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RE: US Backed Syrian Democratic Forces Enter Raqqa after White Phosphorous Bombing

in #syria7 years ago

These are sad and sickening tactics by a greedy, arrogant and corrupt Western imperialist tumour on the face of the earth. I really have hope that when enough ordinary decent peace-loving people wake up to what is really happening there will be an uprising. All life is sacred and we are all brothers and sisters on this earth. The wrong people are in control of this world, but thanks to people like you @v4vapid and @sgtreport etc. more and more people are waking up. Please keep doing what you're doing because you are giving hope to us all. Much love. Adam.


Thanks for your words and support Adam.

We're being bombarded by propaganda: The White Helmets, Gas Attacks, Fake News (CNN & co.), False Flags etc. It's very important that we see through the lies and think for ourselves. Their tactics are starting to fail, so now they want to ban the internet in the UK and beyond.

We must resist this insanity before they drag us into another world war, though it's probably already underway, we must still resist, not in our names.


The difficult thing for me is trying to wake up family members. Where do you get your info from? Where did you hear about the UK banning the internet?! Thanks.

Yeah, some of my family members don't want to hear it but we still discuss the ideas.

Check Out Ed from the Outer Light - Great Stuff

Thanks man. :-)

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