Photo Story: Onboard the Concorde in Scotland

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

There’s a Concorde sitting in a hangar in the middle of the Scottish countryside east of Edinburgh. It is in a museum built on an old WWII airfield called East Fortune Airfield, next to the tiny village of East Fortune, which happens to be disused barracks completely overgrown with vegetation, with the exception of a couple random houses.

It operated as an airfield during the war. Part of the airfield is now an amateur racetrack, and the other part houses the Scottish National Museum of Flight – which makes sense since they can conveniently use the aircraft hangars for their exhibits. Anyway, this unassuming place houses a Concorde.

Not just ANY Concorde… THE FIRST Concorde -flown by British Airways (don't know if she was the actual first!). Allow me to introduce you to a very special lady:

20140518-IMG_5949.jpgGratuitous hanger shot of the old girl

Meet Golf-Bravo Oscar Alpha Alpha. Not Georgina, not Suzy, not Vera or Stephanie.. no no, she was christened with the very alluring and sexy “Golf-Bravo Oscar Alpha Alpha” Rawwwrrrr. They were very imaginative with their naming conventions over at British Airways in the 70s.

This lady took to the skies for British Airways in 1976. The first Concorde to fly, she logged 8,064 flights before making her final touchdown at East Fortune. Fun fact: The pilot who flew her here lived in Scotland (don’t know if he still does) and made sure the flight path took him over his town, so all the school kids came out to wave.

Lets go in


Now she’s an exhibit. Not just ANY exhibit mind you. She’s an ‘experience’. So lets go in and experience!


The first thing that really draws your attention is the compactness of the plane. I’m of average height yet I had to bend down to get in the plane. Now the inside of the plane is super cramped. Yes, everyone has a nice business class seat but the whole thing was very cramped. The middle aisle is so narrow you had to almost shuffle down it sideways. The bathroom.. well let’s just say that it’s a good thing transatlantic flights were only 4.5hrs. So you had the option to hold it!

20140518-IMG_5933.jpgLooking down the aisle

Look at those tiny portholes! So small! Teensy! I complain.. but its all with good reason. Design trumped everything on this plane. It had to be as aerodynamic as possible to be able to handle the supersonic speeds without tearing apart like tissue paper.

20140518-IMG_5936.jpgA view of the Cockpit

I keep needing to remind myself that this symbol of technological achievement.. IS FROM THE 70s. No fancy screens.. no computers.. back then you still had a flight engineer on deck.

The outside of the plane is far sexier and does a much better job of maintaining the sleek and stylish image of the aircraft. she has a long straight nose that dips down for landing and can be moved up into a straight horizontal position for supersonic flight.

20140518-IMG_5927.jpgLooking right up her nose

And the tail is so long it has its own landing gear for added balance at take off and landing as well as to prevent the tail from scraping the ground.

20140518-IMG_5944.jpgView from the back of the plane

And look at those engines! she was one well endowed lady!

Why it all ended

As you can see it is a very short experience but it is impressive none the less. Its a real shame they stopped flying her, but it is entirely understandable. Many people say its that crash in Paris that grounded her, but really that was juts the final nail in the coffin. Remember, this plane had been in service for 40 years already. 40 YEARS! That's a long life. But the problems started to add up. Its hunger for fuel was woefully expensive at 4,800 gallons an hour or twice that of a boeing 707. Furthermore Concorde was not allowed to fly over land as the sonic boom would blow out windows in entire towns and cause all kinds of complaints. So no supersonic flight over land. That's a limiting factor! Then there was the expense.. Tickets weren't cheap and airline customers were more interested in cheaper tickets.

Thanks for reading/looking!
Follow Me @fiftysixnorth


I have recommended your post to a few friends of mine. Hope it will give you a supersonic flight! Following you.

Thank you! I really appreciate that :) It looks like you have! Followed you back.

Yes... it gave you real kick, didn't it.

It really did! I was not expecting that! :)

Keep up the good work.

(Photo Story: Onboard the Concorde in Scotland (by @fiftysixnorth)
proposed by @lucky.digger
net approval: 1
posted on STEEM 1 days 9 hours 43 minutes ago

Thanks! um.. what does that mean by the way? I'm still super new here. :)

That definitely confirms that it was me who put dynamite under ur ass... (net approval: 1)

ah I see! I am truly grateful! :)

عمل رائع حقيقى

Great article! I flew on a British Airways Concorde from New York to London in December of 1994 and it took a little over 3 hours. There was a red digital readout on the bulkhead wall that posted the speed Mach 1, Mach 1.5, Mach 2. I was in a window seat and the windows were small and thick I suppose like something on the Space Shuttle or an Apollo Rocket. The windows heated up when we were flying at top speed and it was uncomfortable to touch them with my bare hand. We had to change planes in London to catch another flight to Nice, France and that 2 hour flight on a conventional jet felt kind of old fashioned.

That is awesome. What an amazing experience that would have been. I have read that the plane heats up due to the speed and that one of the main engineering problems they had to overcome was the metal fatigue on the plane caused by the frequent heating up and cooling down of the planes outer shell.
The Concorde would cruise at 60,000ft so you flew twice as high as conventional airliners as well :) I envy you.

I didn't remember about the altitude but 60,000 is way up there. I have also been on a Gulfstream G5 and I know they fly higher around 50,000 and the ride is smoother up there.

Wow! Concorde and a Gulfstream? nice.

I've seen a Concorde in Heathrow Terminal 5 a few weeks ago too!

Yes, that is Golf Bravo Oscar Alpha Bravo (G-BOAB) and is permanently parked there at the end of runway 27L. It occasionally gets moved to a hangar but spends most of its time out there.

The interior is almost completely stripped bare as the parts were pulled and put in other Concordes that are on display like the one in my article and lots of stuff was auctioned off too.. like the seats which got turned into ridiculously expensive office chairs.

Such a shame...I was hoping it was there to do a test flight.

That was a super cool post! I always wondered what happened to the Concorde. I felt it was a shame they couldn't make the technology work in the long term. Next visit to Scotland, I'll have to check this out! Upvoted, followed, for double coolness!

Thank you so much for the support and the resteem! It is a shame it didn't work out more long term, there are people out there who are still exploring the idea of supersonic passenger flight but the more practical money at the moment is on subsonic, but larger planes that can carry more passengers. who knows what will happen.

If you do check it out on your next visit then be sure to rent a car, I don't think there is public transport that will take you there.. it's kind of off the beaten track. :)

Great story about the Concorde! Thanks for the ride! Congratulations on the susuccess with your post too. It is well-deserved!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the story. Have you checked out my Penguin Parade Story? Though I'm sure you are already familiar with the story, you might enjoy that one too :)
The success of this post has been extremely unexpected, I never thought it would do so well!

Did someone send it to something like Curie? I've been looking for a good post to do that with, and spent all day yesterday looking. All I came up with with was post after post of plagiarized stuff! It was so disheartening! Curie does not accept recommendations in the photography, Steemit, travel, cryptocurrency categories etc. so I was looking for new content 15 minutes old in other categories. Yours was in photography, so I guess it was not Curie! They pay $10 for the find and the author is rewarded with tons of comments and Upvotes.

I have read the Penguin story now! Too cute! I see you are past 50 in reputation, so the Curie recommendation would not work for you anyway! Keep up the quality writing, though. It is so refreshing. I love to read about Scotland, of course. I'll be home in 5 weeks time and can hardly wait!!

Actually another user @lucky.digger upvoted and resteemed it. looking at his account now I think Curie was involved too.. at any rate its all due to his benevolence. Anyway, I was on 42 rep, and after he did that I jumped to 51 rep..

I do know what you mean, i have been finding it very difficult to find original content. I have heard the same complaint from a few others as well. So many people just go looking for pictures online, post those (though they still cite the source) and then hope to profit. I never upvote those.

I'm glad you liked the penguin story. Its one of my favourite stories, and the penguins are so adorable.

Wow! That was a quick jump! Your category was Photography, so not sure if it would have been Curie. Your post is way beyond just photography though, so they may have overlooked the category. Job well done, anyway! You deserved it!

super! resteemed

thank you so much! :)

Wow! That's historic, and very impressive!

True about the imaginative names - Golf-Bravo Oscar Alpha Alpha. Thanks for sharing the post. Captures are awesome

Thanks! Yeah they had some silly names. Probably a leftover from all those RAF chaps that joined British Airways after they left the service :)

Wow! I remember my parents telling me stories about the times they travelled together and their favorite plane was the Concorde. It's just amazing.

They are indeed very lucky to have experienced it :)

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