation rewards man. Go on, take my money!

haha! you're too kind, sir!

Oh man, don't even get me started on efficiency and how much it is valued in the professional world. I'm sick and tired of all the tasklists, deadlines and reviews, I just want to slack around for a while, netflix and chill all day or wahtevs, see if I get sick and tired of that as well...

We should have a meeting about this. Send me an email with possible dates for this meeting, and I'll need that by EOD, but you should probably have your manager review it before you hit send. You know what they say "Two sets of eyes," haha!

Trust me, I know what you mean :/

That quote just makes me sick, I might as well start writing my rage quitting resignation as of this moment and keep it in the top drawer. My Steemit post as well announcing breaking the chains of slavery :):)

haha. you know that could be trending material right?

Rest assured I won't miss the opportunity :):)

Awesome post! I have definitely done everything in the "don't punish yourself for trying" section. Thanks for the mood uplift. :)

glad you enjoy it!!

To-do lists should be short and achievable. I know a few friends that have to-do lists that look like more work than a single person should be doing solo! And I would have a few friends that have very general to-do entries, like

  • Dog
  • Bills
  • Bank
  • Food

Usually my first to-do entry is "Write To-do"

haha. You know what i love?
People are so anal about their to-do list. Everyone has the best technique :) It's fascinating.

This is good. Hope it helps, it usually helps me to write about things like this.

1.don't live in fear.

~~ kick ass post

damn right. so few can really make it in the real jungle.

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