It Was Never About The Science

in #tag2 years ago

It was only June when unvaccinated Canadians were finally allowed to leave the country, for reasons unclear to anyone. The vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission, so how did it make sense to keep the unvaccinated behind the frozen curtain? It didn’t.

But that’s Canada. It’s completely lost the plot with COVID and chucked all its previously freedom-loving ideals out the nearest window, eh? America wouldn’t behave like that, right?

Except we are.

Tennis player Novak Djokovic couldn’t travel to America to compete in the US Open in August because he’s unvaccinated. No foreigner may enter the United States without being fully vaccinated. Unless, of course, they walk across our border. That’s right. If you’re visiting, stay away with your COVID-infested self. If you’re trying to stay here forever, bring that COVID right in.

If you’re looking for consistency in COVID-19 policies, you can stop right now. None of it has ever made sense. The fractured trust between Americans and our institutions will be immeasurable. And the damage continues.

New York City kids don’t need a COVID vaccination to attend schools but do need it to play school sports. Think about this. These kids can go to school, have lunch with their friends, take school trips and play sports during gym class, but they can’t play in an after-school league.

airports make you stand 6 ft apart while on line only to sit right next to each other for hours on the actual plane

restaurants demand u wear your mask at the entrance only to take it off at the table

hollywood (the cia's propaganda company) mandated union rules that everyone on set must wear a mask and stay 6 ft apart at all times. except when the cameras are rolling and throngs of actors and background are in close proximity without masks

those same hollywood mandates require that everyone be vaccinated AND test negative for covid before the shoot

why do you need to be vaccinated if you already tested negative you might ask?

and for that matter why do they need to wear masks when everyone tested negative anyway?

that's because you're asking science-based questions

this covid hypochondria has NEVER been about science

it's about mass hysteria and -more importantly- the covid cult

every cult in history has had superfluous rules that don't make much sense. it's not about making sense. for those cults it's about fostering compliance to the cult and showing devotion

every cult in history also has a symbol they use to represent that cult

it might be a tattoo. a certain type of clothing. shaved heads. the symbol can change. but there always is one

for the covid it's the masks.

that's why they demand you wear them in situations where it makes no practical sense

that's why liberals wear masks driving alone in the car

and we all know that somebody somewhere is probably showering with a mask on

it all boils down to the cult. it's never been about science

aoc was caught with a group of ppl unmasked outside. and they put masks on just got the photoshoot before taking them off again

it's a cult

But don’t take my word for it. Throughout the pandemic, the line from politicians forcing their will on us has been “We must listen to the CDC!” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, whose guidance we’d ignored while we ate sushi (a big no-no) and medium-cooked burgers (seriously, are you trying to die at this picnic?), suddenly spouted the word of God.

Well, the CDC recommends to “no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status because breakthrough infections occur.” Yet somehow we’re no longer “following the science”?

It’s maddening. And it’s easy to forget these people left behind. But we will feel the effects of their absence. The policeman who’s no longer walking the beat, the firefighter who worked through the pandemic but now is off the job, the teachers missing from your child’s classroom because they wouldn’t do as they were told. And we’ll see repercussions from taking things away from youth because they would not comply.

We have won absolutely nothing with these vaccine mandates — but will have lost so much.
and like all cults we must reject it in it's entirety

from it's basic premise down to it's various ridiculous teachings

we cannot boost the cult by giving it the benefit of the doubt.


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