200 Word RPG - Are You Not Entertained?

in #tabletop-rpg6 years ago

It is the far future. Mankind has spread throughout the stars, mingled with other species, and become part of galactic society. Every planet has its own culture, of course, but some of them resemble ancient Earth history, such as the gladiatorial fights on Cestus-2.

The game is played by two players with internet access and social media accounts, along with a referee to handle disagreements and to interpret what happens.

Find a picture of your sci-fi gladiator, name them and post them to your social media, telling people you’re playing the game and use the tag #RUNOTENTERTAINED in all your posts

The referee now describes entering the arena and facing off, then combat begins.

Each player describes their ‘move’ and posts it as a poll to their social media followers, asking ‘Do I succeed or fail?’

Total up the succeed/fail numbers for each player to determine the winner of each round. You can set a cut-off point of 5/10/15 minutes for voting to end.

Whoever gets the highest vote (Succeed-Fail compared to the other player) wins.

Three victories total and you get to land your death blow – or spare your opponent. Your choice.


very nice sci fi tale! love it! cheers from @calabozocriollo

Logo Calabozo 2018.png

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