Ways to Get Rid of Monday Syndrome

in #syndrome5 years ago


On the weekends he walks away in the blink of an eye. Monday is the most feared day. Monday syndrome describes a series of negative feelings that many people experience at the beginning of the working week if they are not happy at work. The idea of ​​getting up early and going to the office to complete the work that is allocated is annoying. This syndrome includes elements such as depression, fatigue, despair, and a feeling that work is unpleasant but inevitable. Does the start of the work week trigger your feelings of overwhelming anxiety, sadness or stress? Do you lack enthusiasm and motivation on Monday morning? Are you sluggish and tense? If you say yes, you may have Monday syndrome. Although most people have a Monday syndrome, there are also people who are at peace with Mondays.
In this article, people who have problems going to work at the beginning of the week and Monday will be mentioned, analyzes will be made and other days of the week will be examined.

Why are we so afraid of Mondays?
Monday syndrome is contagious, according to researchers. Stress or bad mood greatly affects the overall working environment. According to numerous studies in the field of psychology and neurology, a person's current emotional state has a major impact on the quality of work and is less productive, less motivated, less pessimistic, less creative, less engaged, less learned when stressed. In addition to reducing performance and productivity, Monday syndrome has a negative impact on the surrounding people. If a person is unhappy at work, it becomes difficult for people around to be happy. There are many things that contribute to not wanting to go back to work after a comfortable weekend and to experience Monday syndrome:
benzer Not being able to enjoy the work done
Yaşamak Living hard times with people working together amak Not being
able to adapt to changes in the organization, having cracks between business and personal life eksik
Lack of appreciation
at work yapmak Doing the wrong kind of work in the wrong place

What Does Science Say About Mondays?
A recent Swedish study found that most heart attacks occur on Mondays. The study followed 156,000 hospital applications for a heart attack for seven years and found an 11 percent increase in the risk of having a heart attack for the first time on Mondays. There are different reasons for this. Many people prefer to eat and drink more during the weekend. People who wake up regularly at mornings from Monday to Thursday enter the bed at certain times during the night, but during the weekend this order is broken. They make Monday morning more difficult than other mornings during the week, because sleep re-starts. Many people are happier on weekends. Since Mondays follow these happy days, comparisons are made and they feel unhappy.

View Days of the Week

When the mood on Mondays is at an all-time low, it will be useful to check other days of the week and complete the work perfectly on productive days, or relax when possible.

Monday: Mood is always the lowest on the first day of the week, but research shows that productivity is is increasing. Many factors play a role in improving productivity,but if the mood is constantly depressed, it will affect people over the long term.

Tuesday: Tuesday is the most productive day of the week, as the pace of the week is kept up and all obstacles in the head are set aside.
Wednesday and Thursday: These are mostly neutral days where moderate productivity and mood are observed.
Friday:Friday is the least productive day of the week. At the workplace, the clock is checked continuously until the break time is reached.
Saturday and Sunday: The most relaxing days of the week.

Few Symptoms of Monday Syndrome
Syndrome symptoms are often a serious warning sign that something is not right, something is not right at work because people who are happy should be energetic and excited, not tired and depressed on Mondays. For those who love their job and are passionate about what they do, going to work on Monday morning is an opportunity to do what they love. It is difficult to start next week, especially for someone who is not satisfied with their job or feels insufficient. Here are some symptoms that may be felt in Monday syndrome:

  • Blood pressure rises.
  • Respiratory problems, especially for people with asthma and allergies, may get worse, because pollution is returned.
  • Morning headaches are more likely.
  • Consciousness or brain fog.
  • Grumpiness increases.

Ways to beat Monday's Syndrome
The surveys found that most people (76 percent) had feelings of “expectation anxiety erek, thinking only Monday morning . Monday's syndrome is worrying and stressful, causing a serious loss of motivation. Researchers say stress on Monday can be really dangerous to health. Some methods can be applied to control the levels of motivation and stress, to maintain quality at an optimum level and to overcome Monday's syndrome. Here are some tips on how to overcome Monday syndrome and turn it into the best day of the week:

Prepare Monday to Friday:Mondays are extra stressful because of the work heaped from the previous week, and for many it's hard to get over it. To help fight the anxiety of Monday morning, as few as possible on Friday afternoon, hard work should be left back. Thus, the beginning of the next week can be improved. The unpleasant tasks waiting to be careful on Monday morning will be better if done as quickly as possible and the rest of the day will not be spent.
Pre-planning on Sunday night: Preparing the clothing to be worn on Monday morning and thinking about the lunch and packing it from the night prevents any stress in the morning and makes the Monday more tolerable. The alarm should be reviewed to wake up on time and not to be late for work.
Sleep well:In order to feel rested and full of energy all week, you should stick to the same sleep program all week and try to get up at the same time on weekends as well as during the week. Impaired awakening hours disrupt circadian rhythms (body clock). If you sleep a little early on Sunday night and get up a few minutes early in the morning, you will feel more comfortable in the morning rather than hurrying. 7–9 hours should be followed to prepare for the working week. Those who only sleep for a few hours are unlikely to feel good about going anywhere when the alarm sounds on Monday morning. Waking up 15-30 minutes earlier on Monday morning can really make it easy to get back to the office. Enjoying a healthy breakfast, doing some exercise or taking the dog for a walk will help you focus more on the rest of the day.

Progressive relaxation on Monday mornings: Before getting out of bed on Monday morning, taking five minutes to progressive relaxation to the top of the head, respectively, makes it easier to get out of bed.
Not to skip breakfast: Choosing nutritious and energetic breakfast foods keeps a person full until lunchtime and increases metabolism. High sugar content and processed foods should be avoided.
Save time: Taking time to clean dishes from breakfast or chat with loved ones will start the day in a less chaotic way.
Entering the air with some melodies:Listening to music while preparing for work raises your mood. A song can do wonders. Listening to a refreshing song during the journey, avoiding news that can start with powerful negative images and stories, makes the week a good start.
Meditation: Taking time to meditate or sit quietly makes the body more ready for a busy day.
Going to the gym: It's no secret that exercise raises endorphin levels, so a good day of exercise can be started early in the morning. Exercise prevents stress and helps to maintain physical and emotional health. An exercise program should be done, should not be left to chance.
Looking stylish:Dressing up nicely and being ready to be positive helps others to be positive. It is not difficult to be light and energy that allows others to have a better day. It is recommended to choose Monday to wear a new favorite outfit. Red can be worn to feel safer on the way to the office. Looking good makes you feel good. Feeling good is half the battle on Monday mornings.
Being positive: Monday syndrome is like darkness, and positivity is the torch that dispenses darkness with bright light. Positivity is a necessity for all those individuals and employees who have taken the darkness of Monday syndrome

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