Trump's Powerful Missile Attack Draws Comparison to Citizen Militia Attack on Unprotected Oregon Bird Sanctuary

in #syria6 years ago (edited)

Trump - Iowa 2.jpg

Oh, what a day it was back in early January 2016, when armed American citizens organized themselves into a weaponized militia unit and pulled off a surprise attack on an unprotected bird santuary. For nearly a month this determined militia occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Center, a mecca for bird watching in Oregon. About 320 species of birds were immediately displaced and schedules of many Audubon bird watchers became severely disrupted.

Bird Sanctuary.jpg

A sad moment in time it was for America's bird watchers!

Yesterday we learned the leaders of the US, UK and France governments -- with television celebrity Donald Trump taking the lead -- used 103 guided missile systems to effectively demolish the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) in Damascus and also a Syrian educational center located in the Barzah district. Media reports indicate three Syrian civilians were innocently killed from the intensified missile assault.

Each Tomahawk missile costs $1.4 million each. They are made by Raytheon, a defense contracting company whose share price on the New York Stock Exchange is bound to rise thereby producing hefty dividends for fat cat shareholders. The missile strike must be considered as a huge windfall for Raytheon and those Americans who appreciate both war and bully status.


The militia raid on the bird sanctuary happened because farmers were dissatisfied the US government decided to tax them for using federally-owned property in order to graze their livestock. One member of the militia was killed by federal agents as they swarmed to regain control over the wildlife center.

The attack on Syria was considerably more risky as Russia, China and Iran vowed to support the Syrian government. Russia had even installed some anti-aircraft defense systems. These defense systems apparently were successful in warding off attacks on Syrian military installations. Below is a list of the target score, according to the Russian Defense Ministry:

The US-led strike was aimed at the following targets:

  • Four missiles were launched at the area of the Damascus International Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 12 missiles were launched at the Al-Dumayr Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 18 missiles were launched at the Bley Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 12 missiles were launched at the Shayarat Military Airport. All these missiles were intercepted.
  • 9 missiles were launched at the Mezzeh Military Airport. Five of them were intercepted.
  • 16 missiles were launched at the Homs Military Airport. 13 of them were intercepted.
  • 30 missiles were launched at targets in the areas of Barzah and Jaramani. Seven missiles were intercepted.

Much like normality has been restored to the Malheur National Wildlife Center and Audubon watchers are once again happy observing bird life, normality has also returned to America as its president, fresh from his missile attack, has since returned to tweeting on Twitter, again boasting how powerful and genius of a man he is among all of humanity.

Meanwhile, Syria continues to attempt to regain its sovereign borders and restore a calm life for its people, this after intrusive military incursions from Israel, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Turkey and the United States of America each of whom occupy Syrian territory.

Postscript: The US claimed it bombed Syria's chemical centers. Were this the case would we be seeing the people in this video casually walking around the bombed-out facility?

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