My First Impression on Synereo: Can It tackle Problems Steem Already Resolved?

in #synereo8 years ago

After spending some hours with skimming documents about Synereo, the first question pop up in my mind is,

"It may resolve problems what Steem doesn't now, but will it resolve what Steem already solved?"

Here are my thoughts.

Where is the Fee part?

The biggest concern is a fee system. It never mentions about fees in the documents while Steem white paper clearly describes about the importance of the fee system. Yes, it is cleaver! You should not tell your weakness to your opponents. If my guess is correct, Synereo will have some fees for every activities while Steem provides zero fee system. 

Sub-second Block Time and over 40k TPS

I am really dubious about these goals of Synereo. Are they really achievable? I cannot tell the goals can be or not, since everything is undetermined now. Meanwhile, Graphene engine, which is a basis of Steem, already proved its high throughput, over 100 TPS at least and can easily go up to 1k and possibly 100k in the future.

Hot Money Wins

While Steem gives a great advantage to Steem Power holders who locked in their funds at least two years, Synereo does not discriminate long-term investors and short-term speculators. This can attract a great amount of money in a short-run. But in a long-run, you can imagine the downside of the influx of hot money.

Reward with Volatility

Combined with the third point aforementioned, rewards in Synereo can be very fluctuating. This makes people to convert the rewards into more stable currencies, such as BTC, USD, or hopefully Steem Dollar. This will be the rule: Once you got rewards, you should dump.


Synereo is a good rival for Steemit and every competition is beneficial. I hope Synereo will improve its system better and better, and Steemit too.


AMP has been being developed for two years and is supposed to finally drop in September. The objective of AMP is to pay users for their participation, not really making money for actual posting. The site itself will be decentralized which makes it awesome already. I think AMP is going to be a very successful thing. I would advise everyone to be a part of it. There is nothing wrong with being part of more than one crypto. You shouldn't look at it as a competition. They are two completely different sites with two completely different purposes. Steemit can be successful with or without competition and so can synereo.

I have just read your post! Of course there will be a fees... we don't know anything yet but I am very curious to see how it will work! I don't want leave steemit because I think it is something surreal and incredible good. The only thing we have to do is wait that finally will be released and then we can see if was just dust in the air or something good!

Synero may ultimately push Steemit to become better

I agree. one of the best way to keep improving steemit is to have a competitor. It's not a bad thing at all.

I think you have to download software for synereo. It's a battle between irritating password and irritating software download.

Just was looking int0 this today, there are many following in STEEMITs path.

A competitor only makes you better.

Hope for the best to win! Only time can tell.

good post!

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