Are we marrying for right reasons?

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


In most parts of the world, There is still a socially established norm to get married before you turn up 27 or 28. Almost everybody has to follows it. And, if you choose to put aside this conventional institutional marriage system, everybody start questioning your motives and try to get you married, as if to marry and have children is the only thing that can make you happy. But, Does it really makes us happy? Do we really feel complete with our partners?


Marriages are in turmoil everywhere.

Aren't we going somewhere wrong ?

I know its good to marry before your hair turns grey, but what, I feel, is wrong is that people don't even wait to let the life take them to the right partner. They are in a kind of hurry to secure themselves or fulfill social & family expectations.. Do you think we are marrying for right reasons?

Marriage is a social ceremony to tie your life knot with a person your heart throbs for. It's a union of two people who knows, understand and love each other and feels life would be a waste without being together. And, It's not just about thinking about these love-fried things, but knowing it deep in your heart. When your heart gets fully open for a person and intuitively knows that he or she is the one, then comes the time we can marry. Isn't it? It makes a perfect sense then.

But, sadly, most of us decide to marry for other reasons. Some marry for financial reasons. Some gets married because it sucks to live alone and they want to escape from their loneliness. While, some marry just because everybody is marrying everywhere and some others marry just because their family want so. And I see, there are thousands of other reasons except love, the only thing a marriage should be built upon.

And, Our foolishness doesn't stop here. We even expect ever-lasting happiness out of these marriages and resultantly suffer.. Because marriages are not based on mutual love and friendship, sooner or later their hollowness surfaces and the conflict begins.


Do you think we are marrying for right reasons? Would you marry the way most of the people do or follow the wild journey of heart to let the life take you to the right person, no matter how uncertain the journey becomes ? How do you think we should approach this part of life ?

Looking forward for your views.

Thanks for reading.
Have a great day!


What about no marriage or make marriage with a 5 years expiration date and every five years both husband and wife renew or end the marriage? Wouldn't our society be better?

In Plato's works, there is a mention about it and its benefits. But I feel, heart doesn't like to follow any custom from outside, no matter how better it looks to our minds. Heart has its map inside. Isn't it?

Yeah but with expiration date if "heart" is still there then marriage keeps going if not then no.

Yeah that's it's good side, I agree. But what's the need to replace marriage with a new custom? Why things can't be natural, as the individuals heart decides time to time? What I mean is, I like your concept, but not its institutionalisation. I like things to be random and spontaneous.

Being stuck in a marriage is not spontaneous at all. If governments did that we'd become more open minded and ending a marriage wouldn't even be seen as a negative thing but would become very normal and not a very troublesome thing like today divorce is.

Yeah! You're right. And, by spontaneous I mean we should decide things time to time as our heart says. Then it becomes a random thing and need of any custom from outside doesn't arise.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Yes definitely

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