Is There a Gladio-Style Psychological Warfare Op On the Internet "Alt-Media" Front?

in #news6 years ago (edited)

This wants to be an open question. I'm not claiming to have any "smoking gun" evidence, except for some logic based on previous and current research.

First of all, some background information. For those who might not know, towards the end of the Second World War, the US and the UK intelligence services thought about establishing secret armies in western countries to act as a guerrilla, sabatoge and psychological warfare force in case of a Soviet occupation.
A similar idea was also put into practice in Germany by SS officer Reinhard Gehlen, who not only wanted to create such units in order to fight Soviet troops, but also to terrorize communist party members and people with leftist sympathies in general in what was to become West Germany. Gehlen's philosophy, which corresponded pretty much exactly with the subsequent US/UK/NATO doctrine regarding these secret armies, was that the operatives involved in the operation would have had to be "normal citizens by day, and hunters and killers of communists by night" (therefore they were called "werewolves", after a while changed to "gladiators").

That principle was to become the main mission goal of the whole operation, officially known as "Stay Behind", but which became mostly known as "Gladio" (because of the new name of the german secret anti-communist soldiers, the "gladiators"). The stated goal of just being there to be activated in case of an unlikely full-scale Soviet military
invasion was soon to be surpassed by the new objective: to use this highly trained operatives for acts of false flag terror where lots of innocent civilians would have had to be slaughtered, in order to spread and to keep alive the fear of communism among the people (i.e., the Bologna railway station bombing in Italy in 1980, the slaughter of civilians in the Brabant-Wallon massacres in Belgium, and many more.). This secret network was also used to keep left-leaning politicians that might have had opposing views to what was US foreign policy in line.
If this politicians or important figures would have shown themselves to be too much of a nuisance, they would have been simply taken out, and then some subversive communist group would have been blamed, i.e., in the killing of Enrico Mattei (ENI's manager), in the killing of Italian PM Aldo Moro (who wanted to allow communists in government ministries, that was blamed on the Red Brigades), the murder of Swedish PM Olof Palme in 1986, etc. etc.,
the list goes on. Similar types of operations were carried out all over the world, from Central and South America (where it was called Operation "Condor"), to Africa and South-East Asia (with the "Phoenix Program"). Also the supposedly neutral countries of Switzerland, Austria, Sweden and Finland formed their secret Stay Behind/Gladio units
with the help of the CIA and MI6.

Now, the so-called "élites", or controllers, or powers that be, however one wants to refer to them, knew very well that the threat of communism was losing its grip on the people, and that the perceived enemy, the USSR (that they created, as usual) was going to fail and crumble miserably in a couple of decades more or less. They couldn't keep that same
"Red Scare" running forever. They needed a new enemy, possibly of a new kind. It is known that zionist think tanks were planning a "war on terror" with the use of an "international police force" with the capability to "strike everywhere in the world" since late 60s, early 70s. Furthermore, the US-created mujahedin "freedom fighter" force was ravaging Afghanistan, while spreading through madrassas in all central Asia, including Xinjiang/Üighur (or Türkestan), for future use.

This also was accomplished by the CIA, with many thanks to Mossad and company (namely, Pakistan's ISI). So there you had your new enemy, ready to be used in all its potential after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. And the fact that these new threat, the "Islamic Threat", didn't have an exact nation state that could be identified
and that it supposedly could "strike everywhere and any time" in the world with suicide bombers etc., etc. granted a potential never-ending state of emergency and crisis. Meanwhile, the Gladio network was officially exposed in 1990, and with the general "condemnation" that followed, people where easily led to believe that that "cloak and dagger" era was finally over, and they could now enjoy the new age of peace and world collaboration....not so fast, folks! The social engineering and the predictive programming to get people used to "radical islamic terrorism" was already taking place.
And not only that, bad evil Al-CIAda, I mean Al-Qaeda (which means "the base", because it was actually the database of the arab operatives employed by the US to destabilize the Soviet Union), made its appearence by allegedly being responsible for the famous Blackhawk incident in Somalia (another one of those countries that needed destabilization...). In the meantime these same arab mercenaries, mostly Saudi and from the arabian peninsula, were infiltrated in former Yugoslavia to wreak havoc in those regions by fomenting tensions between muslim and christian communities, especially in Bosnia and Kosovo, being used once again as they were used in Afghanistan. I could go on with all the various attacks in preparation for the big one, that was the final excuse for all the wars, the pain and the suffering all over the world, and the implementation of authoritarian police states in western "democracies", where
things like all-out spying and torture were de facto legalized and made to look "necessary" for "our safety". This was just a continuation of operation Gladio, called by some people "Gladio B", which consisted now on blaming Islam and the muslims for terrorist attacks, as before it consisted on blaming communist groups...
I could rant on this endlessly but I'll try to get to the point of the current situation.

Even though the global and the western population are still sadly complying with authoritarianism, from 2001 at least
people started to grow a little bit tired of war and sacrifice, because as it often happens, the same threat cannot be used for too long. It has to be renewed to keep the people effectively in fear. And that's why we saw all these various name-changing in the "terror groups", from "just" Al-Qaeda, we passed to Mossad, MI6,, whoops, sorry, I did it again..I obviously meant Daesh, Lashkar-E-Taiba, Askari-el-Islam (or whatever...) and I-CIA-SIS, I mean ISIS (which is an interesting name, for a lot of reasons..). But that wasn't enough, so the fear of the "lone wolf" attacks had to be spread, the fear of the isolated "sleeper" groups, that could start killing civilians in the streets of Europe anytime they wanted to. The solution? Well, more of the same "9/11 Package"...but let's say Platinum Edition. And that's where we come to the role of the internet to spread this type of fears, especially in connection to muslim migration, caused by wars and destabilizations brought about by western zionist interests. Is that far-fetched that with the increase of the influence of the internet in shaping public opinion, one could think that a psychological warfare operation, in the style of Gladio (putting the blame on others while it's the powers that be that are really responsible), might be actively going on? Most certainly, if you look at some of the alternative media outlets that are out there or some of the internet or Youtube "celebrities", the answer will be undoubtedly yes. Some of these people have been exposed and are evidently in the pocket of power, but it's interesting analyzing how some of these internet phenomena started, and then how they "evolved".

Before I go on, I just wish to say that I don't want this to turn into the usual internet "bash-fest", whether people will believe it or not,but I seriously think that this influential personalities on the web are also part of a well-devised plan.
So if you notice it, most of these people started out as sort of in the truther/liberty-minded/libertarian side of things (or also on the "constitutional" side of things, if they're form the US). One of the most evident and much discussed examples is of course Alex Jones, and his Infowars media outlet. Many things have already been exposed on the way that whole operation really works, and the way former employees have been treated, or the confidentiality agreement people that go to work for him have to sign, which, to me, it really is nothing short of taking a secrecy oath. If you claim you're about the truth, I don't care what your justification is, you shouldn't make people sign any agreement regarding secrecy or, if somebody proposes that to you, you then should utterly refuse to take such vows of non-disclosure and secrecy. But what I'd like to notice is the sudden change that happened, form Infowars being an anti-war, anti-police state outlet, supportive of the truth about 9/11 and of the exposure of the wars and encroachments on freedom
based on the "islamic threat" lie, to it jumping on the "nationalist" train, represented by the whole Brexit and Trump phenomena. That also produced a sudden change in how they referred to migration and Islam. The new Infowars course of action started infact propagandizing the same exact stuff that a neo-conservative outlet might have been propagandizing: the "evil satanic islamicist" threat, as Jones started spouting out on a daily basis, while still firmly proclaiming, in a perfect example of double-think, that he was against the neo-cons and the "globalists". Same thing happened to one of his "pundits", British Paul Joseph Watson. Damn, I remember one of his videos where he used pretty harsh words against the Israelis regarding their treatment of the Palestinians...and then you find this guy making videos about muslim immigrants that will destroy and rape entire countries and kill every white person on Earth! Way to go, Paul! But I think you're forgetting that your zionist and NATO new pals are behind all of this situation...well, details, just forget about it! Another thing to notice is how the kakistocracy (rule of the worst) that is ruling us, is very cunningly creating controlled oppositions which are really another side of the same total domination coin. Since the whole one world government/globalism agenda started being more and more exposed on the web, here suddenly they provide the "opposition" to that: nationalism, as in "nationalism not globalism, will be our credooo!!"....yeah, right, it's all well and good, I mean, I myself would like to see an orderly movement towards more and more decentralization of power, since people are simply not ready and conscious enough for self-government, anarchy that is, at least not any time soon. The problem is, the new solution they propose it's not gonna cut it, sorry, it simply ain't no good (and no, not even a vote or a magical executive order it's going to cut it for you...)! Why? Because if you actually see what these people that supposedly want to save "Western civilization" and "fiercely oppose" globalism simply proposing a national form of authoritarianism, that is nothing short of communism or fascism, with the excuse of an "emergency situatiuon!" or of "saving the West!" or this or that. And that kinda makes me wonder:"Gee,
where have I heard this load of manure before?..".

Another pretty big name on the internet that started off on the libertarian side, actually he was a self-proclaimed
full-out anarchist, is Stefan Molyneux. He too has already been exposed time and again, there is an entire series of podcasts on a Youtube channel called "Choice Conversations" about him. Basically Molyneux, in my opinion, was trying to make some money talking about anarchy stuff on the internet, which seemed to be gaining some traction in America, but then, in short, he was caught filing copyright claims (DMCA), was caught lying about it and his subscriptions
started dropping. Next thing you know, he changes his mind on philosophy and politics, and becomes fiercely convinced that nationalism, due to the emergency situation the world is in, is the key to save, you guessed it, western civilization (and to start making money again...). I think Molyneux has been a scam artist all along, but that doesn't exclude that intelligence services may have contacted him to promote the "muslim migration threat" and the "islamic terrorism" lie, things that he is preaching almost daily since he "saw the nationalist light", so to speak, and all his tirades against statism became tirades for statism...and this guy actually sparked my interest for anarchy, go figure. He, alongside Alex Jones, played a big part in the sycophantic support of Donald Trump, now the new US puppet-in-chief, that, as we all know, is representing a true freedom agenda...

The whole Trump pseudo-antiestablishment movement gave rise to all these youtube channels that became almost immediately known and went viral, many times out of nothing (and that's the alarm bell going crazy..). It is known that alphabet agencies and similar like to also recruit people when they're very young, just out of high school and getting into college. I don't have substantial evidence to this, as I said at the beginning, but this might be the case for all of these young and supposedly smart "celebrities" that are now pushing for national authoritarianism, closed borders and such things (and are apparently so good at throwing sharp come-backs at half-witted "SJWs", but usually flee from debating more competent people...).

An example that comes to my mind is that of Lauren Southern. There are of course others, but they mainly
come from statist conservative points of view already, while Southern was, you guessed it, a supposed libertarian, apparently involved with the canadian libertarian party. It is my understanding that she wasn't really accomplishing much in terms of notoriety in libertarian circles, so she then reappeared on the internet scene in her crusade against Islam, to, you guessed it, save the West from annihilation, while of course absolutely not considering how radicalized islam was even created and most importantly, why (that's always the most important question). But no, this "conspiracy stuff", like the zionist Calergie plan, apparently doesn't concern Lauren "GMOs are actually good for you" Southern and her "identitarian" friends, probably too much involved in stopping boats in the Mediterranean, but not in stopping wars and mayhem that the dear West is bringing to Africa and the Middle-East. Who cares about those barbarians, anyway, they're just potential terrorists and rapists, let them die at the hands of our brave order-followers! Oh, and they'd steal more money from you via the welfare state! Yes, let's instead have our money extorted from to recruit more state minions to oppress us ("No! To defend our borders and fight terrorism!"), and by the way, newsflash: when statism is around, money will be always extorted from you using violence, so you know what? I'd rather deal with a violent gang of immigrants than a violent gang of state supported thuggish order-followers in a costume. Those are way more dangerous, trust me.

Southern was involved for a period with other pieces of work at "Rebel Media", a canadian zionist and neo-con (they claim they're not) "alternative" media outlet, before leaving apparently for monetary reasons (which is all these people care about). Rebel Media (Rebel? Please...) is headed by zionist minion, 9/11 official version believer (?!), war-on-terror promoter Ezra Levant, that started off as, as strange and impossible as it may sound, but you guessed it again, a libertarian! Yes, according at least to his Wikipedia page, if they haven't removed it, he has stated in interviews that he is, in high theory, a libertarian, or "just someone that believesin freedom" (?!?!?!), but he aligns himself with "mainstream conservatism" because, I don't know, maybe there was too much non-aggression.

I'm starting to see a pattern here, with all this self-proclaimed libertarians and "freedom-lovers" turning to vicious supporters of authoritarian statism (maybe to get more "liberty-minded people" into nationailst authoritarian circles?)...coincidence? As a crazy paranoid conspiracy theorist, I'd say no, but hey, I could be wrong.

Speaking of libertarians-but-not-libertarians-because-they-live-in-reality-and-not-dreams I should mention Matthew Bracken, former US navy SEAL, author of political fiction novels, with whom I agree on many things, like America turning into a police state with the excuse of "homeland security" (funny how in "the land of the free" they used actual nazi terminology), the importance of an armed population in order to maintain and defend freedom, etc. All things that I agree with one hundred and ten percent. Then we come to Islam...and here we go again, supporting the same nonsense that the supposedly much hated neo-conservatives and globalist élites are trying to push trhough, such as "Islam is invading us (they woke up one day on their own and decided to plant their black flag in Rome), Mohammed was a pedophile (well, so it was Joseph, apparently), we need to actually make war with them, and stop pretending to
go on humanitarian missions (don't worry Matt, they're just pretending infact, ask Eric Prince), kill them all before they kill us, the left is converting secretly to Islam, Angela Merkel is a muslim (to be clear, to me Angela Merkel is just an evil statist control-freak bastard like they all are, but I have to laugh at her being a muslim), and so on and so forth.

As Swiss researcher Daniele Ganser wrote in his book "NATO's Secret Armies-Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe", referring to the Italian branch of the "Stay Behind" network, their (Gladio's) aim was, apart from direct action, also to "create an (italian) sense of nationalism" through false-flags and propaganda, to "counter the threat of a communsit rise to power". Now, isn't that what the stated goal of all these internet "celebrities" is, to create a new sense of nationalism in "the West"? From Alex Jones, to Rebel Media, Stefan Molyneux, Pamela Geller, Tommy Robinson, Lauren Southern & Co. the message seems to be quiet the same. Before: "rise up, nations of the West!
See what the communists (in reality, all those who dared oppose and criticize US foreign policy) are doing with all this (false flag) terror?! You need strong nationalist (authoritarian) governaments and police and military protection (oppression) to maintain your freedom!". Modern day: "Rise up, nations of the West! You see how much havoc, rapes, murders and terror (ehm, false flags...) this islamic terrorists are causing?! Bring out your love for your nation again, and vote for freedom, prosperity, national identity, more police and military powers and let's kick all of these people out!! (and never, ever ask yourself why we are waging wars and causing migrations)". What has changed, apart from the "threat"?....

To summarize, the psychopathic kakistocracy that we are still allowing ourselves to be subjected to has more than one way to divide us in order to keep us fight among each other to maintain its grip on us, towards what is going to be our true subjugation and annihilation (not by a "muslim invasion"). When the perceived threat were the communists, that they allowed to take power in the USSR and then to take possession of Eastern Europe, they had to keep the people in fear, in order to grant themselves full support for the military industrial complex and all their perverted activities, and as an excuse to trump people's rights and freedoms, using false flag state-sponsored terrorism, slaughtering a great number of innocent people in the process thorugh Operation Gladio, in Europe. After the fall of the Soviet Union, they activated their new plan, Gladio B, where they committed yet again false flag terror attacks that culminated in their "masterpiece", on 11 September 2001, in order to further implement their global domination agenda. With the advent of the internet and the uncovering of much of this stuff, is it unrealistc to believe that a "Gladio C" or "3.0" was activated, through the use of unsuspected operatives, that on the surface oppose the "élites" but promote an agenda that is simply one side of the same terrifying coin? In all these pack of lies and deceptions, you can still find some truths. Yes, flooding Europe with migrants is a plan of the kakistocracy to create social and racial tensions, so the people will keep asking for more state intervention and control to be saved from the barbaric invasion. But this is all made possible by ourselves, too busy and bent on trying to make fake money to survive another day and repay a non-existent debt, to worry about the wars that we are actually funding, the human trafficking and the organ harvesting that we are actually funding, the slavery that is caused by our military intervention in third world countries based on absolute lies, that is the actual cause of this forced migration to the West. No, the people that are forced to come here, are not doing so by their own choice, thinking about invading us and subjecting us to sharia law. These are the blatant lies of the system,
that are promoted and pushed by these fake anti-establishment controlled media outlets, telling you just part of the truth, but then pushing you in the direction they want, the continuation of the "divide et impera" (divide and rule) strategy, so you'll think people of muslim religion are the enemy, while the real enemy carries on oppressing you and robbing you until you die. It's all a giant scam, and a giant theatrical act, and they are indeed very good at this, they've been doing it forever now. And while we are so easily distracted they will present their total control grid through the "internet of things" and the 5G network as a fait accompli, and will have pretty much complete control, something that right now we can't even imagine. Humanity won't be the same, it will be a totally different thing, and probably we won't even be able to call it "humanity" anymore...

The solution that these controlled part of the internet media is proposing is no different, they're not anti-establishment, or anti-élite, nothing of that kind. You can have a brutal dictatorship even on a regional or local scale, you can be sure about that. And by the way, a puppet in power won't change anything, they all are put there by the same globalist psychopathic cabal, so, as long as we will be led into placing our faith in puppets and in the political system with all its fake paradigms, things are only going to get worse.

And when you hear in real life conversations from a supposedly leftist person, that "we need to actually kill them (the muslims) while they are still kids, otherwise they'll grow up just to be terrorists, and it's never gonna end...", your faith in humanity and the human brain's capabilities, I'll admit, does start to shake, just a little bit...

Cheerful rant, eh? Well I suppose I'll close it here. Let me know what you think.

Francesco Sani


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