Trump is a weak man pretending to be a "tough guy"

in #tag2 years ago

As Donald Trump tells it, he got “very tough” in a recent conversation with the head of General Motors about the layoff of some 14,000 people and the closure of four U.S. auto plants:

“You’re playing around with the wrong person ….,” Trump claims to have warned CEO Mary Barra. “And they better damn well open up a new plant (in Ohio) very quickly … It’s not going to be closed for long, I hope, Mary, because if it is, you’ve got a problem.”

Two years ago, talk like that might have had a temporary impact. Today, the world knows better. Here at home and also overseas, we’ve all seen enough to understand that Trump’s rhetoric is hollow, the bluster of a man who lacks the patience and skill to operate the levers of power and who instead tries to solve every problem by yelling at it on twitter

but people are wising up that Trump is all bark and no bite.

On immigration, Trump threatened to strip El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras of foreign aid unless they blocked the flow of migrants northward; they called his bluff. and he did not follow through on his threat.

He then insisted that Mexico stop the caravans; it did not. He implemented harsh and probably illegal policies to frighten migrants into turning back; they did not.

The outcome is no different on other fronts.
Trump ran as a deal maker and a fighter. but when the government shutdown arrived and it became a game of chicken between Trump and Nancy pelosi over his border wall Trump caved within the first week. nothing could look weaker than the American president putting his foot down only to cave immediately

When Trump threatened a trade war with China, he predicted a quick, easy victory that hasn’t come and that shows no sign of arriving soon. To the contrary, the nation’s trade deficit with China hit a record high of $37 billion for September,.

The courts also continue to frustrate Trump at every turn, despite being in charge of appointing the courts. The same is true of the Federal Reserve Board, which continues to ignore Trump’s demands by steadily raising interest rates.

even within his own administration. it looks tremendously weak when a president's own cabinet openly talks about using the 25th amendment to remove him from power.
a member of his own administration wrote in anonymous op-ed in the New York times declaring himself to be part of the resistance and openly trying to undermine the president's agenda..

and what was trump's response to this? did he issue a strong condemnation of this act to the American people? rallying them to his side and taking swift action to fire the conspirators who tried to overthrow democracy?

no. as near as anyone can tell the majority of them stayed in their positions for the duration of his term

the few times trump DOES speak up he swiftly gets put in his place.

such as when he made bold statements on Twitter that he would force Mexico to pay for his border wall..

Despite Trump’s threats, Mexico most emphatically won’t pay for a border wall, and apparently neither will Congress. In North Korea, Kim Jong-un has somehow gone from the reviled “Little Rocket Man” to Trump’s love interest while he continues to enrich uranium, assemble nuclear warheads and build out his network of intercontinental missiles sites. In the streets, antifa has taken Trump’s measure and decided it ain’t much, with arsonists and dryers completely unafraid to burn cities to the ground knowing that Trump will not lift a finger against them

saudi Arabia has proved to itself and the world that Trump is a man with a price, and again that price ain’t much.

Despite repeated threats from Trump, Robert Mueller’s investigation also continued unabated. angering the president to no end and creating a palpable sense of desperation from the White House. despite the fact that he could have fired Mueller or sessions at any time. And with Gallup reporting a 6
80 percent of his own base would support those actions- he really has no excuse not to other than his own laziness and cowardice

but this is a man who spends 8 hours a day watching television and tweeting while claiming that he's a "fighter". but in reality he is all talk and no action. all bark and no bite.. and the world has realized this. the world saw Trump for Willie was. a small weak man who uses loud barks and yelling to make himself seem bigger.

In short, the tough, angry man who took the oath of office promising that he and only he could halt what he called “American carnage” has been exposed as a man who would not brave French rain to honor America’s war dead, and who now sees chaos coming his way that he can’t evade by hiding in his hotel room.

On every front — legal, diplomatic, political, economic and personal -- he has been exposed as weak, as all noise and words signifying nothing.


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