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RE: Governments and Media Justify Bombing Syria from Fakenews Created by Propagandists 'White Helmets'

in #syria6 years ago

I want to make your day, @heretolisten! Don't be put off by my rough style and assertiveness; I'm role playing to kick start some real dialog about real issues here.

Yes, you are presumably a slave, although I don't know that for a fact. Glad to hear, though, that you are not contented in your enslavement. Keep making noise, and help @krnl make noise. Noise, per se, is worthless. To matter, it must lead to action. Effective action.

No, if everyone was aware that every fucking politician is a pedophile, no, it would not have to stop. It would just mean that they could stop doing it in secret, and they would begin to do it openly. Such is their contempt for your powerlessness.

You are a slave just as much as those poor people in North Korea are slaves. Only the particulars differ. You are utterly powerless, just as they are.

So, what are you personally going to do to empower yourself and those around you?


"No, if everyone was aware that every fucking politician is a pedophile, no, it would not have to stop. It would just mean that they could stop doing it in secret, and they would begin to do it openly. Such is their contempt for your powerlessness."

I strongly disagree with that statement. They only have authority because normal people don't know how sick and deviant they are. If that becomes undeniable fact, I believe it would undermine their entire power structure.
When it comes to pedophilia, there's simply no moral ambiguity.

And thank you for your intense concern about what I'm going to do to empower myself. I'll just say that I consider empowerment to be found through conquering internal demons and achieving inner peace, rather than badgering those around me to get their shit together.

That is why they piss on your head every day and laugh. They know that you will do nothing.

My remarks are not targeted at you personally. My point is that the present largely urban population in the so called "free world" are utterly powerless to do anything because they, like you, think that "empowerment [is] to be found through conquering internal demons and achieving inner peace". They, like you, think like passive children rather than like good, strong adult men and women who are vigilant in guarding their liberty and, if someone renders them powerless, they fucking kill whoever is doing it so that their liberty is restored.

But not the likes of you. You will gab on social media, bitching and complaining about the evil in the world that you are powerless to stop, and you will think that you have accomplished something. It is the mindset of a child. Children complain about their parents but it does not occur to them to revolt and set things right.

So I ask again, what are you going to personally do to set things right? Don't tell me about contemplating your navel, conquering internal demons, and achieving inner peace.

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