Steemit in Action - Giving to the ones in need [ENG/GER]

in #charity7 years ago (edited)

Hey steemians!
German below

I owe you a post.
Exactly 14 days ago I started collecting money via this posting for Santus who is selling Augustin papers here in Vienna, Austria.
Well I delivered the money to him last Saturday and he was SUPER HAPPY! Now it's my turn to deliver his thanks to all of you who contributed.


The payout was 26$ which is 23€, I added the coins separately. Special thanks to @steemaccess @twinner @wackou


I definitely want to carry on the good habit of giving and making people in need happy. So rewards of this post will again go to a Augustin vendor. There are hundreds of them in Vienna :-) lot of good work to do!

Our next candidate is Mike, he's from Benin, he sells Augustin papers since 5 years. Station of his choice is Hütteldorf. Depending on the amount collected here on steemit I allow myself to eventually split it between Mike and Santus.


To find out what an Augustin vendor is please read this posting .

I'm calling it STEEMIT IN ACTION let's do this together!



Servus Steemers

Ich schulde euch einen Beitrag.
Vor genau 14 Tagen habe ich hier begonnen Geld für Santus zu sammeln, einem Augustin Verkäufer hier in Wien.
Nun vergangenen Samstag habe ich ihm das Geld überreicht und er war SUPER GLÜCKLICH!
Nun bin ich dran seinen Dank an Euch weiter zu geben.

Der payout war 26$ das sind ca 23€, die Münzen hab ich separat überreicht.
Spezieller Dank geht an @steemaccess @twinner @wackou


Ich möchte definitiv die gute Angewohnheit beibehalten, Menschen in Not zu helfen. Daher gehen die Einkünfte dieses Beitrages wieder an einen Augustin Verkäufer. Wir haben hunderte davon in Wien.
Es gibt noch viel von der guten Arbeit zu tun.

Unser nächster Kandidat ist Mike, aus Benin. Er verkauft seit 5 Jahren den Augustin, in der Station Hütteldorf.


Abhängig vom Betrag, den wir diesmal zusammen bekommen behalte ich mir vor, das Geld aufzuteilen, auf Mike und Santus.

Um herauszufinden was ein Augustin Verkäufer ist, lies bitte diesen Beitrag.

Ich nenne das ganze STEEMIT IN ACTION, lass es uns gemeinsam tun!



This post has received a 4.56 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flipstar.

Stop this stupid action posing with Africans they are obviously not the needy. They have a JOB! You just took advantage of their kindness and exploiting, what's the prove you gave? .... Next time go pose with Europeans that are beggars/homeless and show us a video of you giving. This rubbish should stop!!!

The selling of Augustin can barely be described as a Job. This is a non profit organisation which helps homeless people/ people in despair not to rely on begging. I don't now the exact split they get from the newspaper revenue but its not a fortune. Probably around 50 cents per sold copy.
The prove he gave is that steemit can actually help people in the real world. It's not like he is exporting crops to africa at no cost, so the local farmers die out.

I understand your concern, but I don't see how he (flurgx) is exploiting them? "European" Beggars as you call them are usually (talking from a berlin perspective here, maybe it's better in vienna) drunk/high/self defecated that its a pain to even talk to them.
So why not help people who are obviously trying to improve their life through honest activities without turning criminal?

I talked to every Beggar on Alexanderplatz and none of them wanted to start a simple waterselling business because they were afraid of the cops. I offered to pay for their first batch of water bottles but no one said yes. Every one of the "european" beggars had an excuse. They went off and started begging again.

This is anectodal evidence, I know, but for god sake please don't put down other people who really and honestly want to help fellow humans who want to change their life for the better.

If you have a better suggestion please go ahead.

Thanks @lcshat for your explanation, I believe in positive vibes - sometimes act of kindness can be wrongly perceived and that's the situation right there, I did apologize to flurgx for misunderstanding his kind gesture. If it's possible to get them on steemit at some point I will gladly contribute and all these we have going on this issue can turn out to be a good introduction story for someone. :). Cheers

i could pose with european beggars too, but they are usually alcohol addicts, and i have a problem with that. if i can find a friendly european beggar i´ll ask him to pose with me :D most of them are very hostile though ..
that´s the advantage of the african people, they are mostly friendly ..
just read my first post... it´s linked in this post ... it explains everything

Sorry man, I over reacted sometimes I don't read between the line... If they are friendly enough how about getting them to be on steemit and introduce them, I think the community will commend you more.

thank you for reviewing your opinion and judgement about my project.
many said i should get them on steemit, which is not that easy because they are not so familiar with the digital world ..
however i invited the Augustin newspaper to steemit, they could introduce their vendors and do some other stuff to raise funds ...
we´ll see how this works out ... thank you

This comment has received a 0.17 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptoactive.

are you serious? i don´t know the reason why you are reacting like this, but in one point you are right, they got a job yes - a job which brings them 10-15 Euros a day, which is below poverty level here in europe .. if you look closely you can see that the african man has 20 Euros in his hand ... that´s what i collected here on steemit, that´s what i gave him (and a bit more)
not seeing any advantage here for me ...

This comment has received a 0.15 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptoactive.

Super Aktion - resteemed!

Great initiative! With respect from Lithuania.
My son name is Augustino:)

Thank you for

verdient viel liebe solche aktionen.

Danke Mann!

das mim booster hat auch funktioniert :D

Super Aktion! Resteemed und Voted

Danke Uwe! 👍

Mein lieber flurgx, ich bin begeistert!
Wenn du Ihnen jetzt noch n steemit account machst dann wäre das Steemit in Action^2 ;)
100% Upvote von mir! Weiter so!

danke! ich hab beide grafgt ob sie fb haben bzw sich einen account machen wollen, also hier auf steemit .. beide haben keinen fb account und auch keinen internet zugang bzw gerät zum internet zugang, weil zu teuer ..
und mal ganz ehrlich, die meisten der neuen hier gehen doch gnadenlos unter ... :(((

Habe ich mir fast gedacht :( wäre aber cool gewesen. Wenn esteem bald in nem fortgeschrittenerem Zustand ist kriegen wir es vielleicht auch auf einem älteren Gerät zu laufen? Ist ja leider etwas instabil.

Gute Aktion! Fand ich beim ersten mal schon eine tolle Idee und Geste und daher umso besser, dass du es auch richtig durchgezogen hast. Und jetzt die Erweiterung und möglicherweise dauerhafte Einrichtung finde ich klasse. Hoffentlich können noch einige Leute davon profitieren!

:) Great work dude! good luck with the post!

Thanks man, good to see you here! Ready to take off!

:) Yeah not been very active recently -- here now!! :)

yeah! sehr cool!!

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