Segira Alpha and Hwaet!

I'm still not done with the Segira alpha. I'm so close I can taste it, but I just haven't had the inspiration to fill in the final gaps in the adventure. Everything else is officially done.

Once the alpha's done, I just need example characters and maps, and I've made a little progress on those as well.

More importantly, I ate well and got enough sleep, so I'm a mean lean productive machine again.

I've been working on pre-production on Hwaet for a while (most of this comes from moments of downtime; I love Google Keep and I've been plucking away at it on my phone).

Here's a little blurb that I'm planning to use as (part of?) the intro fiction:

Awake! I witnessed Sal pacing in her crimson coat, her auburn hair falling in cataracts around her neck. Her eyes were closed as she felt her way through the well worn deck of cards in her hands, and the whole thing made it look as if she were a drop of blood against an ocean of evening sky.

Something about her gift always set me off. Once I had thought it fortunate that she was blind and couldn't read my eyes, but then I realized she could probably read my mind.

After all, if you can see the future, what other secrets do you know?

And if you see a dark future?

She turned to me, her eyes opening as she returned from her oracle.

"It's in there."

I pulled the handle on the rifle back, letting it chamber a round, then released it. The springs and oil did their job, and the machine's various parts locked into place. The sound was familiar, needed to be.

When hunting monsters, you want an unbroken sword.

I trudged into the night, letting it sink around me. A transient had started a fire in a barrel, and it pulsated in the darkness. He sunk into the shadows as he saw me pass, rifle brought up to my shoulder, looking for prey. Sheep watching wolf-dogs, I recalled, straight out of Sal's cards.

I pushed into my unknown as she pushed into hers, and found my way into the darkness. I needed no light. My instinct was my flame. My heart beat again and again, counting down the time until I met my foe.

Hark! The thrill of battle! The hunt of demons! The call of instinct!

I also got more art in for Genship Exiles. I'm really excited about it, and I hope you all are too. I'm looking forward to taking an alternate approach to the Hammercalled system, and also just the awesome sci-fi aesthetic that's being built up by the contractor (who is awesome).


Phew you are working on multiple games at once and I can't finish one post atm xD

To be fair, I can't finish a game either, so there's some room for improvement.

But you allmost finished Segira ;-)
There isn't that much left to do. You just have to find the right adventure that resonates with your style and feels good for you.
I have to admit that it's quite hard to think of a cool but simple adventure in Segira just because it's a totaly new setting for me. So I am not much of a help I think. I can only think about the good old james bond movies hmmm

You can do it cheers xD

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Yeah, I've been working on redoing the adventure that goes with it.

I'm thinking that a lot of the problems that came with the second adventure were a result of not having a gauge on the time and space that events were unfolding across. I'm thinking about having it be a focused part, like just one scene from the original adventure frame that gets painted as a large picture.

This saves me from scrapping everything (I can keep my characters as-is), but still lets me pursue a more sensible approach.

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