Syria Will Be Completely Destroyed, Either Today, Next Year, or Someday

in #syria6 years ago

No words, no sides, just the word of God re: Damascus. It has always been inhabited but someday will not be inhabitable. Let's pray that today is not that day.


historical photo: source

A quick search tells the future.


Another reference


Does anyone remember that Yeshuah said that the end of the age will be like "birth pains, as a woman in childbirth"

I give no opinion, but yours are welcome below


Though I would love to vote for every comment on this post, I want this one to be non-monetary because the whole thing is very sad. I am not taking sides. Reliable information is the hardest thing to find.

What is reliable? People on the ground (without an agenda).
Actions and motives of players.
Historical actions of countries involved.

I am, however, cynical toward my country of birth. They have declassified documents showing that they had staged pretenses for WW2, Vietnam, Iraq and frankly all wars they have pushed.

No need to upvote the comment.

I see it as a geopolitical clash between the USA and Russia, both countries that need the war, or better said the tension so that their economies thrive.

Both are losing field in influence because there are economies that are doing far more better than their own and the fastest and surest way to fuel the economy is the arms race. China, EU are more powerful from economic point of view than the USA and Russia. China is hard to crack where the EU is much more easier, with a Brexit and extremist rising in the East of it.

The ones that are suffering in the end are the poor people. Most the ones affected by the war. Also the tax payer are affected because weapons cost money. I'm not left, more on the center-right. I don't agree with war, or at least the war in this form.

Again, I had forgotten about that prophecy. I'm wary of all countries. I'm convinced they are all controlled by the same group.

I think I've mentioned you this in the past but one of the deepest videos I've seen is about the Hebrew alphabet and the Torah, more pricesly the science behind it. If this science was more widely understood it would clearly get us closer.

I've written a post about it but it really needs to be reworked. I'll publish it eventually.

There's only something like 3-4 short bribe that make this 30 minutes video one of the most incredible but it's totally worth it. The whole documentary is 10 hours.

syria condition is very dangarous. destroy day by day. thanks for sharing.

No matter who started, war kills people and vanished everything infront of it! So, no matter which party does, war should be eliminated.
Great you decided to discuss about it!
God bless all innocent Syrians!

If the coming defeat of isis and rebel forces in Syria was supposed to bring an end to the seven-year conflict there, no one told Iran, Israel, Turkey, Russia, or the United States.

Consider the stunning events that have occurred in the last three weeks alone: Last month, Turkey, with Russian approval, launched a military offensive in northwestern Syria against Kurdish fighters it views as terrorists and America views as counterterrorism allies. Last week, the United States killed numerous Russian mercenaries who were advancing on a U.S.-Kurdish base in eastern Syria. Last weekend, Israel intercepted an Iranian drone in Israeli airspace and struck Iranian and Syrian military targets in Syria, prompting Syria to shoot down an Israeli fighter jet and Russia to reportedly pressure the Israelis into holding their return fire—for the time being at least.

This isn’t just another spasm of violence in a seemingly never-ending war. This is about confrontation between the world’s two largest military powers, America and Russia; between two nato members, America and Turkey; and between sworn enemies, Israel and Iran. “There is something different about this,” said Faysal Itani, an expert on the Syrian conflict at the Atlantic Council. “It’s never been as much of an international war as it has now become … I know it’s always been portrayed as that, but that was never really true.”We’re moving from the Syrian Civil War to the Syrian War,” just as Lebanon’s civil war morphed into an international contest over Lebanese territory in the 1970s and ’80s, argued Andrew Tabler, a Syria-watcher at the Washington Institute.

Previous international flare-ups in the conflict, such as Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane that entered Turkish airspace, or America’s bombing of a Syrian air base over the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons, occurred in the context of the civil war, Itani told me. With the exception of Israel, every foreign actor involved in Syria picked a side in the struggle between President Bashar al-Assad and the armed opposition to his regime. Now Assad, propped up by Iran and Russia, has prevailed over the opposition. But none of these foreign actors is satisfied with the status quo. As a result, each is probing how far it can go in securing its interests—often quite literally, as with Russia, the United States, and their various allies tussling over territory along the banks of the Euphrates River.

“The question left is a) who controls what in terms of territory and … b) who is allowed to get away with what,” Itani said. “What are the things [each party] can and can’t accept? What are the risks they’re willing to take? These are not things that the governments can sit down and decide unilaterally. They have to test the other side out.”

“The Syrian war has now been outsourced,” said Christopher Phillips, a Syria scholar at Queen Mary University of London. “The decision-makers are now not really Syrians, perhaps with the exception of Assad.” Foreign involvement in the civil war first took the form of “diplomatic support, then it was economic support, then it was material support for fighters, then it was fighting themselves directly. … And I don’t see why that shouldn’t continue.”

Turkey, for example, isn’t willing to accept the entrenchment of a U.S.-supported Kurdish militia, which the Turkish government associates with Kurdish insurgents in Turkey, right across its border. The United States seems determined to hold ground in Syria to prevent the resurgence of terrorist groups and frustrate Iran’s plans to extend its power across the Eastern Mediterranean. Israel shares America’s goal of countering Iran, particularly at its border with Syria.

Russia, meanwhile, is bent on preserving a friendly government in Damascus and a military presence on the Mediterranean, while casting itself as a global power player on par with America. The Iranians—currently “the single-most influential player” in Syria—are “trying to establish a long-term strategic military infrastructure in [Syria], build missile-production facilities, move precision-guided munitions,” Itani said. Both nations “are upset that the United States is not departing the country,” Tabler said

Excellent write up. I wanted to comment that Turkey seems to have pivoted from the US to Russia and back again over and over. The US had nuclear weapons at a base there at one time and Turkey took down a Russian jet. Now Turkey is on board with Russia and has signed off on their pipeline project, traversing their country. Like a hooker, Erdogan is moving from one customer to another, unreliable at best via historical alliances and actions.

That's a great analysis. Just that Iran has nothing against Israel, only Israel is used by the Americans as a military base. This was never approved by the Israeli citizens, it wad forced on the leaders as a better option than Russia. Russia controls Iran, where the people of Iran also has no interest in wars.

Thank you so much for reading it

Thank you for writing

Great post sir.
War destroys everything.
Soldiers experience war differently than civilians, although either suffer in times of war, and women and children suffer unspeakable atrocities in particular. In the past decade, up to two million of those killed in armed conflicts were children.The widespread trauma caused by these atrocities and suffering of the civilian population is another legacy of these conflicts, the following creates extensive emotional and psychological stress. Present-day internal wars generally take a larger toll on civilians than state wars. This is due to the increasing trend where combatants have made targeting civilians a strategic objective.A state conflict is an armed conflict that occurs with the use of armed force between two parties, of which one is the government of a state."The three problems posed by intra‐state conflict are the willingness of UN members, particularly the strongest member, to intervene; the structural ability of the UN to respond; and whether the traditional principles of peacekeeping should be applied to intra‐state conflict. In this situation we have to work in a unity to defeat the terrorist attacks. And again spread the peace all over the world.✌☺💚

Thanks @hebrew sir for sharing this post.

Upvoted + resteemed your post.

Russia claims it has irrefutable evidence that the alleged chemical attack in Syria was a staged event assisted by British intelligence. Do you believe that independent analyses should occur to determine the truth and that if it is a fake event designed to invoke war, anybody involved in the West should be tried for war crimes against humanity?

What I feel intutively, "Divide and conquer, they were trying to own our mind. Sow seeds of doubt, that's psy wars games, they been both playing it with us since the dawn of man. The elite are the powerful these days, no sepration. May's hubby Trillion club. Putin who the hell knows. Who ever did it, ww3 is not worth that, but getting to the bottom of it, must be a must."

Another reason could be for war on terror and our current dilemma. Both sides are trying to win us over to win who takes the pipeline. 🤔

I think it is about the pipeline. I heard that 3 British soldiers were taken prisoner by Syrian forces at the scene of the attack and I listened to interviews on the ground from people working at the hospital, nobody had been treated for chemical symptoms, only 6 treated for smoke inhalation.
I learned a long time ago not to trust my country's politicians - and now even Trump. He is turning his back on logic and reason.

When a boxer is winning, he does not start punching himself. When a building is completed, they don't start knocking it down. When a good meal is eaten you don't start throwing up. When US forces are leaving (never having been invited), you wave good-bye, you don't bomb the people.

This was not Assad - no motive.

As much as I love my country, I hope the Russians destroy every US/UK plane and ship in or near Syria. I pray that Israel stays out of this completely. Assad never gave them problems.

I know, that's the exact case. The Syrian Arab army and the Russia's advanced much quicker than the west expected. This caught the terrorists off guard. The SAA and Russian army found not only the studio used to film the footage of this false flag, but they also caught 8 British soldiers which you already mentioned about what happned to them.

So trust me when they say they have proof unlike the UK and USA they really do. Read 21st century Newswire hey have reporters on the ground in Syria telling the truth not msm propaganda.

It sure would be great if we had human beings running country’s and corporations and not psychopaths. That type of world is possible, but without unity, love and compassion ~ it just seems impossible at present with our present world governments.

My heart goes out to all those poor, innocent people, who are suffering so much due to this greedy, power, control, self-surving agenda. I pray and wish that this sufferings of those innocent ones stop right now, sending love your way, to everyone in Syria. We will get through this together as a world.

Syria has been mentioned in many places in relation to the blessings about events that will occur there marking the nearness of the hour.
Im afraid that the significance of the war in Syria is for sure one of the events that will lead to the Major Signs. This could be the the beginning of the end of times.

Humanity is killing in Syria . But who care .

This is very bad happen in Syria . May God bless and preserve peoples of syria .

In the end, it doesn’t really matter. No signs or disasters, war in Syria 🇸🇾, or anything should ever change the way we act. The end has always been near, he’s coming back. No one knows, and no amount of signs will ever reveal to us a day or time. Everyone should always be living with a sense of urgency, no matter what. We should always be praying, always be helping, always be spreading the gospel. Signs of the end age or times are nothing to focus on.

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