Karma Happens

in #tabletop-rpg6 years ago


Good Morning ,

Today i have a very very special Idea . Lets make Together a Shadowrun Edition 5 Pen and Paper Tabletop Charakter . How should this work you probaly ask yourself ? Well this will Work because we use 2 Thinks .

First we will use the Life Modules System to Make the Char and Second you will be able to Vote on #dpoll the Modules we will use !


Life Modules

So let me start to Explain what the Live Modules System is ,it is a Point Base System to Make your Charakter in Shadowrun 5 . Every Decission we will make will cost us a Ammount of Points from our 800 Points !

Not every Decission will cost the Same amount of Points ,what the Point Costs are you will find behind the Option in a Bracket!

I will not give you every option on every Part of the Character Creation because their a plenty of Options and i dont want to confuse u with 20 Options to Choose ! From our 800 Points i will reserve 220 Points at the End for Money ,Spells,and for buying away some drawbacks we will get through the Modules .

In our First Poll we will Choose the Race of the Character we Build ,the Place he or She was Born ,if he or she is Magical active ,and the circumstances he or she was raised !

In our Second Poll we will choose the magical Tradition of our Char (if any) and what happend in his or her Teenager Years !

in our Third Poll we will choose further education he or she got, and what happend before our Char became a Shadowruner !

In our Last 2 Polls we will ouruse Remaining Points and the Points we saved at the Beginning to finish our character !

After we finished this i will make a Pdf with the character to Download for you including a small Background Story !


The Modules


Humans are still the most Common of all Races in Shadowrun . They dont have any physical Advantages or Drawbacks. Humans are the measure for what is Average !

Most dwarfs are between 1,20m and 1,40m in height , and no female dwarfs not have normaly a beard ! The little people are more resistant against illness and toxics .They have infrared Vision are stronger and tougher then Human and this little Bastards are Stubborn ! They have the Reputation to Work Hard and to be good Mechanics , this is the Reason society accepts then more then other Metahumans !

The Normal Orc is something between 1,80m and 2 meters and a Orc can see in darkness as good as under daylight . If you think a Dwarf is tough then you dont mett a Orc . The Mental Attributes of a normal Orc are a little bit below of a Human , but dont tell them in the Face ! Because of the Scarry Apperance and the fact that they normaly have a IQ below 100 a Orc is not accepted in Society so easy and the average Orc is a unskilled worker !


United Canadian and American States (Ucas) (15)
America you know collapsed and formed 4 new Big States and the UCAS are one of them ! You can choose to come eather from St.Louis Seattle or Toronto

Native American Nations (NaN)(15)
After the Returning of Magic and the Ghost Dance War the Native American Nation was Born . The NaN was formed from parts of the Canada and western America . The Native Americans of the NaN teach the Old Traditions but dont think they are savage . You can choose to come from Las Vegas , Santa Fe or Vancouver

As the USA Germany collapsed in to many States , but unlike the USA they have a some Laws they have in all States in common . You can choose to come from Colone or Frankfurt

Formative years

Military Brat (40)
Your Parents worked for the Militar and moved from Military base to Military base. It was hard for you to find Friends because you moved often .Maybee you are a rebel or maybee not .

Religious education(40)
You was born and raised in a realy Religious Family . In your Childhood you visit a School of your Faith (if any) and you played only with childreen of your Faith . Maybee it was one of the Big religions we know today or something like Wicca or nordisch Faith that become more and more Important . You learned in your Childhood the Language mostly spoken and written by your Faith.

Rich Brat (40)
You was Born with the golden Spoon in your Mouth. You visit the best Schools and your Parents made sure you get the best Teachers they can get for money.

Refugees (40)
Your life begann on the getaway . Maybee it was because they flee from organized crime or from or someone else(or something) . They did what they had to do to save you and them .


Later this day after i had my sleep i will make the Poll on #dpoll and hope we will have fun make a Pen and Paper Char together !

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