Hey, if Muslims (or tanned people) whip a passport out as ID too quickly, do people hit the deck, in case, IT'S A MAGIC PASSPORT!!! AAAARRRGGGHHH!! I'm only joking, I don't mean this to be racist, I'm just wondering if they are classed as terrorist weapons yet? Is being in possession of one a crime? Can they not just check if they have a magic passport at customs, & treat those owning fire retardant, bomb proof passports as suspicious? The mind boggles with the stupidity of this propaganda, even the govt had to change it's mind & declare it fake like "HEY GUYS, YOU'VE DONE A BIT TOO MUCH COKE WRITING THE NEWS THIS TIME, IT'S NOT INSPECTOR MORSE, YOU KNOW!! NOW, WE'LL HAVE TO LAUGH IT OFF AS A JOKE ENTRY & NO-ONE WILL EVER BELIEVE IN MAGIC PASSPORTS CAUSING TERRORIST ATTACKS AGAIN!!"