The innocent secret article you shouldn't read.

in #tactical6 years ago

I'd like to start out by saying I'm taking a break from my usual writing because I need it. You can get so wrapped up in the thick of what's going on politically you start missing the big picture. When I think of what's really happening [ with possible solutions ] I find myself coming back to the idea that this is an attack on language itself. The scientific application of linguistics or language as an entry point into the mind. Let me start from the beginning to illustrate what I'm talking about. 

If we begin to stray away from the content and simply focus on the mechanics of the written word. It seems reasonable to say that the written word is a symbolic representation of an abstract idea, concept, or series of ideas laced together to form an understanding between at the very least two people. For our purpose here today it's important to note that your author was born in America and that English is his native language. Cultural differences aside when in doubt we will use the dictionary as our frame of reference should we feel the need. It disturbs me greatly to hear people asking "Well how do you define x?". As if making up my own personal definition of the already defined abstract idea wasn't listed in alphabetic order. Contained for me in this ancient device called a book. Allow me the pleasure of defining an apple as an orange and we can begin a three-hour conversation devolving into an argument over the word "the". I hope that got your attention. 

Knowing what words are and how to used them will help you understand the science and mechanics of directing behavior. Reading this article may have allowed me to gain a slight rapport with my audience opening them up to suggestion of the unconscious kind. Lucky for you I'm only asking that you read what I've written and hope that you pass on the concepts I've given you here today. To what end and what is my goal or agenda? Why should you do this task asked of you from an anonymous author from the internet of all places. That my friend is a very good question. A question so good that by the very nature of asking you've found a path to discovering it's answer. Additionally you might ask yourself what am I reading and why is this relevant? To which I would say dear reader you've stumbled upon the beginning of my manifesto.

In order to convert you into a soldier for the cause we have to rapidly change your core belief system and artificially implant a new one with your consent. Consent is important because if you don't continue to read my magnum opus you'll never discover how important this great work is. Then again such a radical shift in your core belief system isn't necessary if we already have some things in common. I'll try to stay away from the term "Red Pilling" someone and simply say change their mind. You have to remember and realize that the modern-day liberal is programmed into the ideology of the left through the scientific application of language. Our goal here is to apply the same techniques in a subtle yet effective way. To this end we will start with our approach. 

Before we begin it's important to analyse our own mental state and make sure that mentally the house is in order. You'll want to clear the mind and empty your thoughts creating a flexible state. With the mind focused on what you want to say you become rigid in the transmission of the idea. People reflexively pull away and disregard the message completely. You want ideas converted into words then transmitted through speech in a smooth and natural way. You have a task at hand so the conversation that's about to take place will be an agenda based communication. Upon your approach you'll rapidly assess the liberal's physical and mental state to get a sense of where they're at. If you've discovered that they're in a "triggered" state you'll want to move on to another target on your list of people to manipulate or simply make your approach at a later time. Salvage what you can from every interaction as it may become useful during your next encounter.

to be continued ...


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