Spaceport Map (Inkscape)

I was working in Inkscape for a game that I'm running, and I wound up making this map.


I've had to remove some stuff because it's not a game that I own the IP to and I don't particularly want to be sued, but this is a nice simple geometric map (I prefer this to more busy maps a lot of the time, since I don't really write in too many details until I'm telling the story itself), and I think it turned out really well.

I made it in Inkscape, and if you'd like to poke around with it and give it some prodding, you can find it up on my Dropbox. It has three layers, allowing for easy modifications to any of the components.

This is licensed under the TAL, which means that the only thing you need to do to use it is drop the Loreshaper Games name in conjunction with it. All elements were made by me (with the exception of Lato, which is a free font), so you can do whatever you want with them in accordance with this license (full text here).


I made something alike with chaos overlords gangs game and paint program, for infinityrpg game im running with my friends.


Nice map! Sometimes when running a game, the simple maps work the best to convey what the area looks like.

That, and I almost never use a battlemap or physical representations. Having them vague means I can fill in anything I like later, and because my combat's typically a lighter affair we just assume that there's cover/no cover and then figure out what it is if it becomes important.

A good way to go. My home game is about the only place I use a battlemap anymore. I run a lot of games using FATE and just describe what is happening and don't worry about drawing things out.

I mean, the game I'm working (Hammercalled) on is even built to go for a general vague proximity rather than specific locations to minimize micromanagement.

I'll have to check it out.

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