Mass Effect RPG - Part Two: Geth & Shields

in #tabletop-rpg6 years ago



Shields ‘ablate’ when hit by damage and regenerate by one (or more) every turn that they are not hit by anything. Shield value (however much remains) is taken off damage before it is applied to the wound values.

EG: An experimental Geth Hopper 2.0 has been fitted with a shield, this shield has a rating of 20. The Geth is shot with a sidearm for a total of 30 damage. The shield takes 20 and is knocked offline. The remaining 10 damage is applied to the Geth’s wound levels of 28/40/65. The Geth is undamaged. Without the shield it would have taken a light wound.


The Geth are a race of artificial beings, originally created by the Quarians to be servitors. They became sentient and in the panic to shut them down a war was sparked. A war that the Quarians lost, turning them into interstellar nomads and ceding their worlds to their inheritors. The nature of the Geth and their revolution serves as justification for the ruthless repression of AI across civilised space and the use – instead – of VI, virtual intelligences, advanced expert systems that are not truly intelligent.

The Geth are configured along the same physical lines as their creators. Bipedal – albeit with reverse-knee configuration – with two walking limbs and two grasping limbs. They see via sensors, implanted under their heads, that glow and have been said to resemble ‘flashlights’.

Geth bodies are contained within a hard outer shell and are made from a springy, synthetic muscle tissue. This tissue can be grafted to and integrated with organic tissue allowing for bionic replacement and enhancement limbs for those who lose them in battle. Geth are also filled with a complicated white ‘goo’ that acts as a conductive gel and a coolant that can also – in a limited capacity – ‘heal’ their wounds.

Geth operate on a collective neural network that makes them more intelligent and more capable the more of them are collected together and reducing their intelligence and capability the less of them are available on the local network. An individual Geth is little more than an animal, but in groups, they can reason, analyse and think.

  • An individual Geth reduces its CRE, INF, KNO, PER, PSY and WIL by -2.
  • 1-5 Geth reduces by -1
  • 6-50 Geth suffer no penalty.
  • 51+ Geth gain +1

## Geth Characters
Geth characters are individuals, similar to the Legion platform, and contain around ten times as much processing and ten times the programs of standard Geth, making them capable of independent action and thought. They do not get to choose their starting statistics, but may spend skill points as normal.

Their starting statistics are

AGI +2, APP +0, BLD +1, CRE +0, FIT +2, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +1, PSY -2, WIL +0
Their chassis has an inherent armour of 25

Geth Hoppers

Geth Hoppers are ‘new generation’ Geth, designed by themselves with the addition of Reaper technology. They have microscopic hooks on their hands and feet that let them climb almost any surface and they carry specialist systems for hacking and stealth. Their sensor eye is also a beam weapon and they are capable of leaping huge distances.

AGI +3, APP +0, BLD +0, CRE -1, FIT +1, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +1, PSY -2, WIL +0
STR +0, HEA +0
STA/Armour 13/25/50 (28/40/65)
Shield 0
UD 6/AD 3
Head Laser Accuracy +1, Damage x25, Range 50/100/200/400 ROF 1
System Shock 5
Acrobatics 4, Athletics 3, Combat Sense 2, Communications 1, Computer 2, Dodge 3, Electronic Warfare 3, Electronics 1, Hand to Hand 3, Mechanics 1, Notice 2, Security 2, Small Arms 2, Stealth 4

## Geth Shock Trooper
Geth Shock Troopers are shielded and armoured advanced soldiers for the Geth network-mind. Armed with pulse rifles they are a stoic foe, advancing by the numbers and using withering fire while setting up barriers to allow them to advance.

AGI +1, APP +0, BLD +1, CRE -1, FIT +1, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +0, PSY -2, WIL +0

STR +1, HEA +0
STA/Armour 15/30/60 (35/50/80)
Shield 80
UD 6/AD 5
Pulse Rifle Acc +1, Damage 30, Range 60/120/240/480, ROF 1.
Barrier – Shield 100
System Shock 5

Athletics 2, Combat Sense 2, Communications 1, Computer 1, Demolition 1, Electronic warfare 1, Electronics 1, Hand to Hand 1, Mechanics 1, Small Arms 2, Tactics 1.

## Geth Sniper
Geth Sniper’s are lightly armoured troops armed with sniper rifles. They carry short range radar jammers and take high positions in order to predate upon enemies.

AGI +1, APP +0, BLD +0, CRE -1, FIT +0, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +1, PSY -2, WIL +0

STR +0, HEA +0
STA/Armour 15/30/60 (30/45/75)
Shield 40
UD 3
AD 3
Sniper Rifle Acc +2, Damage 40, Range 100/200/400/800 ROF 0.
System Shock 5

Athletics 1, Camouflage 1, Combat Sense 1, Communications 1, Computer 1, Dodge 1, Electronic Warfare 2, Electronics 1, Forward Observing 2, Mechanics 1, Notice 2, Small Arms 2, Sniping 2, Stealth 2

## Geth Juggernaut
Red-armoured, heavily shielded and armed with pulse rifles with underslung rocket launchers, the Geth Juggernaut is a stoic and dangerous foe.

AGI +0, APP +0, BLD +2, CRE -1, FIT +1, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +0, PSY -2, WIL +0

STR +2, HEA +0
STA/Armour 17/35/70 (48/70/105)
Shield 100
UD 7
AD 7
Pulse Rifle Acc +1, Damage 30, Range 60/120/240/480, ROF 1.
Rocket Acc +0, Damage 70, Range 50/100/200/400, ROF 0/1.
System Shock 5

Athletics 1, Combat Sense 1, Communications 1, Computer 1, Dodge 1, Electronic Warfare 1, Electronics 1, Gunnery 1, Mechanics 1, Notice 1, Small Arms 2.

## Geth Destroyer
The Geth Destroyer is a larger, heavily armed and armoured Geth Soldier specialising in close combat. They advance steadily under the protection of their heavy shields, blasting away with shotguns. Once they reach close combat they attack with the butt of the gun, cybernetic strength making them quite deadly.

AGI +0, APP +0, BLD +1, CRE -1, FIT +1, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +0, PSY -2, WIL +0

STR +1, HEA +0
STA/Armour 15/30/60 (45/60/90)
Shield 80
UD 7
AD 7
System Shock 5
Pulse Shotgun Acc +0, Damage x30 Range 6/12/25/50
Shotgun Butt Damage x12

Athletics 1, Combat Sense 1, Communications 1, Computer 1, Dodge 1, Electronic Warfare 1, Electronics 1, Hand to Hand 2, Melee 2, Mechanics 1, Notice 1, Small Arms 2.

## Geth Hunter
The Geth Hunter is a shorter, squatter Geth troop with moderate shielding and, more irritatingly, a cloaking device. The Hunter uses stealth to close in on its opponents and strike from ambush with their pulse shotguns.

AGI +0, APP +0, BLD +0, CRE -1, FIT +1, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +0, PSY -2, WIL +0

STR +0, HEA +0
STA/Armour 15/30/60 (35/50/80)
Shield 60
UD 4
AD 4
System Shock 5
Pulse Shotgun Acc +0, Damage x30 Range 6/12/25/50
Shotgun Butt Damage x9
Stealth Field: So long as their shield is at 15 or more the Hunter is invisible, adding 5 to their Stealth skill.

Athletics 1, Combat Sense 1, Communications 1, Computer 1, Dodge 1, Electronic Warfare 1, Electronics 1, Gunnery 1, Hand to Hand 1, Melee 1, Mechanics 1, Notice 1, Small Arms 2, Stealth 1/6.

## Geth Trooper
The standard Geth ‘grunt’. Geth troopers are fragile, but expendable, deployable in great numbers.

AGI +0, APP +0, BLD +0, CRE -1, FIT +0, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +0, PSY -2, WIL +0

STR +0, HEA +0
STA/Armour 15/30/60 (35/50/80)
Shield 40
UD 6/AD 5
Pulse Rifle Acc +1, Damage 30, Range 60/120/240/480, ROF 1.
System Shock 5

Athletics 1, Combat Sense 1, Communications 1, Computer 1, Demolition 1, Electronic warfare 1, Electronics 1, Hand to Hand 1, Mechanics 1, Small Arms 2, Tactics 1.

## Geth Rocket Trooper
Standard support/heavy weapons troops the Rocket Troopers supplement standard Geth troops to give them a little heavy back-up and anti-vehicle capability.

AGI +0, APP +0, BLD +0, CRE -1, FIT +0, INF -2, KNO +1, PER +0, PSY -2, WIL +0

STR +0, HEA +0
STA/Armour 15/30/60 (35/50/80)
Shield 40
UD 6
AD 5
Pulse Rifle Acc +1, Damage 30, Range 60/120/240/480, ROF 1.
Rocket Acc +0, Damage 70, Range 50/100/200/400, ROF 0/1.
System Shock 5

Athletics 1, Combat Sense 1, Communications 1, Computer 1, Demolition 1, Electronic warfare 1, Electronics 1, Hand to Hand 1, Gunnery 1, Mechanics 1, Small Arms 2, Tactics 1.

## Geth Prime
Geth Primes are twelve foot high combat monsters and mobile processing nodes for units of Geth. Geth nearby gain a +1 bonus to all skills while within transmission distance (250 metres) of the Geth Prime, though it formidable in and of itself.

AGI +0, APP +0, BLD +4, CRE -1, FIT +2, INF -1, KNO +2, PER +1, PSY -1, WIL +0

STR +3, HEA +0
STA/Armour 23/45/90 (58/80/125)
Shield 120
UD 11
AD 10
Pulse Rifle Acc +1, Damage 30, Range 60/120/240/480, ROF 1.
Rocket Acc +0, Damage 70, Range 50/100/200/400, ROF 0/1.
System Shock 5

Athletics 1, Combat Sense 2, Communications 2, Computer 2, Electronic warfare 3, Electronics 3, Hand to Hand 1, Gunnery 2, Mechanics 1, Small Arms 3, Tactics 3.

## Geth Pyro
A heavy and dangerous trooper the Geth Pyro is heavily armoured and wields a powerful flamethrower that is effective at stripping shields and as an area denial weapon. It is, however, slow-moving and needs support to be fully effective.

AGI -1, APP +0, BLD +3, CRE -1, FIT +1, INF -1, KNO +1, PER +0, PSY -1, WIL +0

STR +2, HEA +0
STA/Armour 20/40/80 (60/80/120)
Shield 100
UD 6
AD 5
System Shock 5
Flamer Acc +1, Damage x50 (Slow burn), Range 3/6/12/24, ROF 0, Radius 5 (cone).

Athletics 1, Combat Sense 2, Communications 2, Computer 2, Electronic warfare 3, Electronics 3, Hand to Hand 1, Gunnery 2, Mechanics 1, Small Arms 3, Tactics 3.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62102.06
ETH 2415.08
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49