Waystation Deimos Day 1 Update

So I didn't finish the game in one day. That's okay.

Actually, it's probably to be expected, given that I slept in a little more than I should have and had a slow morning. However, I'm proud to say that the Resistance toolbox 24-hour game is probably more finished than unfinished at this point, and I expect it to be done before my regular posting time tomorrow.

Work-in-progress cover

It's coming together rather nicely, using the Resistance toolbox in a way that it's not really meant to work but is going quite well.

Almost 90% of the character flows from a short list of skills, but a character's background and augmentations define most of their skill values, making the actual play experience incredibly simple but still leveraging the Resistance system's resolution mechanics to be fast and rather good.

It's a d6-based system, with a 50% success rate for each individual die but the potential for complications on a result of 1/4 and bonuses on a result of 3/6. Since players roll multiple dice and take the best result, this means that the game's rather heavily weighted toward success, but while the dice pool can go as high as six dice each point of difficulty on a roll takes away a die (or incurs a -1 penalty, if there are no dice left to take).

This makes resolution super simple, and we streamlined it further so there isn't a domain system (Resistance originally has skills and domains as separate entities which each give one die; they also have knacks and mastery that we do away with as well) and instead a simple 1-4 die scale with up to two bonus dice from augmentations.

Things that remain to be done are to add a little bit more setting stuff, a GM section, polish it up, make a character sheet, and publish. It'll still be a relatively light experience; right now it's at ~4000 words (when you count some material that's not in the body text document), and I don't think it'll pass 5000 (especially once I edit it, which should remove some awkward bits).

If you're interested, you can download the WIP body text here: .pdf on Dropbox

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