Big Little Lesson

in #blog7 years ago

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Hello friends,

I have so many things I want to write about on here, but I think today what i really want to share with you a little lesson I have recently learned.

For the past year I have been working my way out of the rat race and this prison cell we call "society". With out certain people in my life there is no way I could have done this, i wouldn't have believed in myself enough to have the courage, strength and resilience it has taken to get to this point...and i feel so incredibly grateful to have supportive and genuinely amazing people around me to push me and guide me through this. I have been spending my week days creating, planning, building and weekends promoting and sharing my co-ownd company Headless Nation and artwork at different markets around Sydney. THIS HAS TO BE THE MOST EMOTIONAL THING I HAVE EVER DONE MY DEAR FRIENDS!

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So... what is this lesson? Well, while I have been doing this, I feel like i have been in a nearly constant state of stress and dis-harmony with in my self and therefor with how I interact with people. My creativity has not been flowing freely because I've been so worried about fucking this up...or that its not going to work...that i'll be beaten by the darkness in this wold and have to go back to a slave job......BUT! I have had a bit of a realisation recently about the truth of our reality, and i feel like I've just worked out a few little secrets. If I can just take it down a bloody notch, stop taking everything in this world so seriously, like its the be all and end all, like "making it" is the only thing that matters, or that to have success I need to look/sound/be like this or have certain things, and just appreciate what this really is...a great big game! A push and pull of positive and negative energy and be constantly aware that i can attract either into my life. And this applies to EVERYTHING! Work, relationships, money, where I live and the people I meet. I can choose to spread good vibes around the earth and find other people doing the same thing...or i can be in a constant state of stress and frustration feeling like by doing this I'm putting in the hard work now and I don't deserve to be enjoying myself because that will come later when i have "made it" and attract people doing the same thing and feeling the same way.

I know which one i'd rather.

Do you like my little lesson?! I do, and I felt it was important to share with you my dear little headless friends.

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Thanks for reading, I hope this comes to you at a time you need it.

Love Headlessjess xo


I am happy that you finally have the courage to break free of your prison and really do something that you loved and care about. You have the talent and passion for art as can been seen from your painting. The floral paintings are so neat.
Do check out the artwork done by autistic son.

thank you so much for your kind words friend! I do have passion for it all thats for sure :) and your sons art is truly beautiful.

Lovely art. Now I'm stalking your posts a bit :-D

Ha we can stalk each other :) i genuinely really like your style :) do you make prints of your art or just sell the originals??

Thank you :-P Yes, we can stalk each other for sure! I never really thought of making prints of my art, so just the original. But it's a good idea. Do you sell lots of prints?

Hi, Just I thinking about that, about I need to be rich, I need to have a car and so on, and you right, that is so terrible, and I can't enjoy my life in this way. by the way, I also can't work well and be enough rich for living without my parents. yes, your post comes to me when I need it, thanks a lot (and sorry about my bad English)

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