Words and symbolism and the hidden meanings

in #symbolism8 years ago (edited)

We know there is two bodies of law, the law of the land and the law of waters. The law of waters is also known as the commercial law, admiralty law, maritime law. What is the commercial law but not the law of commerce and money. Many talks about the language of law as legalese but recently I have come to understand that the English language is the language of commerce and it's easily proven.

See if we look at the dollar symbol $ and break it down we get 2 x I and 2 x S which is upon each other which gives us ISIS. ISIS was a moon goddess and if we check the etymology of things we learn that mon is moon which is where we get the word money from. Another example of mon is Monday which is from moon day. Check the picture below to clearly see an example of what I am saying. In short $ -> ISIS -> Moon -> Mon -> Money

Now we know that the law of commerce is the law of water but how can we see that in the language itself? Well when we think of the moon we think of ebb and flow right? Which is why we for example say "The money flows" or "My bank account dried out". Then of course we have all kinds of words connected to water such as: member-ship, citizen-ship, scholar-ship, intern-ship, friend-ship etc. This is not by accident.

We can also make a connection between energy and water quite easy.
Money -> Currency -> Current -> Electricity -> Energy
This is why Morpheus in the movie The Matrix holds up a battery when he tells Neo what we been turned in to.

Now that we established that we can move on and check other things in the commercial law such as corporations. Many still refuses to acknowledge the truth that we are walking stocks and corporations but there is a hint in the language itself. "You are bad Company" or "Mind your own Business" or "He had an Affair".

There is many other things that I haven't discovered yet or looked into but the exploration of language itself and especially the English language really blows ones mind open when it comes to the overlaying matrix that's been put upon us. 

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