📷 #ColorChallenge MondayRed - Monday Motivation/ Montags Motivation

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

Toolwood Munich Smile Sign


Hello Steemians,

this morning in the steemit.chat was one fellow who said TGIM. I like that, because I love Mondays. Some might say that this is a crazy thing to say, because most are suffering from the Monday Blues. For me it is the most productive time of the week as people tend to be quiet, leave me alone and don't plan meetings. The ones that bother me are usually having a very good work ethic and go directly to the point. If there is a meeting it is shorter than usual with maximum 3 people, so it is very effective.

So how do I keep my motivation up and am productive on Monday? I do also set my goals, but most they just show me how much procrastination one can do. The to do list is most of the time the single point done on the to do list accomplished. Some researchers have found out that we neglect one of the most important thing, the feelings and emotions. One can’t be motivated if he is in a bad mood. Even if somebody tells you to cheer up, it gets worse. The trend with stay positive all the time is also crap in my opinion, everyone has ups and downs.

What I do to accomplish something, even on a bad hair day, is to reward myself with something if a target is hit. Rewards motivate us. How many would go to work without a pay at the end of the month? So either a do trip, put some money into a hobby or buy something, I tend to reward myself. Second thing I do to accomplish things is to share it with people that help and whom I respect. It creates peer pressure. This would be my two cents for staying motivated and enjoying Mondays.


Hallo Steemians,

Heute morgen ins stemit.chat war jemand, der mit TGIM gegrüßt hatte. Ich mag das, weil ich Montage liebe. Manche mögen sagen, dass dies eh komisch zu sagen ist, weil die meisten unter dem sogenannte Montag Blues leiden. Für mich ist es das produktivste Tag der Woche, da die Leute dazu neigen, ruhiger zu sein, mich in Ruhe zu lassen und keine Meetings einzuplanen. Die, die mich stören, haben normalerweise eine sehr gute Arbeitsethik und gehen direkt auf den Punkt. Wenn es ein Meeting geben soll, ist es kürzer als üblich mit maximal 3 Personen die dran teil nehmen, also effektiver.

Wie motiviere ich mich am Montag und bin produktiver? Ich setze auch meine Ziele ein, aber die meisten zeigen mir nur, wie viel Prokrastination einer machen kann. Die Zu-Machen-Liste ist die meiste Zeit der einzige Punkt, der auf der Zu-Machen-Liste durchgeführt wird. Einige Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass wir eine der wichtigsten Dinge wenn es um Motivation geht und das ist das wir die Gefühle und Emotionen vernachlässigen. Man kann nicht motiviert sein, wenn man schlecht gelaunt ist. Auch wenn jemand dir sagt, dass du positiver sein sollst, wird es nur schlimmer. Der Trend mit dem Positiv denken die ganze Zeit ist auch Mist meiner Meinung nach, jeder hat Höhen und Tiefen und keiner ist 100% Positiv.

Was ich tue, um etwas zu erreichen, auch an einem schlechten Wetter Tag, ist mich mit etwas zu belohnen, wenn ein Ziel erreicht wird. Belohnungen motivieren uns. Wie viele würden am Ende des Monats ohne Bezahlung arbeiten? Die Belohnungen sind entweder eine Reise machen, etwas Geld in ein Hobby reinstecken oder etwas kaufen das ich mag. Das zweiten was ich tue, um Dinge zu erreichen, ist es mit Leuten zu teilen was ich erreichen möchte, aber nur mit denjenigen die helfen und welche ich respektiere. Es schafft ein sogenannten Gruppenzwang. Dies wären meine Tipps für motiviert bleiben auch am Montage.



You make a very valid point actually - I mean WHY do people carry this stigma toward Mondays in the first place. I have to agree with you - Mondays are a good day - everyone if focused and things actually get done... unlike a Friday where you get basically no sense out of anyone because all everyone can think about is the weekend. lol

I always try to get as much done on a friday as well, so that when I walk out of my office at the end of Friday, I can go home, enjoy the weekend and know that I can walk into work on Monday without a massive looming mountain waiting for me.

Perhaps if more people tried this approach of sorting out their lives properly on Fridays, then they would no longer suffer with the Monday blues... :)

Great post :)


Thanks for the well prepared comment. Seldome on steemit to receive such. Fridays, I stay one hour longer than the most, just to avoid the rush hour and to review the week in silence.

Also what I do on Fridays is to clean the desk. I leave it blank and clean without dust. Mondays I wipe the dust from the weekend and the feeling is great, like a fresh start.

Also what I do on Fridays is to clean the desk. I leave it blank and clean without dust. Mondays I wipe the dust from the weekend and the feeling is great, like a fresh start.

What a lovely perspective and practice!!! Love it!!!

You gained a new follower, because you only took the time to respond.

Very much appreciated :) Engagement is what it should all be about though, yes? :)

Exactly! Most don't get it ;)

I believe that if you want to enjoy your life and you keep your goals everyday is beautiful. We should stop to live in this Monday do Friday mood craving for a weekend. It looks that only during the weekend we're alive. But it's not true. Search for positive vibes on every single day.

So true! I see that already 3 bulgarians commented on my posts the past days. Good to see some movement there. How is the community? Do you help eachother?

I really enjoy seeing posts like these. It always helps to boost my spirits and keeps me focused on the things that matter. Great post!

Thank you. What does matter to you?

Für mich sind Montage eigentlich auch die produktivsten Tage, da hat man einfach noch am meisten Energie ;)
Der unproduktivste Wochentag ist eindeutig der Freitag, da bin ich meist schon im Wochenendmodus^^

Weil du einer der wenigsten bist die sich am Wochenende ausruhen und regenerieren. Die meisten machen doch ihre Leber kaputt ;)

Werde ich nie ganz verstehen - Aber für manche ist ein We halt nur ein WE wenn man einen Kater hat :D
Mein Leben ist aber zum Glück so schön, dass ich mir nicht ständig die Erinnerungen daran löschen muss!

P.S.: Hin und wieder ist ein dezenter Alkoholgenuss natürlich trotzdem schön ;)

Klar ist alles gut wenn man es dezent treibt ;)

Mein Leben ist aber zum Glück so schön, dass ich mir nicht ständig die Erinnerungen daran löschen muss!


I like Mondays! You can go shopping again and everything is open. Sunday feels like the world is sleeping.

Fast nur in Deutschland ist es so :)

In mein Heimatland hast du die meisten Einkaufshäuser bis um 22:00 Uhr am Sonntag geöffnet. Nahe Weihnachten sogar 24 Stunden offen :D

eben! deshalb finde ich montag toll :-)

Upvoted and resteemed :-)

Thank you!

I liked reading your post. I am self employed so make my own rules everyday but I definitely set targets and always reward myself in little ways every day to keep focused on work followed by play. I treat every day the same though, I have no weekends as such. I also look forward to every day starting with yoga before the sun has risen. That is my first discipline of the morning. Haha I have no Monday blues - or any other blues come to think of it
Thanks for the article, I am now following you.
Have a beautiful day.

I know what you say, I quit most of the weekends and do work also on Saturdays and Sundays for the side projects.

In the morning I start also with movement and good food. Evening I get to read something to calm the brain.

I see you are in Costa Rica now! Gorgeous pictures!

I like your Bitcoin adress man!

I like it also ;)

It is maybe to arrogant, but that was also the purpose of it. You can check a post from a couple of weeks ago where I described how to do it. I think you can get a jwolf one also ;)

Nice and really positive post :) that's one awesome sign! Thums up

Thank you! How is Monday in Bulgaria? :D

:D people here are quite gray and don't like the work week in general. When you leave that aside every day is what you make it so mine are awesome :)

Viva what communism left behind ;)

It is good to have hope and to know you are responsible for your life :D

Thanks 😄

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