What up, Steemit! I hope you like webcomics! (and this intro post)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

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Hi everyone! I'ma introduce myself here!

The Set Up

So literally yesterday night my boyfriend told me he'd heard about this new cryptocurrency called Steem from this guy he had been talking to for a project, and that there was a social media platform that was using it. The implication was that maybe I should look into it since I had spent all of Thanksgiving weekend trying to set up an annual strategy for getting my art noticed (and hopefully start generating income from it lol what a concept).

I looked into it, found Steemit, and after an hour or two of reading through a bunch of FAQs and scrolling through the site, signed up. And here we are!

"Who's this chick again?"

My name is Corinne (like Korean but Koreen and yes i am half Korean my username is not a lie). I currently live in LA with my bf and my objectively aesthetically pleasing jindo-mix, Ollie.

Here's a pic:

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I've been living in LA for 3 years, moving here right after college to seek work in animation. I've been pretty successful at staying in the entertainment industry (even if not all the jobs I do are art related) but lately I've been itching to just go it on my own and work for myself.

So what am I working on right now?

I'm the artist of the webcomic "This is My Life Now". If you've heard of it, thanks for reading! If you haven't (which is probs the majority of you), it's basically a slice of life comic about...my life...yeah...

Here's one strip I drew, influenced by a recent rewatch of FLCL (an anime I last saw in high school, under overprotective parents, before college ruined me)


Wow! So funny! So relatable!

cue polite applause


I started drawing TIMLN January of this year, so if you have some free time and feel so inclined, you can actually read them all on webtoons here. You can also find it on Tapastic, Tumblr, and FB/IG (search CorinneisKorean). But if you're lazy like me, no worries! I will also be posting them here! I'll keep you guys up to date on my most recent strips, but in between I'll be sharing the older stuff until I've run through my backlog.

I'm ALSO working on another webcomic called Portal House, which is much longer, more narrative, with characters and colors and backgrounds and interdimensional portals and infinite worlds and...yeah...it's a lot


Right now I'm hammering out the first few chapters, and I'm hoping to start drawing it in January. It's a lot of work, but it's a passion project of mine that started as a silly fantasy story about my friends in 8th grade and has evolved into this giant...thing...which I'm super excited to share with you guys as well!

I also do just...regular art...lol




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So what can you expect?

One of the reasons why Steemit appealed to me is that I've been meaning to make an art blog where I can share my process, add a backstory to the art, show my own tips and tricks, give my thoughts on art-related things (and maybe even non-art-related things) and document my journey as an artist as I try to grow from amateur to professional. While initially my thought was your traditional blog (which I very well may still do), Steemit's affinity for the artistic process is super appealing to me. The "communal work desk" as @voronoi called it in their "Steemit for Artist's" Article is exactly what I wanted to do, and I figured I might as well give it a try here and see how things work out. (the possibility of earning money is, undeniably, a big lure as well)

Look forward to:

  • TIMLN updates, daily until the backlog runs out, then at least weekly as I pump them out (again, if you don't want to wait, all my old strips are already online for your reading convenience)
  • Portal House updates. I'm still in semi-early development for this, so most likely script excerpts, storyboards, etc.
  • Sketches of things that I probably wouldn't usually post online cuz they're not "shiny" enough (think sketchbooks, thumbnails, a really cool napkin doodle)
  • WIPS! I love sharing work in progress pics. Since I currently offer this as a perk on my Patreon, I'll be sharing condensed process photos over here for the time being (i imagine i'll need to do some reworking on my patreon anyways)
  • Timelapses. Again, probably condensed stuff, but still cool, right??
  • Blog posts. I have a lot of opinions. And a tendency to ramble (if you couldn't already tell). I'll try to keep these art related, but who knows.
  • announcer voice and much, much more!

Full disclosure: I do share (and plan to share) a lot of my art on various other platforms, my webcomic especially. To keep some incentive to viewing my stuff here, I'm thinking of posting here first, and then sharing publicly a week later (with the exception of TIMLN, PH when it finally gets launched, and any daily challenges like Inktober). Also, again with the exception of TIMLN, I'll only be posting my newest stuff on here. Hope that's kosher with everyone!

Verify Yo'self!

ok so i spent wayyy too much time doing these photos


I should have just stopped here ^


but i do what i want


and apparently this is what i want



me realizing i forget to write my handle on the markerboard


Thanks for reading! Nice to meet all of you! Feedback is welcome, but please be nice! (im a PISCES i am SOFT do NOT let the snapback fool u!)

(but srsly let me know if i accidentally self-plagiarized myself i dont wanna get flagged T-T)

Facebook: Personal | Art

Art Tumblr

Instagram: Art :corinneiskorean | Personal :yesanothernerd | My Dog :ohh_ollie

TIMLN: Webtoons | Tapastic | Tumblr

All art drawn and created by me!


Hi Corinne, Welcome to Steemit :D really like those artworks especially the one : watching cartoon as an adult LOL!

Thank you! I'm glad you like the comic haha

Hi @corinneiskorean... welcome to steemit... glad to see another webcomic artist around... you are most welcome to join us at #steem-cartoon tag... we support cartoon/comic art community there... cheers!... love your style... 😊

Hi sireh. Thanks! yes, we webcomic artists need to stick together! im excited to get more involved within #steem-cartoon. i was actually perusing it earlier and saw your vacation post (which i thought was so cute!) i rly love your inking! (is it brush pen?)

hehe... I'm from the old school... doing it manually for most years in the past...yup... the vacation post, I was using brush pen... but I got a new digital toy (Cintiq) from my current project that I'm doing... Steemit is the perfect place for me to play around with my new digital style... :)

Welcome to Steemit from Indonesia, this is an amazing platform for creativity and imagination. Share, comment and make friends

Thanks! Looking forward to it :)

"I also do just...regular art...lol"

I wouldn't call your art "regular." It looks pretty amazing to me.

I'm glad more webcomic artists are joining. I like reading webcomics.

Good luck on Steemit!

hahaha thanks. I guess I mean like...not comic art lol. I hope more webcomic artists hop over here! (and i hope u enjoy reading mine lol)

Hello pretty woman @corinneiskorean , Welcome to steemit ... @johntor

Welcome to steemit, Corinne! :D

Thank you!! :))

Hi Corinne, Welcome to Steemit. Haha..cute photo of yourselft. I like reading your webtoon. Steemit is an amazing platform for artist like you and also you can earn money with it. ..hihihi. Hope you post more in Steem, and i already follow you... ^^

Hi Artzam. Thanks so much for the welcome and follow! I'm glad you like the webtoon :D

Nice...with this tag #steem-cartoon lets make a difference

Welcome to steemit! keep sharing and keep exploring :)

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